Streaming GroovyMAME


Robert Garcia's Butler
Nov 13, 2011
So I have a PC setup with groovymame, and it is outputting to a Sony PVM. I wanted to see if i could stream with this setup and im running into some issues with OBS. So i have my PC setup with 2 monitors right now. One being the PVM, the other is a asus HD monitor. In order to even see the games being played in mame, i had to window mame, when i do this you can see the game being played in OBS, but the aspect is all messed up. If i full screen mame, i get nothing but a black screen in OBS. Not sure what the issue is, but any help would be appreciated.

Heres a quick video displaying the issue at hand


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
For Clarity, you have OBS Studio and not OBS Classic, huh?

Are you on Windows?
Are you using Game Capture or Window Capture mode?

Have you set your canvas to be 4:3?

Messing with Twitch, I got annoyed that it always reset what I broadcast to 16:9.
So, I'd bezel the 4:3 image center or to the side of a piece of promotional art to fill out the frame.

I do have certain programs it won't see. Like Eye of Gnome.
I had to switch to Mirage to do window capture for side art.
The MESA workaround didn't do anything for that after upgrading from XUbuntu 14.04 to 16.04.
Not that that'll help you on Windows.

When you fullscreen your MAME window, it looks as though your MAME resolution is larger than your Canvas resolution.

I wouldn't try to capture anything while fullscreen. I'd just resize the window on the canvas for broadcast.
But, then, I only have the one monitor to keep up with anything.


Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Jun 15, 2002
I think the aspect is messed up because it's a 240p image, your GPU drivers will output <480 resolutions in noninterlace mode so it fills your TV top to bottom, but in a window would only look correct when linedoubled. So when you're windowed it's not a 240p or similar resolution, so it's running in 480i, and your 240 line image is half the height it should be but correct width.

I was thinking of streaming a similar setup with PC and PVM, I was just going to use a RGB splitter and RGB capture card (Startech USB3HDCAP).


Robert Garcia's Butler
Nov 13, 2011
So i was able to get it working a few days ago. I am using the new OBS studio. I tried classic and ran into a bunch of issues. So what i had to do in order to get it to work is a little annoying, but for now it gets the job done, and with my lack of knowledge on OBS I'll take what i can get. So i have to boot up OBS, and then i place the program on my HD monitor. I have it setup to game capture MAME, and i edited the capture window so its a bit smaller than the whole OBS capture screen. I then have to go into preferences of the game capture and uncheck the "capture fullscreen app" box. Once I do that, I then open up MAME and it will display in OBS. I make sure my settings are all correct, and then i fullscreen MAME. Once i fullscreen MAME i no longer have control over anything else on my desktop, so i need to verify my settings first.

It hasn't been to bad, and if i need to change anything i have a shortcut mapped on my stick for fullscreen. I've ran a few test streams so far and the quality is awesome. I'm pumped that i can continue to play on my PVM setup and still stream, would suck to have to play the games on a HD monitor. If anyone is curious I'll post a link to my twitch page, i'll also try to share when i will be streaming. Haven't really set up a schedule yet.

I will continue to tinker with OBS and stuff. So i appreciate the tips guys.