Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
It’s the fucking best. Started in 5th grade, now she’s in 8th. We even made the local paper last year. She’s been talking to me about NOT DOING THAT SHIT since they announced the title of the new one. It’s fucking happening.

Your daughter realized Star Wars is for children and sad dorks at 12. How does that feel? If she were my kid, I'd be proud.


I was Born This Ugly.,
15 Year Member
Sep 6, 2005
Your daughter realized Star Wars is for children and sad dorks at 12. How does that feel? If she were my kid, I'd be proud.

Since when?

What's with this "Star Wars is for Kids" shit, anyway?

Does this look like a huge bunch of children to you?

How about these pics...see a bunch of 12 year old kids only?

Nope...(Yeah...Anakin getting his limbs chopped off and then being burnt to a crisp after just having choked his girl...sounds like real 12 year old drama to me.)

This "SW if for kidz" bullshit started when the movies went to shit and adults started complaining...then all the sudden you we a man-child criticizing something for children only (or, thanks to kathleen kennedy, a sexist).

We now live in an age of resorting to immediate playground level ridicule whenever someone complains about anything from Hollywood. Complain about a new film?'re a racist, sexist, man-child, know, any stupid base level accusation that will get the focus off of your bullshit product.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
Yeah I don't think the SW movies were designed 'for kids.' if anything kids just gravitated toward them because it appealed to them.

If anything the argument could be made that Star Wars is for the mid 30s to late 40s demo.

They just happen to not be very good anymore.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
Nope...(Yeah...Anakin getting his limbs chopped off and then being burnt to a crisp after just having choked his girl...sounds like real 12 year old drama to me.)

The way he just went and killed a bunch of yeunglings and got in a fight to the death with his mentor/older brother-figure is more fitting with 12 year olds.

I mean, I haven't watched Ep. III since it came out. I actually really liked it at the time because I felt George finally cut all the bullshit that slogged down episodes I and II and just gave us a lot of straight up action. But the way Anakin became Vader, that's definitely something a moody pre-teen audience can relate to stronger than grown people.

I don't mind the character of Kylo Ren and dismiss all the complaints of him (same dorks probably didn't like Raiden in MGS2 either) but Anakin was such a dingus.


I was Born This Ugly.,
15 Year Member
Sep 6, 2005
The way he just went and killed a bunch of yeunglings and got in a fight to the death with his mentor/older brother-figure is more fitting with 12 year olds.

I mean, I haven't watched Ep. III since it came out. I actually really liked it at the time because I felt George finally cut all the bullshit that slogged down episodes I and II and just gave us a lot of straight up action. But the way Anakin became Vader, that's definitely something a moody pre-teen audience can relate to stronger than grown people.

I don't mind the character of Kylo Ren and dismiss all the complaints of him (same dorks probably didn't like Raiden in MGS2 either) but Anakin was such a dingus.

I don't mind new characters and have been more than happy to accept nearly everything (yes, nearly...not all) added to the SW universe over the decades. There's been plenty of useless SW characters over the years, including in the original even a piece of fluff like Rose doesn't get my panties in a bunch.

Once again, it's the shit writing I hate. As bad as Episode I-III was at times, there was a large back story we all knew after Episode III. Was the delivery perfect? No, far from it.

I'll ask again...2/3 of the way through the new films, what do we know? What plot has been told? This is my main gripe. Not Fin/Po/Rey/Kylo/whomever...all a perfectly fine actors. It's the complete lack of storytelling that bothers me...that and the slaughter of Luke, not a fan of that.
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Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
It is what it is. People are going to tear this movie apart whether is amazing or horrific.

My wishlist would have Rey go dark and Kylo defect. I feel like they'll make them both neutral and disband all jedi teachings. But damn, Rey is primed for the darkside. No training, abandoned, and desperate for power.


Mature's Make-up Artist
Jan 15, 2003
More excited about the Bounty Hunter show than this film. Although I'll probably regret saying that too


Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
Dec 1, 2002
Plot spoilers are floating around out there that have been repeated/confirmed by a couple big insider-y people I guess.

Click if you want:


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
I'm not concerned with whether or not Disney will mangle star wars. My childhood is over.

What I'm worried about is what direction Disney takes with Frozen 2.

Since when?

What's with this "Star Wars is for Kids" shit, anyway?

It started when it started making more money in merchandising targeted at kids than in the films itself. Right after the first movie.
Then the transition was complete when Lucas took more creative control of the third movie and made decisions based on marketing cute furry midget toys to kids.

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margarine sandwich
15 Year Member
Oct 25, 2007
I'm not concerned with whether or not Disney will mangle star wars. My childhood is over.

What I'm worried about is what direction Disney takes with Frozen 2.

It started when it started making more money in merchandising targeted at kids than in the films itself. Right after the first movie.
Then the transition was complete when Lucas took more creative control of the third movie and made decisions based on marketing cute furry midget toys to kids.
I think the reason Lucas had Ewoks in Return of the Jedi, was to show a species that had no advanced technology defeat the technologically advanced Empire forces- there was that contrast. It was an allusion to the Vietnam war. The stories for all the Star Wars movies were written back when the Vietnam War was still going on.

Personally, I think Return of the Jedi is a better and more exciting film than Empire Strikes Back, It has a Death Star to destroy, just like the first film, and it has Ian McDiarmid as the Emperor.
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So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
I think the reason Lucas had Ewoks in Return of the Jedi, was to show a species that had no advanced technology defeat the technologically advanced Empire forces- there was that contrast. It was an allusion to the Vietnam war. The stories for all the Star Wars movies were written back when the Vietnam War was still going on.

It is quite possible that was a part of it. It was a common theme at the time (thus why Aliens is the best "Vietnam" movie of the 80's).
But still....they could have gotten that idea "over" without making the ewoks so fucking kid friendly and hokey. The original concept art was more "hobbit" like.

Lucas also made other changes to Jedi to make it more merchandising/kid friendly (such as not killing solo and giving it a happy ending).

Personally, I think Return of the Jedi is a better and more exciting film than Empire Strikes Back, It has a Death Star to destroy, just like the first film, and it has Ian McDiarmid as the Emperor.

Dude, it sucks. Muppets in Space.


I was Born This Ugly.,
15 Year Member
Sep 6, 2005
lmbo this trilogy is so fucking gay.

no mention of Snoke

Man...if they tried to tie up all the open ends of Episode VII and VIII before moving on, the film would be 6 hrs long.

Like VII, dislike VII...doesn't matter, it was VIII that was a complete train wreck story wise. It broke what little setup VII had and mucked everything else up even worse. About the only way to make IX is mostly to step over VIII like a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk and make up a quick start/quick end story line to get it over with. After reading that link...if its correct (and I have no reason to believe otherwise), this seems about par for the course.


margarine sandwich
15 Year Member
Oct 25, 2007
Lucas also made other changes to Jedi to make it more merchandising/kid friendly (such as not killing solo and giving it a happy ending).
I don't know what you mean. It was always going to have a happy ending, with Luke redeeming his father, and the end of the Emperor.

Dude, it sucks. Muppets in Space.
I prefer the scenes with the battles between ships in space, and the sword fights between Luke and Vader, to the Endor scenes. The Endor scenes are only one of three storylines that are running at the same time, towards the end of the film.

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
lol star wars is trash
cringey shit movies made to sell toys to manbabies like DDRchumpion
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So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
I don't know what you mean. It was always going to have a happy ending, with Luke redeeming his father, and the end of the Emperor.


Other creators/contributors to the movie suggested otherwise.

But hey.... Jedi was my favorite Star Wars movie... When I was 5.

Just like "Temple of Doom" was my favorite Indiana jones movie.
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Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
Man...if they tried to tie up all the open ends of Episode VII and VIII before moving on, the film would be 6 hrs long.

Like VII, dislike VII...doesn't matter, it was VIII that was a complete train wreck story wise. It broke what little setup VII had and mucked everything else up even worse. About the only way to make IX is mostly to step over VIII like a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk and make up a quick start/quick end story line to get it over with. After reading that link...if its correct (and I have no reason to believe otherwise), this seems about par for the course.

I agree and disagree with this. I think VII was a great balance between rebooting the series for a new generation and setting up six hours of follow ups. My biggest complaint about VIII is that the story doesn’t move an inch. If Johnson had actually used JJs setup, this trilogy could’ve been amazing (in my open minded non-superfan opinion). There’s not enough runtime left for IX to reset AND resolve. That said, I’m betting that JJ can pull off a decent salvage job.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
You don't like it now because the white savior trope is too much, right

Nah, it just is a bit too hokey. The racism (which extends well beyond white savior tropes) is just a small part of it.
Plus, there are no Nazis.

People really hated on krystal skull. But nearly every criticism about that could be applied to Temple.


Cholecystectomy Required.,
10 Year Member
Oct 1, 2013
I agree and disagree with this. I think VII was a great balance between rebooting the series for a new generation and setting up six hours of follow ups. My biggest complaint about VIII is that the story doesn’t move an inch. If Johnson had actually used JJs setup, this trilogy could’ve been amazing (in my open minded non-superfan opinion). There’s not enough runtime left for IX to reset AND resolve. That said, I’m betting that JJ can pull off a decent salvage job.
This is how I felt about VIII, essentially nothing happened over the course of 2.5 ish hours. Terrible decisions were made by Poe time and time again, Rey and Kylo's force talks were painfully cringy, and overall a lot of people died for absolutely no reason. Arguably the only great parts I enjoyed was Luke and Yoda having their talk in front of the tree, and Luke and Kylo's encounter.

I enjoyed VII as well, I figured Disney would play it safe for their initial entry, as it would be a set up movie. VIII really didn't move any sort of character progression, plot, or real sense of urgency. I saw it three times, trying to give it a shot and even then I just felt meh about it.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
It really is unbelievable Disney gave carte blanche to a not-very-well-known director for Star Wars. Doubt they'll give a director that much power again.
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Reformed collector of junk
10 Year Member
Jan 22, 2012
It really is unbelievable Disney gave carte blanche to a not-very-well-known director for Star Wars. Doubt they'll give a director that much power again.

Was it just the director though? Who the fuck wrote that script is the real question. I liked VII but VIII was just a complete cluster fuck. I can’t believe someone didn’t pull up somewhere along the line and ask “what in the fuck are we actually doing here?”