Suggest The Best TG-16 / PC Engine Games To Play


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
I'll add Hana Taaka Daka!? and second (and third) Gekibo, Jigoku Meguri and PC Genjin and then maybe the first Shubibinman and Obocchama-kun for desert. Once you're tired of the excellent Soldier games, then try Coryoon and Mr. Heli. To see how well an 8-Bitter can perform, check out After Burner II.


Another Striker
10 Year Member
Nov 13, 2012
Gate of thunder
Daisenpu custom
R type
Horror story
Macross 2036
Riot zone (some probably hate this game but I like it)


20 Year Member
Apr 12, 2003

Soldier Blade - has an awesome soundtrack and great graphics but I kind of wish there was a difficulty in between hard and normal. Normal seems a bit too easy while hard is just a bit too much on the difficult side. Still an excellent game and it won't be easy to complete either way.

Final Soldier - The game from the Soldier series that didn't make it here for whatever reason. Excellent music and gameplay. I do wish the bosses were more epic but that's a minor complaint.

Air Zonk - A must-have in my opinion. Short but sweet and scales up nicely with the difficult levels. I'd actually suggest starting on easy with this one and working your way up to appreciate it more.

Legendary Axe 2 - I have a lot of fun with this one even though it does have that old school difficulty to it. It's not a true sequel to the first but that doesn't stop it from being an excellent game. An excellent action platformer that will keep you coming back for more.

Devil's Crush - the best video game pinball game ever released. The music is amazing and probably the best representation of 8-bit metal music ever. It's a lot of fun and I highly recommend you punch somebody for a copy.

Street Fighter 2: CE - such a good port with a lot to offer. Nothing else really needs to be said unless you've been living under a rock.

Chew Man Fu - One of those puzzle games that surprised me. It can get really addicting. Good thing there's a password save function otherwise you might be tempted to just play it all the way through in one sitting.

Blazing Lasers - Another excellent shooter. Great music and great gameplay. Thank you Compile.

Legend of Valkyrie - If you're going to use the ROMs get the translation patch. This game is a lot of fun with excellent sprites and good music.

Son Son II - It's a bit unforgiving initially but if you stick with it, it has some rewarding gameplay. Very colorful and cheery. Use the translation patch. It helps when purchasing shop items.


Gate of Thunder - A total package of great graphics and music and gameplay. I don't gush over this game like others but I do enjoy it.

Lords of Thunder - One of my favorite shooters for the system. The soundtrack, gameplay, and graphics are turned up to 100.

Rondo of Blood - My favorite 16-bit Castlevania. With the multiple paths and the addition of Maria, replay value is high on this one. It does so much that even till this day it can compete with the best of the Genesis and Super Nintendo games.

Ys 1-4 - One of the best soundtracks I've ever heard. The gameplay is antiquated, but still has a certain charm to it. It feels like a very advanced '80s computer game. But overall the series is a lot of fun. I especially like the voice acting in the first two. The translated fourth one is also really good. The third has some of the best music but gameplay wise it's a snore fest. Don't let any of that deter you though, this series is not to be missed.

Dragon Slayer - another very old school RPG that is also a lot of fun to play. It has an excellent soundtrack and a good story.

World Heroes 2 - great port. I shouldn't have to explain this to you If you're on this forum.

Fatal Fury Special - fuck you Read above.

Forgotten Worlds - probably one of my favorite games for the system. I'll take this version over the arcade version. You will need to buy the avenue 3 for it though.