The COVID-19 Thread and Hypothetical Boxing Predictions


J. M Club, ,
20 Year Member
Jul 20, 2002
How are the schools doing near you?

We have about 40% of our kids out. I was down to 10 kids yesterday. These aren't all positives, but exposures due to positive cases coming in after break.

All of this could have been prevented if they held off on school for a week until they got everyone their home test. Instead, they bring everyone back for a week, then test them. We had under 20 positive cases total, mostly from family Christmas parties, but it feels like about 200 kids are at home. A 3rd grade class had 3 positives, and because of exposures due to close contact in class, there were 4 kids left in a class of 24.

This isn't just my school. It seems like every school around here did the same thing. My daughter's class has 7 kids in it. My wife is keeping our kids home until this calms down. This might be the biggest screw up by schools around here yet.

My whole family tested yesterday and we're all negative.


War Room Troll
Aug 26, 2020
How are the schools doing near you?

We have about 40% of our kids out. I was down to 10 kids yesterday. These aren't all positives, but exposures due to positive cases coming in after break.

All of this could have been prevented if they held off on school for a week until they got everyone their home test. Instead, they bring everyone back for a week, then test them. We had under 20 positive cases total, mostly from family Christmas parties, but it feels like about 200 kids are at home. A 3rd grade class had 3 positives, and because of exposures due to close contact in class, there were 4 kids left in a class of 24.

This isn't just my school. It seems like every school around here did the same thing. My daughter's class has 7 kids in it. My wife is keeping our kids home until this calms down. This might be the biggest screw up by schools around here yet.

My whole family tested yesterday and we're all negative.
The school beggins this monday, but i'm not sure 100% are vaccinated, a few parents don´t want it.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
My 4 year old's class seems to be the usual based on the pictures that the teacher posts to the parent-LMS (class dojo). The 5 year old hasn't said anything about studetns being out.

I guess the county health department is too overwhelmed to do contact tracing with the schools. The school also hasn't sent out any alerts this week, so I guess they aren't doing them (I know of at least one person out with covid in the HS). The school said they will continue to contact trace directly when parents notify them of positive students.

One of my babysitters tested positive on Monday eve (last exposure on Thursday). So my 4 year old was technically in final day of quarantine on Tuesday (though school was closed anyways due to wind chill).
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StevenK SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
My 4 year old's class seems to be the usual based on the pictures that the teacher posts to the parent-LMS (class dojo). The 5 year old hasn't said anything about studetns being out.

I guess the county health department is too overwhelmed to do contact tracing with the schools. The school also hasn't sent out any alerts this week, so I guess they aren't doing them (I know of at least one person out with covid in the HS). The school said they will continue to contact trace directly when parents notify them of positive students.

One of my babysitters tested positive on Monday eve (last exposure on Thursday). So my 4 year old was technically in final day of quarantine on Tuesday (though school was closed anyways due to wind chill).

What do you mean by wind chill? Because they have to keep all of the windows and doors open for ventilation?


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
What do you mean by wind chill? Because they have to keep all of the windows and doors open for ventilation?

Wind chill as in the combination of wind and ambient outside temperature creates a risk to the health of kids coming to/from school.

It is like a snow day.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
When I lived in MO they closed school if it gets below a certain temperature (regardless of road conditions) and they would use wind chill as a factor.


J. M Club, ,
20 Year Member
Jul 20, 2002
Most schools around here seem to have about 50-60% of their kids out because of exposure. If you sat close to a positive case, you go home, wait until day 5, rapid test, and if neg, you can come back. If its pos, you're out for 20 days. Our district said only "unmasked exposures" count now. Last week, if you sat within 6 ft of someone for 15 minutes, it was an exposure. Library caused classes to lose tons of kids, because they sit close on a carpet and listen to stories. Because they aren't staffed to handle notifying that many parents and keeping track of everything, they changed it and are only using the lunch seating chart for unmasked exposures.

It's a mess. It's always, "Be safe, unless it's inconvenient." and a teacher's covid beliefs dictate how closely they follow the rules.


So Many Posts
No Time
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20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
As per the CDC Students who are fully vaccinated and not displaying symptoms are not subject to quarantine rules.

Not sure what the CDC guidane is, but I know lots of schools have only counted unmasked exposures over the past fall.

Our school is deferring to the CDC guidance by default of State/County deferring to the CDC.


J. M Club, ,
20 Year Member
Jul 20, 2002
We just started that late this week, after already sending 200 kids home. I'd guess not even 1/4 of the kids at my school are vaccinated.

Had a kid out yesterday. Mom told the office she took her daughter to the dentist yesterday. Daughter said she was home sick with a soar throat and cough, and that her mom gave her a bunch of cold medicine and sent her to school. Mom had to pick up her daughter because she couldn't produce a note from her dentist.
As per the CDC Students who are fully vaccinated and not displaying symptoms are not subject to quarantine rules.

Not sure what the CDC guidane is, but I know lots of schools have only counted unmasked exposures over the past fall.

Our school is deferring to the CDC guidance by default of State/County deferring to the CDC.
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Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
Dec 1, 2002
In school, no masks. Missed one day so far this year for snow. Meanwhile Pittsburgh, which has mandatory masks in school, has moved to online classes since the new year. Once again glad I got out of that district last year.

If you sat close to a positive case, you go home, wait until day 5, rapid test, and if neg, you can come back. If its pos, you're out for 20 days. Our district said only "unmasked exposures" count now. Last week, if you sat within 6 ft of someone for 15 minutes, it was an exposure.

Total insanity.

20 days? Even at the peak, with the worst strains. CDC never recommended more than 14 day quarantine for adults.

Cases mean absolutely nothing. Testing children is retarded. Zero cases is not an option anymore if it ever was. If your district cripples itself with rules like negative tests to return because of only an exposure, they will never return to full capacity learning.

But for some districts I'm pretty sure that's the point (see Chicago).


J. M Club, ,
20 Year Member
Jul 20, 2002
In school, no masks. Missed one day so far this year for snow. Meanwhile Pittsburgh, which has mandatory masks in school, has moved to online classes since the new year. Once again glad I got out of that district last year.

Total insanity.

20 days? Even at the peak, with the worst strains. CDC never recommended more than 14 day quarantine for adults.

Cases mean absolutely nothing. Testing children is retarded. Zero cases is not an option anymore if it ever was. If your district cripples itself with rules like negative tests to return because of only an exposure, they will never return to full capacity learning.

But for some districts I'm pretty sure that's the point (see Chicago).

Why is testing children retarded?


Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
Dec 1, 2002
Why is testing children retarded?

You're right, I misspoke, widespread testing of asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic people is retarded regardless of age.

Zero covid is not an option.

Did you ever get your kids tested for coronaviruses before 2020?


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Lithy does realize that transmissibility peaks before symptoms begin right?


J. M Club, ,
20 Year Member
Jul 20, 2002
You're right, I misspoke, widespread testing of asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic people is retarded regardless of age.

Zero covid is not an option.

Did you ever get your kids tested for coronaviruses before 2020?
I can't be right, because I just asked a question. I'm not trying to win an argument, I just wanted to know why you thought that.

No, we didn't test my kids until this school year when 1 case sent home the entire 4th, 5th, and 6th grade.

We test people so they don't spread it to someone that might be more likely to get really sick. I honestly don't see the harm in testing anyone.


Ikari Warrior
20 Year Member
Apr 25, 2002
How are the schools doing near you?
Just saw my kids yesterday, Sounds like a bunch of the teachers are out. No idea about the other kids.
They said the principal, gym and social studies teachers are filling in all over the place.
Last school year there was two shutdowns for a week or two.
Hasn't happened this year yet (I'm talking 2021-2022 cycle not just the year 2022) but it's looking
like it might soon.

I mean I hope not. I've had them already for nice chunk of the last couple months.
They keep me pretty busy running me around just keeping them entertained,
Makes it hard to get to get much of anything done.


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
lmbo lithy has been radicalized
You can't see the US encourages tensions over Hong Kong, Taiwan, Xinjiang and Tibet in an ongoing effort to destabilize China, yet you buy into the CCP's authoritarian covid policy. Fascinating.


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
This is patently false.
There's an incentive to find covid positive patients because reimbursement rates are higher. This is a fact. Go and look it up.

I'm not saying fraud is necessarily occuring. A competent billing department or third party vendor is going to bill the maximum allowable by law. Nevertheless, the incentive is there to find and code for covid, which is partly why testing is so pervasive. It's also good medicine.