RNC 2020


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
So, uh, is it just me or is Trump getting thrown under the bus by his own party?

A lot of the speakers are just Trump's family. No Rubio, no Cruz, and I don't care to try and think up any others. Paul Ryan, I guess.

Junior's girlfriend's speech was something else.


Maxima's Barber
20 Year Member
Viewer numbers are down 29% from the 2016 convention. Having the majority of your speakers be members of your own family is about as North Korea as you can get.


20 Year Member
The white couple who don't know how to hold guns were given airtime to speak. I don't get that at all. Are they celebrities in the Trump world?

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member

not to be disrespectful, but it looks like she's trying to cast a YUGE spell from the necronomicon.

Lets Gekiga In

Neon Night Rider
20 Year Member
Can't you see what a Biden presidency will be like? We're living in it!

Uhhh...aren't you the president right now?


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
WOW, Chen Guangcheng gave a speech advocating for Trump. WOW. Bro, do you not remember Obama's administration let you take refuge in America as well as taking refuge in the US Embassy in Beijing?

If anyone doesn't know him, he's 'The Barefoot Lawyer' who fought for human rights in China and got house arrested for a bunch of years, then escaped to the embassy in 2012. Christian Bale attempted to visit him but farmer thugs wouldn't let him.

I know he chose Trump purely on figuring Trump will go harder on China than Biden but geez.
