Starting to believe that some conservatives are brain dead if they believe talk radio


Genjuro's Frog
Aug 8, 2004
That is not to say I don't think a few well known wacko liberals are just as dumb... but I am starting to form my own objective view of those very popular, radio talk show hosts... especially people like Shawn Hannity. I have had to endure listening to these guys when commuting to school (because there is a lack of anything on radio and I don't leason to music)... and I am a registured Republican, but really an Independent at heart.

It seems to me that many of these so called conservatives on TV and radio are doing the people a disservice... and it actually hurts me to say this, the information has been so one sided and most of them sound like parrots repeating what phony politicians say.

The other day I saw a History channel documentary about the CIA and their involvement with the shah of Iran and the possible reasons for the Iranian revolution... It is sickening to see that such a Government, that claims to be for "freedom and democracy" had CIA agents teach Nazi torture tactics to the brutal secret police called SAVAT in Iran. This was a Government that had subdued the people through means that Hitler and Stalin would be proud off... we never learn this sorta thing in public school books... and I think it's JUST as bad as the Japanese government telling the big lie that the Rape of Nankin never happened.

No nation or government has ever been a saint, history has shown us some very brutal regimes and dictators that I truly see as evil in the flesh... but still... how can you repeat the big lie when you underhandedly aid in the suffering of people by dealing with a dictator like Saddam one min, and then the next minute you talk about the 100,000s of people he killed and how much you "care" about the people... "so that's why we went to Iraq, to spread freedom and democacy."

What a load of shit, and the propaganda is repeated 24/7 over the air, with the lapdogs who get a bone for doing their tricks; another interview with some emtpy suit telling us how democrats are bad and republicans are good. The reverse is true is many cases as well... what a damn shame.

You know, you're only as knowledgeable as the amount of factual information you have... but that is dependent on your sources and level of reasoning skills. AND now the way I see it, most are ignorant not because they are incapable of reason, but because they are mostly concerned with the every day hustle and bustle of life... they don't have time to be concerned.

At lest for me, I still have the option of turning on Savage... especially when he talks about his dog, Teddy, or even talk about food like "what makes a good meatball." I'll admit it, meat balls are more interesting to me that hearing Hannity having his 100th interview with Newt Gingridge.


Baseball Star Hitter
Sep 17, 2000
I was feeling your pain about 2 years ago. I had moved to an area of the country where radio talent was in woefully short supply and my commutes were oft times polluted with Hannidy or Limbaugh during the ramp up to the presidential election. You want to talk about parroted sentament; you should have heard all the repeated Kerry bashing. Every "new scoop" exactly the same and equally dull. Granted, I think the democrats offered up a lacking candidate last time and tried to stick to milk toast, middle of the road politics in order not to offend any potential voters, but good lord, at least find one topic in an entire show that might be construed as fresh when compared to your counterparts. Then again, what would one know of fresh information when his biggest fans lovingly refer to themselves as "ditto-heads". Long story short, if you want something entertaining to come out of your in car speakers while still living where you are invest in some good cds.

As for your latter comments, the news has always been up for interpretation. What the people are told isn't the full story, only the angle the head of the news organization reporting it wants the masses to hear and accept. Propaganda being disseminated as fact is nothing new and I really don't think the masses were more informed in the past as a whole. After all, how well do you think it would have gone over with the American public during WW2 to see live enbedded coverage from Europe. Watching the boys storm the beaches on D-Day alone would have drawn people away from the idea of that war and led them to asking why we were in France instead of putting all our efforts into tackling the enemy that actually attacked us, Japan. In short, it has always been up to the informed to educate themselves and try to detangle facts from spin, where facts were available in the first place.

Does the average person have time in a hectic schedule to run through a handful of news reports over every single story each day to decipher what is probably the closest rendition of the truth they can find? No, but did they ever? Our delimna is different from 50 years ago in one major regard I will grant you. In the past few pointed opinions were available in a given area leaving people hard pressed to get different vantage points by which to decern what actually took place. Today, there are 15 billion angles readily available online leaving the people a myriad of articles to dredge through in order to find any symblance of truth. In both cases actual fact is often lost on the general public so I really don't think we are any worse off today than we were in the past. Its just a matter of not having the resources to search out more in-depth coverage versus having so much shit bombard one's eyes and ears that they run screaming for a sensory deprevation chamber to stop the noise.


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
You shouldn't feel surprised that your starting to believe that.


So Many Posts
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20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
While entertaining, republican* talk radio does a great diservice to it's listeners.

All of the Republican leaning Pundits on the Radio and TV are just simpleton hacks with nothing interesting or valuable to say. All of the Decent and intellegent conservative pundits are in the print media (William F. Buckley Jr, George will, Weekly Standard). -But stay away from the Heritage Foundation.... It's complete Bullshit.

Study after study by the liberal media has supported the notion that people who are regular listeners/watchers of republican media have a Below average grasp of facts about international and domestic policy Issues. But they tend to belive that they have above average knowledge about such things. Hi-Ho!

If you want any further evidence of the idiocy and hipocracy of Hannity and Scarbourogh can be shown by thier comments about the Kosovo War:

"No goal, no objective, not until we have those things and a compelling case is made, then I say, back out of it, because innocent people are going to die for nothing. That's why I'm against it."

-Sean Hannity, Fox News, 4/5/99

"Well, I just think it's a bad idea. What's going to happen is they're going to be over there for 10, 15, maybe 20 years"

-Joe Scarborough (R-FL)

"Explain to the mothers and fathers of American servicemen that may come home in body bags why their son or daughter have to give up their life?"

-Sean Hannity, Fox News, 4/6/99

"This has been an unmitigated disaster ... Ask the Chinese embassy. Ask all the people in Belgrade that we've killed. Ask the refugees that we've killed. Ask the people in nursing homes. Ask the people in hospitals."

-Representative Joe Scarborough (R-FL)

For even more fun, go check out the comments by Sanatorum, Delay and GW Bush:

*Its not really conservative since it almost always backs the president and not always conservative ideas.


His Excellency BoriquaSNK,, The Ambassador of Appl
15 Year Member
May 9, 2003
Conservative radio is ridiculous. Laura Ingraham is the closest thing to actual discussion, and even she's just a spoiled bitch.


Orgy Hosting Mod
15 Year Member
May 26, 2004
Liberals are simply people who lack morals and values. The HIV epidemic in America can be blamed on their support of homosexuals, belief that sex before marriage is ok and every other dogma they stand for. It's ok though because in the end you baby murderers will pay the price before God. :shame:


Genjuro's Frog
Aug 8, 2004
norton9478 said:
While entertaining, republican* talk radio does a great diservice to it's listeners.

All of the Republican leaning Pundits on the Radio and TV are just simpleton hacks with nothing interesting or valuable to say. All of the Decent and intellegent conservative pundits are in the print media (William F. Buckley Jr, George will, Weekly Standard). -But stay away from the Heritage Foundation.... It's complete Bullshit.

Study after study by the liberal media has supported the notion that people who are regular listeners/watchers of republican media have a Below average grasp of facts about international and domestic policy Issues. But they tend to belive that they have above average knowledge about such things. Hi-Ho!

If you want any further evidence of the idiocy and hipocracy of Hannity and Scarbourogh can be shown by thier comments about the Kosovo War:

For even more fun, go check out the comments by Sanatorum, Delay and GW Bush:

*Its not really conservative since it almost always backs the president and not always conservative ideas.

I don't even understand what is considered "conservative" or "liberal" today... they just seem like some words thrown around to label people... because as far as I am concerned, Bush is not what I consider a conservative (but I have my own views of what a conservative means.)

Anyone who sells their nation out to foreign interests (like the Port scandal and the intentional failure to secure American boards at a time of WAR) clearly shows misplaced priorities... failed leadership under the national disaster of Katrina... the Iraq WMD scandal with a total waste of military strategy that could have been bolstered against Iran's nuclear dreams... The shear level of incompetency is shocking me .

I don't even bother myself to watching anymore presidential speeches... even a high school student sounds more intelligent and can actually put a sentence together... and just as amazing to me is the fact that the opposition has not been successful in really combating this incompetency with a real game plan in leading the country forward (at lest to me). The democrats better do more than just Bush bashing to get my interest... but I still think they will have an easy win in the 2008 elections, only because of Americas temperament with Bush incompetency.


So Many Posts
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20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Republicans have had full controll of the country for the last 5 years and have done nothing but run it into the ground.

If only Republicans were as good at running the country as they were at Winning Elections...


So Many Posts
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20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
C.A.R25 said:
and just as amazing to me is the fact that the opposition has not been successful in really combating this incompetency with a real game plan in leading the country forward (at lest to me).

The democrats better do more than just Bush bashing to get my interest... but I still think they will have an easy win in the 2008 elections, only because of Americas temperament with Bush incompetency.

Amazingly enough, the Democrats and thier allies have had a simple yet effective plan all along.

Don't Fuck shit up


So Many Posts
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20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
C.A.R25 said:
Anyone who sells their nation out to foreign interests (like the Port scandal and the intentional failure to secure American boards at a time of WAR) clearly shows misplaced priorities... failed leadership under the national disaster of Katrina... the Iraq WMD scandal with a total waste of military strategy that could have been bolstered against Iran's nuclear dreams... The shear level of incompetency is shocking me .

You forgot September 11th in the Admin's list of great incompetancy examples.

I'm not saying that it wouldn't have happened under Gore..... But the chances of it happening SKYROCKET when completely ignore Al Quida.


Avid Neo-Expert
15 Year Member
Nov 19, 2005
Being Republican I've noticed Bush isn't really much of a conservative. Republicans are supposed to be for smaller government or taking the amount of government in people's lives and keeping it status quo. This president has expanded government reach with the failed attempt to re-vamp Social Security, domestic spying (which I'm still on the fence about -- more research needed), attempted abortion bans (which I'm for), etc.

I used to listen to O'Reilly and occasionally Hannity but I haven't caught a show in a long time. Why is everyone sounding so uniform? Hell, I'm starting to consider whether or not I should vote in the next election. Democrats can ruin this country as easily as Republicans can.

And as for Dubai, I was glad the deal was pulled and I was kind of shocked seeing Bush mad about it, "We can't be isolationists!" It reminded me of an old In Living Color skit where Jim Carrey played a hippie-environmentalist yelling, "Save the planet, people!" I smirked (at Bush) and said, "Well, I guess I'm an isolationist then, dumbass." Most Americans disputed the Dubai deal and if Bush was in touch with the country then he shouldn't have been so mad about it.


Genjuro's Frog
Aug 8, 2004
PopeCuervoLime said:
And as for Dubai, I was glad the deal was pulled and I was kind of shocked seeing Bush mad about it, "We can't be isolationists!" It reminded me of an old In Living Color skit where Jim Carrey played a hippie-environmentalist yelling, "Save the planet, people!" I smirked (at Bush) and said, "Well, I guess I'm an isolationist then, dumbass." Most Americans disputed the Dubai deal and if Bush was in touch with the country then he shouldn't have been so mad about it.

Not only that, but the sellouts that supported this deal claimed that anyone not thinking that it's not in USA interest is "anti muslim." So now these men without a country sound like the wack jobs claiming that anyone against open borders are "racist." I guess they all forgot about the fact that the UAE recognized the Taliban but not Isreal, all the while funneling money from terrorist groups... but I guess they forgot that when reviewing the deal.

I am an immigrant myself with dual citizenship, but I would think leaving a wide open door to terrorist, who have wet dreams about cutting off heads, is asking for another future 9-11. Also, I would think any future attack on a 9-11 scale would be like Katrina scandal with the dummies running things. God help us if such a thing were to happen in the future. You have to wander what the hell is going on, when they clear out government buildings in DC because of a strangly parked car.... yet they leave our ports and borders wide open... "so we can fight them over there, so that we don't have to fight them in our streets."