Playmore kicks NGF's ass!


Caris Nautilus

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

This was posted on NGF's site, but has since been taken down!

Second thoughts??



Jan 8, 2003
<a href="" target="_blank"></a> is updated;

January 15th, 2003, NeoGeoFreak representatives were present in US District Court in Santa Ana California to answer complaints alleged by Playmore Corporation. Playmore was attempting to gain a preliminary injunction against NeoGeoFreak, restraining NeoGeoFreak from conducting any further transactions, but they were denied.

The outcome of the preliminary injunction hearing is NeoGeoFreak will be unrestrained from selling our stocks of original NeoGeo AES cartridges and both the <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and <a href="" target="_blank"></a> fan sites will be fully functional and available to all internet users, fans, and collectors.

We will be offering all of our AES cartridges in the original SNK packaging, including the coveted English King Of Fighters 2000.

A member of Playmore's board of directors, Misumi Nagan, the president of SNK NeoGeo USA, E. Davalos, and SNK's former manager of international sales (via a sworn declaration under oath), confirmed the fact that the English King of Fighters 2000 offered by NeoGeoFreak was released with full authorization and approval from SNK Corporation of Japan.

With the matter of the authenticity of The King of Fighters 2000 English package release offered exclusively from NeoGeoFreak now on the legal record as authentic and recognized, NeoGeoFreak will consider any false information stated as the intent to willfully harm NeoGeoFreak sales of this title. Considerable confusion has already been caused by individuals without an understanding of the facts, causing our original order quantity to be reduced. NeoGeoFreak cannot tolerate any additional misinformation being spread in regard to the English King Of Fighters 2000, and will be answering all erroneous information with legal action. Any outstanding misinformation must be removed or restated, or be subject to legal action. This is to be considered, for the purposes of future legal actions, a full cease and desist request by NeoGeoFreak in regard to misinformation being spread regarding The King Of Fighters 2000 English package release and NeoGeoFreak, NGF-USA, NGF, and it's representative's and directors.

In addition, any individuals offering unauthorized reproductions of the English King Of Fighters 2000 that was offered exclusively by NeoGeoFreak will subject to legal action. This includes sales through internet auction sites, as well as NeoGeo bulletin board for sale pages. In order to educate the consumer on what an authentic and official English King of Fighters 2000 looks like, please refer to the picture below.

Caris Nautilus

"In addition, any individuals offering unauthorized reproductions of the English King Of Fighters 2000 will subject to legal action. This includes sales through internet auction sites, as well as Neo Geo bulletin board for sale pages."

OMFG, in other words do what we have been doing for the last 5 years and we will sue you. aaaaaahahahaha

Caris Nautilus

"NeoGeoFreak would like to proudly announce some information regarding our our upcoming sales."

All they do is talk about how english kof2k is real, who cares, no one owns that fake POS! COME SUE ME!



Kyokugen's Student
Aug 22, 2001
it still sucks that playmore cannot do anything about it now.

Appeals? take it to the Supreme smirk


Caris Nautilus

i bet if the court had just a few people ngf has scammed in person, it would be different, they have no clue the shit ngf pulls online.

so this was the big event, we're getting our asses sued?

<small>[ January 20, 2003, 11:09 PM: Message edited by: Drift King EX ]</small>

Kid Aphex

samus' love slave,
Nov 23, 2001
That's stupid. You're going to take me to court because I believe your product is fake? Fuck you. Your product is fake.


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
Kid Aphex:
That's stupid. You're going to take me to court because I believe your product is fake? Fuck you. Your product is fake.
I also think Mobil pisses in their gas, but they can't bring me to court either!



Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
I think in the end NGF will get what they deserve, but they are being really stupid. They should be much more careful of what they post on their site... they are being sued, and here they are making idle threats and trying to make themselves look like heros... If I were them I would say I had a pretty good run and bow out now gracefully, all this flash and hype is only going to dig them into deeper trouble... Of course, not saying they don't deserve every ounce of it! Karama is a bitch aint it,



Raiden's Valet
Nov 13, 2000
Haha, that is so stupid...

"Our two year old fake out of date game which sucked in the first place is real, not fake! We are such a legit company we get brought to court by the people whose products we bootleg, and they were too stupid to put us in jail!"

Big fuckin' deal. Who gives a shit. Anybody who thought that their "big news" was going to be in any way negative, i.e. NGF closing down or whatever was kidding themselves from the beginning.


Global Moderator, Voice of Reason, Member #13
Aug 14, 2000
Y'know what? I doubt the twins are gonna being suing anybody soon. Me'thinks they are going to be quite busy for some time. I truly believe they are in BIG trouble.

You think they flew to court in CA over KoF 2k? BULLSHIT! I think they were in court for a LOT of things and that the ONE thing they did get out of it was the crumb that is KoF 2k.

Yeah, there's gonna be some hardcore ring sting in Nevada and Colorado, I can tell you that right now. I think Playmore gave'em a real reaming and the twins are spinning as best they can. You're gonna see some squeaky clean NGF noses in the coming months, believe me. I think I would pay money to hear those two pleading and whining in court.

Celebration sale? My ass!!! That is liquidation, plain and simple. Gotta pay for some court fees, boys? Them legal expenses hurt, eh? Better dump your stock before the final nail is jack-hammered into your ass.

Oye, this is gonna be great theater for the next couple of months. And just when we thought the drama was gone.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
What does suprise me, and something you guys haven't picked up on, is that there is no defence over the rights issue to Zupapa! and to whether or not that is authentic.
The information of KoF 2000 is no suprise really. most of us always said it WAS a legit transaction between NGF and SNK... the doubt arose over the content of the manual and insert and whether they were the original materials SNK provided.

So. Can Playmore appeal, or is this like a small claims proceedure where there are no appeals?

Caris Nautilus

i think this would make a great judge judy.

she would have dion for breakfast.


Mickey's Coach
Jul 26, 2001
What does suprise me, and something you guys haven't picked up on, is that there is no defence over the rights issue to Zupapa! and to whether or not that is authentic.
The information of KoF 2000 is no suprise really. most of us always said it WAS a legit transaction between NGF and SNK... the doubt arose over the content of the manual and insert and whether they were the original materials SNK provided.

So. Can Playmore appeal, or is this like a small claims proceedure where there are no appeals?
Exactly, we knew NGF had a deal with SNK over KOF '00, we also knew they were knocking up manuals, inserts and stickers in a back room thereby making this the most common English release ever. They will never run out of stock as long as Jap KOF '00s still exist. The Playmore reps "did not contest the fact that the English King of Fighters 2000 offered by NeoGeoFreak was released with full authorization and approval from SNK Corporation of Japan." Sure, but was it even brought up?

"in US District Court in Santa Ana, California to answer complaints alleged by Playmore Corporation"
This line is the kicker, what exactly were Playmore's complaints? There must be some way of finding out, I would imagine records of this court session must be available to the public somewhere. Any California residents or US lawyers care to comment? My guess is it must be Zupapa! related.


Tech Support Moderator,
Apr 8, 2001

<img src="" alt=" - " />


Genjuro's Frog,
Aug 21, 2001

<img src="" alt=" - " />

ohhhhh, hey TIP! I needed a good laugh to start my day... AAAAHAHHAHAHHHAHAHHHAHAHAH!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!! lol tickled


I got three things out of that writeup...

1. Playmore couldn't get an injunction, but it doesn't mean they won't later on.

2. NGFUSA will no longer be selling freaked carts - see quote "original SNK packaging..."

3. On the NGF USA index page, the SNK/NEOGEO/ADK logo strip is no longer there - probably because they were afraid of copyright infringement.

Very interesting...


I'm getting too old for this shit...,
Oct 30, 2001
I got three things out of that writeup...

1. Playmore couldn't get an injunction, but it doesn't mean they won't later on.

2. NGFUSA will no longer be selling freaked carts - see quote "original SNK packaging..."

3. On the NGF USA index page, the SNK/NEOGEO/ADK logo strip is no longer there - probably because they were afraid of copyright infringement.

Very interesting...
You and I are on the same page. My take on it last night was that Playmore has no problem with NGF selling Neo Geo items that have not been altered with the NGF logo. So, they plan on selling off what they have. Obviously in true duo style, they are focusing on the fact that they (appear to) have the rights to sell the KoF cart.

Tarma also made a good point on the Zupapa issue, and I think RyoGeo was dead on in that this is just the beginning and there will be more news in the future. The boys are obviously going to dump what they have and move on to other platforms.

My thought is that Dion and Chris are trying to spin this to their advantage as best they can, focusing on the KoF issue. Nowhere does it say anything about new stock, or bigger, badder, etc.

Is anyone here in a position to get a comment from Playmore? I would be really interested to get their take on what has transpired.


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
Jan 13, 2003
I know that I am new around here, but I have been reading up on what is going on, and I think that everyone is going to get what they wanted. I think that NGF finally got caught and now they are backpedaling there ass off. I don't think they can sell anymore of there games because they have probably freaked them all.

Also has anyone who purchased something from them ever made a legal complaint about the stamping that they do? I mean, there sounds like a lot of upset people got the shaft and did nothing about it. Has anyone ever confronted them in person before about there shadiness? eye eye


UI resident
Sep 12, 2000
Where's the official report from the court ? shame

Didn't they suposedly already sold the initial and only 100 units of this fake back in 2000 ? shame


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
I got three things out of that writeup...

1. Playmore couldn't get an injunction, but it doesn't mean they won't later on.

2. NGFUSA will no longer be selling freaked carts - see quote "original SNK packaging..."

3. On the NGF USA index page, the SNK/NEOGEO/ADK logo strip is no longer there - probably because they were afraid of copyright infringement.

Very interesting...
You and I are on the same page. My take on it last night was that Playmore has no problem with NGF selling Neo Geo items that have not been altered with the NGF logo. So, they plan on selling off what they have. Obviously in true duo style, they are focusing on the fact that they (appear to) have the rights to sell the KoF cart.

Tarma also made a good point on the Zupapa issue, and I think RyoGeo was dead on in that this is just the beginning and there will be more news in the future. The boys are obviously going to dump what they have and move on to other platforms.

My thought is that Dion and Chris are trying to spin this to their advantage as best they can, focusing on the KoF issue. Nowhere does it say anything about new stock, or bigger, badder, etc.

Is anyone here in a position to get a comment from Playmore? I would be really interested to get their take on what has transpired.
Sadly I don't think Playmore would reveal anything, certainly not from the Japanese HQ. Ray at !Arcade! probably has contacts that could find out, but he's a shrewd guy and I doubt he'd tell you anything.
Depending on Shawn's relationship with SNK USA he might be able to find out more, but again it might not be for public consumption.
Vinh has contacts too, but again same story.
A lot of the stuff I got told I was asked to keep private, until told otherwise, and so I have.

Think it'll be a while before anything else comes to light, but who knows.


Azu Bla, ,
Aug 24, 2002
Too funny.

Notice that they only focusd on the one thing that Playmore didn't dispute? It would be interesting to know what else transpired.


Creator of the Master List,
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I love the threats at the end of that letter about people "talking shit" about their 2 year old KOF 2k cart. Obviously they must have had a good lawyer, because their legalese is a bunch of "hogwash" as Jon Gruden would say.


Funster Mod
20 Year Member
Mar 19, 2001
Makismo is shaking in his boots. buttrock

Fuckin' rock on, Playmore!