PS3 died...anyone ever had there's repaired?


Mr. Tater
20 Year Member
May 11, 2001
I wasn't sure if I should post this here or in the Tech forum but, I just wanted a few opinions on this.

I was comparing a friend's trophies to my own when I hear a beep (usually indicating the system is being shut down) the screen goes blank, and the console's red light is flashing.

After researching it a bit, it seems this is the Flashing Red Light Error (FRL, for short). There are a bunch of sites online saying it can be repaired,some even locally. I guess it's not a permanent fix, usually only extends the PS3's life by a few months.

Just wondering if anyone has ever had it done, what your experience was with it, and whether or not I should just cut my losses and get a new system.

Right now, leaning towards getting it repaired as it's the 60 gig model. I'll say this much, it has lasted me since Jan. '07...pretty damn good compared to most 360's.



Fu'un-Ken Master
Jan 22, 2003
In the short term, check out post number 5 here:

If that doesn't do it, is there a local repair shop that might be able to repair it cheaper than Sony? That same thread mentions a $150 fee if sent to Sony, so you might be able to save some money if you can have it done locally.

Just wondering though, and I don't want to derail the thread, and I'm asking as a fellow 60GB owner: how often do you use the PS2 function? I haven't used it all that much myself. Maybe finding a newer model would be advantageous in the longer run?


Southern Pounce.,
Jul 22, 2005
Get it reballed with lead solder. It will live forever. I did it to mine. Best thing you can do to your PS3


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
Stop using it to watch gay sex. Your friends trophy is bigger, anyway.


NeoGumby's Sycophant,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2002
I had another issue with my 80 GB model with emulation BC. I'm also wondering if someone can identify the problem for me.

I had this issue with Batman AA, Lollipop Chainsaw (both are Unreal Engine games) and RE5. The walls' or floors' texture would occasionally flicker green and I started to get what generally is referred to as graphical artifacting (polygonal stretching on random 3D objects as seen here[/url).

From what I read, it's a common issue with overheating GPU's. Is the PS3 GPU replaceable? If not, can it be fixed?


Southern Pounce.,
Jul 22, 2005
If your hands are steady the best thing you can do to your ps3 (if its still living) is to replace the thermal paste between the IHS (Integrated Heat Spreader) and the cpu die.

Take a look



Leona's Therapist
Jan 16, 2008
from my experience watching a friend go through the trouble of getting his repaired twice...........I would say junk it and buy a new one.


Analinguist of the Year
15 Year Member
Mar 14, 2003
from my experience watching a friend go through the trouble of getting his repaired twice...........I would say junk it and buy a new one.

this is the correct answer

repair it yourself if you want, but know that it'll only keep it alive for another month or two at best

in the end you'll need to grab yourself a slim anyway

Rade K

Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Mar 17, 2001
Does anyone even offer a reballing service for PS3 anymore. Last I searched a year ago, people had stopped doing it for a while.

On my second 60GB PS3, but I really have no use for SACDs, PS2 games, obsolete memcard formats and massive power draw. If anyone wants it, make me an offer. It has been dismantled once for a cleaning.


J. Max's Chauffeur,
20 Year Member
Jul 9, 2001
Stop using it to watch gay sex. Your friends trophy is bigger, anyway.

I know Jon personally and this one gets my vote (even though I know he has no friends to begin with.)

Seriously, sorry to hear that Jon. You know my experience getting systems fixed, I think you should just get another one and eventually try to get the 60 gb one fixed, and if it can't be fixed cut your losses. I'm sure you'll get use out of both systems if you go this route.
Last edited:


Mature's Make-up Artist
15 Year Member
Mar 11, 2006
from my experience watching a friend go through the trouble of getting his repaired twice...........I would say junk it and buy a new one.


My JPN 60GB PS3 died on me various times. First time was the laser. Got that replaced.

After that it was the flashing red light that I had tried to get repaired. Took 3 tries, first 2 times it would break within weeks or days. Finally got my money back when they gave up fixing it.

If I was able to repair it, the amount of money spent on all the repairs would have almost equaled a new slim ps3.

What I should have done years ago is junk the thing when the laser died.

I didnt have my data backed up elsewhere either so I lost all my saves.

I wanted my PS1/2 compatibility before, but it was a feature I rarely used. That was until I did some reading on SRK and the folks there claimed that PS1/2 play on a 60GB PS3 has a bit of delay, 4-5 frames IIRC. Knowing there's lag made me give up on the idea of fixing the 60GB system.


Nov 5, 2005
Personally, I don't mind to have a spare ps2 slim laying around for back compatibility. You can still play ps1 games on a ps3 slim anyway if you want. It's just not worth it for an all in one and most fixes are only temporarily unless you get it reballed which will cost almost the same as a new ps3.


Mr. Tater
20 Year Member
May 11, 2001
Just wondering though, and I don't want to derail the thread, and I'm asking as a fellow 60GB owner: how often do you use the PS2 function? I haven't used it all that much myself. Maybe finding a newer model would be advantageous in the longer run?

I actually prefer playing my PS2 stuff on the PS2 system. They look sort of weird upconverted to 1080p.

The thing I was worried about, and, unfortunately, just confirmed, was losing game saves. Most of the PS3 stuff I could probably do again but, it will be annoying. For instance, I had 3 completely upgraded cars in Initial D: Extereme stage, complete save file of Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage, and probably 10 other games in about the same stage of completion.

The one game save that is going to be a BITCH to redo is my Rogue Galaxy save. I put in 97+ hours into that and was well on the way to 100% completion. Everyone was around level 97, I went through the Ghost Ship (Extreme) TWICE, and only needed to finish the Insectron Tournament and Monster Hunting to finish it. Yes, I just 100% confirmed it's not on any of my memory cards as this was the only game I played solely on the PS3.

Get it reballed with lead solder. It will live forever. I did it to mine. Best thing you can do to your PS3

One of the places that does repairs near me apparently offers this service for about $100, if you drop it off. It's about an hour away. The other method, called reflow, is about $65. There's a place in Columbus that does it. If I were to choose, I'd pick reballing the system, as you suggested.

I may have to get it repaired, temporarily, just to get my saves back.

I guess I should ask: Can you transfer your saves out of the old hard drive or, do you need a working PS3 to do that?



Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Reading this thread and seeing a lot of friends have problems with their older PS3s lately has me thinking it's time to do a backup and just be prepared.

I was all excited about BC compatibility and I just never used it at all. I still play my PS2 and PSOne games on those systems, and I did it to extend the life of my 60GB model. Wife and I generally watch BDs on her PS3 in the bedroom, which is a newer model slim (but not tne newest one.)

Only mod I ever did to it was upgrade HDD from 60GB to 320GB Seagate, which has mostly worked very well. Every once in a great while, the system doesn't find the HDD but then I reset and it finds it. Wierd, intermittent thing that happens maybe once a month.

I'm probably going to break down and pick up the 500GB ACIII edition really soon here, do a backup and restore and just be done with it. The new slim edition looks nice, Much better on space constraints and a lot more quiet with less mechanisms and runs cooler. Only thing will be that I'll have an extra (free) copy of AC III. What to do with it, what to do...


Mr. Tater
20 Year Member
May 11, 2001
Only thing will be that I'll have an extra (free) copy of AC III. What to do with it, what to do...

Actually thought about doing this myself. I wonder if you bought the 500 gb PS3 w/AC3 would they let you trade it in tight there? Might be worth finding out...



Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Actually thought about doing this myself. I wonder if you bought the 500 gb PS3 w/AC3 would they let you trade it in tight there? Might be worth finding out...


Probably get a credit towards something else, because you have to own the game before you can trade it in, and if you haven't bought the PS3 yet, you can't own the copy that comes with the console.


CPS2 Person.,
20 Year Member
Mar 26, 2001
The new top loader ps3 will not work for me as I have my ps3 in a entertainment cab which will not allow for the clearance for a top loader system. I am running a fat software BC Ps3. If it break I will just pay to have it fixed instead of getting this new design. I already opened it and reapplied thermal paste. I bought a bakup laser mechanism just in case and if it gets the yellow light I will send it to sega repairs to get reballed with lead solder.

If I had the money to just spend I would go out right now and buy a slim model while I can but my budget will not permit that. I will buy a back up Ps3 eventually however same as I have a back up Psone, saturn, Ps2, genesis, etc.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
So, I took the plunge and bought the 500GB AC III edition PS3.

Did the data transfer between last night and this morning.

FYI, you can't restore backup data to a different PS3. Only to the same PS3. So you have to use their data transfer interface.

Requires both systems be hooked up to different inputs/displays. Also, you have to use an ethernet cable connecting both systems.

Both systems must be updated to the most current official firmware.

You must deactivate game and video data on the old PS3 first.

Internet must be deactivated on both systems. Media servers must also be deactivated on both systems.

No optical media or USB memory devices inserted.

Must connect via ethernet cable. No wireless transfer allowed. I recommend cross-directional if you have it. I didn't, and the process took nearly twelve hours transferring from 320 non-OEM HDD to 500 GB OEM HDD. There were times I thought it'd locked up or stalled out.

Once transfer is complete, you must log into the your PSN account on the new PS3 to have access to your game saves and video saves.

You also have to go in on the new PS3 and activate game and video data.

The only real hiccup I experienced once I did the trial and error and solved all the minor issues that seemed to be tripping me up (not disabling internet, not deactivating, etc.), many of which Sony did NOT advise on their official page for the process, was that I couldn't activate video data on the new PS3. I kept getting a wierd error saying that video content was still active on the old PS3 even though I'd clicked disable on it several times. Had to call Sony and they dealt with it on server side. Now everything works.

Hope this information helps people that want to do this. It was a pain in the ass just because of the trial and error and the time it took, but it's done and everything seems to work fine.

One other note: I went to GS first to buy the PS3 so I could get the points on my Gamestop Rewards card. So the guys there checks the inventory on the compter and tells me 'we don't have any of that model' and that nobody else in the area has any according to their computer data. He said that it seemed screwy and maybe there was something wrong with their network, which I didn't believe, but he then added that you can order them from

I told them 'I will not order a console from an online resource. Games are one thing, systems are another.'

He said 'no worries' and he could call around to see if another GS in the area had them. I told them not to worry about it.

Went to a GS less than five minutes away. They told me they had them and I was pleased. Then she came back up a minute later and said 'um, that one's on layaway and we don't have any others but you can order them on'


I then asked if the AC III bundle was a GS exclusive and she said 'yes it is.'

I went over to Best Buy at that point to see if they had a 500 GB version that DIDN'T come with AC III, just so I could get they system and get the ball rolling.

Sure enough, they had about twenty of them.


My guess: Gamestop has put a hold on the systems and are rationing them out so they have stock to sell through Christmas because if they sell out of PS3s before Christmas, the press and word of mouth could be bad ('those assholes were all sold out of the limited AC III bundle! I ain't ever shopping there again, and I'll tell everyone I know!' type complaints) and customers will not have a carrot to chase. That's why they are telling people to order it online: that way, GS still gets the money if customers decides to do that.

I won't call it T-Dog levels of 'shady as fuck' but it's still irritating. I bet they have plenty of stock available. Probably had to stop selling them out of storefronts until first week of December or something.