Panasonic Q No disc issue


Crossed Swords Squire
Aug 29, 2017
Hello all

I just recently for a very good price picked up a Panasonic Q gamecube. it had the typical Broken drive rails so the drive tray would not open (that i repaired thankfully) But now i have an issue when trying to read gamecube games. no matter what the game it gets a no disk . this Q looks to be Stock without a mod chip. i have not gone all the way down to the Gamecube mother board yet but i am pretty sure its has no mod in it. I have tried l cleaning the Laser and the Fan looks to run ok no issues. I am also pretty sure i connected all the Ribbon cables back properly. but no luck. I though it might be the Laser but it plays Dvd Videos very well even very scratched ones. Does anyone have any Ideas what this might be or have had this issue as well in the past?

I will be taking it apart again soon to double check everything. Just building back up the nerve haha its not fun to take apart.
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Crossed Swords Squire
Aug 29, 2017
I took this apart yesterday again and now the Dvd' drive is not reading anything at all. when i start it up the Disk starts to spin very fast non stop. when i hit eject on the drive the tray opens and the disk is still spinning as it opens. while troubleshooting the last did wake up and start emitting light again but it just locked up and after reboot of the system it was back to the previous non working ways.
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Crossed Swords Squire
Aug 29, 2017
Hello All,

not sure anyone cares but I did resolve this issue. it was due to the laser and I found the needed Pots to adjust to Fix it. i did run into a ton of other issues and notice the lack of info for these online so i created a Youtube channel. I know I know another BS youtube channel well if anyone is interested the first video for this repair series is located here My channel name is VGplayers and Haters check it out if you like or don't its up to you.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
I care Neogeoman106st, I care. But I'd care more if you posted pictures, I like pictures.


Crossed Swords Squire
Aug 29, 2017
you got it

This is the lens and assembly

on the underside of the dvd laser are the adjustment pots below is an image of the one i used to get the system to read games again.
pot used.jpeg

I used a meter to check and got a 3.6 reading then had to just it to 5.6 or so. any more and it stopped reading dvd's and only games worked. so make sure to test both media formats when you just this one.


B. Jenet's Firstmate
Sep 21, 2018
you got it

This is the lens and assembly
View attachment 55126

on the underside of the dvd laser are the adjustment pots below is an image of the one i used to get the system to read games again.
View attachment 55127

I used a meter to check and got a 3.6 reading then had to just it to 5.6 or so. any more and it stopped reading dvd's and only games worked. so make sure to test both media formats when you just this one.

I do care too but haven't seen the post previously.

Take into consideration that changing the power of the laser may result in a decrease of life of the same. If you're not using it a lot (I guess you play other stuff than GC even though I love that cube) it may not be a problem but my suggestion is to change the pot to the minimum value that you find no problem of it reading discs.

Now you cant take this into consideration or don't it's up to you.


Crossed Swords Squire
Aug 29, 2017
Yes you are correct and that is what i did. I also picked up a spare laser just incase.


Crossed Swords Squire
Aug 29, 2017
I fished up my 4 part series on how i got to fixing all the issues that came up with my Q and also give some tips for others who might have the same or might be thinking of getting a Q. check it out on my channel.

red impact

Crossed Swords Squire
May 8, 2006
Good job and your work will help someone somewhere.

Always had a soft spot for the Q!