Questions for trumpfaggot #2 (hyper)


Master Brewer, Genzai Sake Co.
20 Year Member
So have you been watching the confirmation hearing for Tillerson? Sessions?

Yeah but Ben Carson in charge of HUD, perfect fit.
He's black, most black folks are urban.
Voila! position filled.


MotoGP and Formula 1 Freak
20 Year Member

The amount of sheer biased theory being thrown around is staggering.

There's this bit where it says would, while the could comes in the next sentence.

Repealing major provisions of the Affordable Care Act, while leaving other parts in place, would cost 18 million people their insurance in the first year, a report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday. A repeal could increase the number of uninsured Americans by 32 million in 10 years, the report said, while causing individual insurance premiums to double over that time.

Reality is while I fully agree the ACA needs to be improved, a wholesale repeal is not the way to do this, especially when you consider the Republicans have no alternative other than vague allusions to a better plan that doesn't actually exist. You can improve ACA without repealing it. That the Republicans are more interested in repealing it than in amending it gives me pause as the latter is the more responsible approach of the two.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
The ACA does need to be fixed. It should be reimplemented exactly as it was initially introduced to the Senate by Obama's team, before it got gutted and turned into the insurance provider golden egg for people who can't read good.

A couple of problems I have:
1) only two providers to choose from in my area (DC);
2) I have to buy insurance through dchealthlink, or pay a penalty for not having insurance;
3) the plans offered are ridiculously expensive or ridiculously useless to the subscriber;
4) other countries have single payer and America, greatest country in the universe (self proclaimed), is on a dinosaur system implemented by people who grew up thinking smoking is healthy.

I don't care if my plan covers pregnancy, birth control, or whatever.


MotoGP and Formula 1 Freak
20 Year Member
The ACA does need to be fixed. It should be reimplemented exactly as it was initially introduced to the Senate by Obama's team, before it got gutted and turned into the insurance provider golden egg for people who can't read good.

A couple of problems I have:
1) only two providers to choose from in my area (DC);
2) I have to buy insurance through dchealthlink, or pay a penalty for not having insurance;
3) the plans offered are ridiculously expensive or ridiculously useless to the subscriber;
4) other countries have single payer and America, greatest country in the universe (self proclaimed), is on a dinosaur system implemented by people who grew up thinking smoking is healthy.

I don't care if my plan covers pregnancy, birth control, or whatever.

The Republican approach is like finding out you have a few issues with your car, and instead of repairing the select few issues, you decide to replace the entire engine and/or transmission rather than the individual parts which is far cheaper in the long run. Finding out your alternator is shot means you replace the alternator, not the entire engine. You don't gut an entire bill because you don't like a couple of sections, you rewrite those sections in a way that benefits everyone. Costs are fucked up with ACA absolutely, but again the answer is not to dismantle it. It's to look at what is driving the costs up, and then make amendments that will actually fix the issue. Going back to how the bill was originally introduced to the Senate would be the best thing to do.

But really what can we expect from a political party that runs on supposed fiscal conservatism and other vague allusions of responsibility, yet in practice adheres to neither thing that they demand out of everyone else. Thankfully the modern Republican party can remain tone deaf, mean-spirited, and out of touch with reality due to their redrawing of most (all?) congressional districts (along with engaging in voter suppression to combat purported voter fraud that doesn't exist) to systematically disenfranchise the very voters they claim to be looking out for...unless of course their skin happens to be a shade darker than the only acceptable answer to them which is white.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Basically, the only way for the republican'ts to politically win on this is to keep obamacare but remove the lifetime and yearly caps. Then the price of premiums in the individual market will drop and people will be happy until an unfortunate few find out how shitty a $250,000 cap is.

And maybe they will do some things that won't change anything, but keep the base happy. Stuff like malpractice caps and something about selling insurance across state lines (which is already legal).

And if they really want to be helpful, they fix the family glitch.

But basically, the thing about Obamacare is that all the stuff that is popular (like Maternity Coverage, Guaranteed Issue, children staying on Parents' plan, no caps) raise premiums.

The stuff that is unpopular or controversial (Subsidies, Medicaid expansion, Individual Mandate, Employer Mandates) lower premiums.


I asked for a, Custom Rank and, Learned My Lesson.
15 Year Member
The Republican approach is like finding out you have a few issues with your car, and instead of repairing the select few issues, you decide to replace the entire engine and/or transmission rather than the individual parts which is far cheaper in the long run. Finding out your alternator is shot means you replace the alternator, not the entire engine.

In this analogy, America's health care system is half of a Ford Pinto balanced on a skateboard.