Terry in KOF 98, best character ever?


Fio's Quartermaster
Mar 25, 2002
It´s been a while since i played KOF 98 for extended time. But i got at it some days ago and started out with terry and his both version. Conclusion is that they both rock and it feels somewhat crippled to play with him in later versions of the series.

The regular edition has the rising tackle as a DP and not a charge move which imo makes it better in all possible ways. Nice in combos and fast as an anti air. Other then that he´s pretty much the same terry as today thought.

The EX-version is the shit. The doublehitting f+A and the hcf+K move are just great. And the kick move can also be cancelled to rising tackle which makes great damage, looks cool and feels great.

Combo example. C > f+A > hcf+D > d,u+C

A very nice and easy 10-hitter which looks fantistic. These are the kind of combos which makes KOF rock imo, i don´t like combos with strikers and corners, i prefer scaled of combos like the one above.

Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
Yeah, KOF98 Terry is a monster. Then again, everyone in 98 were monsterous. Just about every character's best and most powerful selves came in 98 (if the were around back then).


Bionic Lester

Cheng's Errand Boy
Nov 23, 2002
Well, first of all Terry is my favorite character.

That being said, I think the Rising Tackle being a reflex move made it too powerful. It goes back to a charge in '99, but then they changed the Power Dunk into a move that links off the Power Charge (WTF?)

I'd say that the KOF2000 version was my favorite except that I don't like that you can only max the Power Gyser.


Fio's Quartermaster
Mar 25, 2002
Spike > Well, there are some characters that have evolved imho. Clark and Ralf for example is alot better in later installations imo.

But many of the 98-charas are real monsters, to bad i don´t have time to learn them all at this moment.

Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
Spike > Well, there are some characters that have evolved imho. Clark and Ralf for example is alot better in later installations imo.
I don't know enough about Ralf to comment, but I disagree with you on Clark. His run up and throw was made blockable in later KOFs, and it's even breakable in 2k2. He lost his napalm punch (no loss except for tick damage). I think you could also do a standing C into his DMs which they later took out.



Over Top Auto Mechanic
Sep 12, 2002
Terry is definitely at his best in 95, and 98. In 95, his rising tackle and power dunk were incredibly powerful and effective. In 98, Terry had excellent combo's, and his Rising tackle in both forms was very effective.

In Ralf's case, he has always been powerful, but he's one character that has definitely been fine tuned every year towards being better.


Ghost of Captain Kidd
Jun 13, 2001
I have a personal liking for 2001 Ralf. First of all, the Ralf Kick is no longer a charge move of any kind in that one. Secondly, the Galactica Phantom is now a regular move (doesn't do as much damage, but I feel that its status as a regular move makes it even more dangerous, as I will explain).

The reason I said that GP as a regular move is one of my favorite things about it is as follows: Now, you can bust out this killer move at will. It's still very powerful (I think it does about 40% damage to an average character). And even though it still has the start-up time, let's face it: If you can't avoid or interrupt this move, you deserve to get hit by it.

Also, the Ralf Kick as a reflex action (instead of stick or button charge) is pretty cool as well.

By "Napalm Punch" do you mean Clark's charge back, forward+A/C move? Because if they did, that sucks. I remember his b,f+C --> Napalm Stretch --> Flash Elbow combo. It was great.

Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
I'm sorry, what I meant was his many punches by hitting the button fast. The napalm one would be like Ralf's, I guess. No matter, it's where he swings one arm a lot. Looked pretty stupid anyhow.



20 Year Member
Jun 16, 2002
Spike Spiegel:
Spike > Well, there are some characters that have evolved imho. Clark and Ralf for example is alot better in later installations imo.
I don't know enough about Ralf to comment, but I disagree with you on Clark. His run up and throw was made blockable in later KOFs, and it's even breakable in 2k2. He lost his napalm punch (no loss except for tick damage). I think you could also do a standing C into his DMs which they later took out.

No more Standing C into DMs? oh_no

They took out his Rolling Cradler as a separate move, but his new one ( although it's blockable ) can be comboed...
Plus he has the b,f+C to Napalm Stretch combo...

IMO, he's a more technical char. now, instead of the overpowered grappler everyone and their uncle used to use ( myself included wink )

Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
Nick, are you oh_no because you are unhappy that he can't do a standing C to DM anymore, or because I am in error? I don't think he can do this in 2k2, right?

Yeah, he's more technical now, which I don't mind (and sort of like, even), but he's not as powerful... in my opinion.



Bu, ,
May 21, 2001
I like KOF 99's Terry more.He has more options for combos and he has some new moves.Even though his power dunk is a follow-up move, he is still fucking good in 99.


Fio's Quartermaster
Mar 25, 2002
About Clark > I just think he plays better, and looks better from 99 and forward.

His charge back, forward+punch can be followed with the jump-up grab which makes some heavy damage. Both other grabs can be comboed into and followed up with the elbow drop. Also some moves have been toned down, but the reason for that is that they were overpowered earlier imho.


Edo Express Delivery Guy
Oct 31, 2001
99 Terry was like learning Terry all over again. He had those weird dragon punch motion attacks for both punch and kick. Terry also first got his overhead punch in 99 as well. I like 98 Terry, but way to over powered, good thing they went back to the charge rising tackle.