Official PSP Homebrew (Piracy) Thread: All ROMs, ISOs and Such!


Crazed MVS Addict
Sep 19, 2004
OMFG this fricking neocd emu is shit. I keep getting ipl.txt! msg no matter what I do I have been at this all night. and everywhere I look on the net they all say the same thing. They say to unzip iso file and then zip the files inside the iso file but not the iso file itself. I did this every which way and still nothing still getting this same stupid error. f&*& kin peice!!!!! Anyone on this site done it? Only problem people are having is this stupid bios thing but I had that a long time ago.... Now I am going to go crazy and bust this worthless psp. frickin 300can and 100can for memory stick :P lame-o please if you have this can you please just email or pm the stuff I need? I know it is illegal but shit I spent thousands on these games for my aes so I figure I have the right to play em on some emulator.


Hyperspin King., Beer Not Included.,
20 Year Member
Mar 18, 2002
This is what your path and file count should look like



Unzip the iso, repack it as a zip (i did this with no compression) and make a new folder Metal Slug and put in neocdpsp (when repacking do not include mp3's)

Now put the newly acquired metal in the metal slug folder like so

Example: E:\PSP\GAME\neocdpsp\metal slug\Metal

Now make another folder like so in the metal slug folder

E:\PSP\GAME\neocdpsp\metal slug\neocd.mp3 <--folder name and not a file, has to be exact

Now put all the extracted mp3's from the iso in this folder. Like so

E:\PSP\GAME\neocdpsp\metal slug\neocd.mp3

Metal Slug-02.mp3
Metal Slug-03.mp3
Metal Slug-04.mp3
Metal Slug-05.mp3
etc (these files are not zipped btw, just normal files in a normal folder)

The beginning of the mp3 has to match the zip file.

Metal Slug-02.mp3 is in direct corrolation to Metal

or twinkle-01 --->

I hope this helps
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Crazed MVS Addict
Sep 19, 2004
I don't know if I am just stupid but this thing still won't work now the program (winrar)does not let me extact files (for example SS2 comes in 4 parts so I highlight all parts and say extract to XXX but then when it gets to file ss2.part2 it either doesnt see that I do have this part or it just plain says error need next volume and shuts down ). Can I send someone the roms I need and get them to zip it up correctly?


Bead Banger
Oct 1, 2001
soapy_jack23 said:
I don't know if I am just stupid but this thing still won't work now the program (winrar)does not let me extact files (for example SS2 comes in 4 parts so I highlight all parts and say extract to XXX but then when it gets to file ss2.part2 it either doesnt see that I do have this part or it just plain says error need next volume and shuts down ). Can I send someone the roms I need and get them to zip it up correctly?

When a rar file have more than 1 part, you dont have to highlight all parts. Just highlight the first one and hit extract. The others will extract automatically.

Blue Steel

previously "bubu_X"
Feb 26, 2003
Shit, when/if I get a PSP I know this exact same shit is going to happen to me. I hate the thought of trying to do all the shit you guys are describing with zipping and unzipping. Why can't it be easier than this? Perhaps I can pay someone to do it for me/give me lessons on the phone?


Hyperspin King., Beer Not Included.,
20 Year Member
Mar 18, 2002
soapy_jack23 said:
I don't know if I am just stupid but this thing still won't work now the program (winrar)does not let me extact files (for example SS2 comes in 4 parts so I highlight all parts and say extract to XXX but then when it gets to file ss2.part2 it either doesnt see that I do have this part or it just plain says error need next volume and shuts down ). Can I send someone the roms I need and get them to zip it up correctly?

You willl ether have files that look like this file.rar file.01 file.02 etc (if there is no rar file and only 01, 02, 03 etc, pick the the first one eg. 01)

In this situation double click file.rar and highlight the file that appears in the new window and extract to the location desired. It will now build the file from the mulitiply files present. In which will produce a file.iso

Once then you have the newly compiled iso file, you will then use iso buster to extract the mp3's and files to a new seperate folder.

After which you will then create your zip file to use in the psp. (remember do not include the mp3's as they go in a seperate folder on the psp)


aka The Grinch
20 Year Member
Dec 16, 2000
I won't take the plunge on PSP Romz until there's a reliable one that plays MAME (AvP, Cadiallics & Dinosaurs, Xmen, punisher, D&D) and Neo Geo Romz.


Ninja Combat Warrior
Sep 10, 2003
does anyone know if ANY games work for MAME on PSP? i've got MAME running on it, but none of the roms work with it, there's always some error. so far, i've had no problems running SNES, Genesis, Neo CD, NES, and homebrew on it with no problems (i mostly run shooters, a few fighters, and side scrollers--Neo CD, i run a nice collection of fighters and shooters........and there is NOTHING better than having Metal Slug & Metal Slug 2 in your fucking pocket!). i do know that some sites i've found have mentioned that only one game works on MAME. for it. i was just wondering if that was true or if i'm doing something wrong.

i tried the Irem MAME for PSP (because i'd love to play In the Hunt on the go), but had no luck. if someone could help me with some info or tips, i'd appreciate it. and if anyone needs any info or tips on the others listed above, i'll help out in return.
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Ninja Combat Warrior
Sep 10, 2003
also, how reliable/good is the NGPC emulator for PSP? are there any sound issues or any problems with speed? which games are supported? again, any help is highly appreciated.


aka The Grinch
20 Year Member
Dec 16, 2000
Getting MAME for D&D, AvP, Caddies and Dinos and Neo Geo to run the Slugs and puzzle games on PSP would be as delicious as a fat juicy plump woman's ass with a bulls' eye painted on it. The day I hear that shit works on PSP is the day I'll buy a new PSP and a 1 GiG stick.


Hijacked by a Spambot!
Aug 21, 2004
GregN. said:
Getting MAME for D&D, AvP, Caddies and Dinos and Neo Geo to run the Slugs and puzzle games on PSP would be as delicious as a fat juicy plump woman's ass with a bulls' eye painted on it. The day I hear that shit works on PSP is the day I'll buy a new PSP and a 1 GiG stick.

That's why I'm selling mine... It's taking too damn long and this system is just sitting collecting dust.


aka The Grinch
20 Year Member
Dec 16, 2000
gamejunkie said:
That's why I'm selling mine... It's taking too damn long and this system is just sitting collecting dust.

Hopefully it's not collecting dust under the screen.

Seriously dude, I haven't turned mine on in over 1 1/2 months. My interest in Lumines just petered out.


Zero's Tailor
Aug 19, 2003
I've played over a dozen NeoGeo CD games perfectly on PSP. With full music and everything. I don't know why people have such problems but it works find for me.

That includes Metal Slug 1 and 2, and Puzzle Bobble. ;)


Marked Wolf
20 Year Member
Mar 19, 2002
I also get this " couldnt open ipl.txt " message when my roms are zipped.. they work fine unzipped but not zipped and I need to save space. any suggestions..?? Any type of zip program..?? Also, if you say you dont use compression, what is the point of zipping them..??

rich !:D


Master Brewer, Genzai Sake Co.
20 Year Member
Apr 25, 2002
I cant get any of the features to work with the pc engine emus anybody know of a translation for them ?


Ninja Combat Warrior
Sep 10, 2003
not sure if anyone has posted this yet (i'm sure they have--and NO, i don't have time to search this thread or forum to find out--just thought i'd share it for the fuck of it).

read this article and download this zip file to extract a loader that will let you load your UMD game onto your PSP memory stick (you'll need a 1GB or a 512GB stick to even enjoy it). Wipeout Pure fits on a 512MB stick, but most of the other UMD games i tried were larger. you can load your PC's harddrive with these and switch out games whenever you like. happy renting at Blockbuster.

(yeah i know----someone will drop in and post a link to the "original" post about this that i'm sure already exists-----more power to you if you fee the need to share something i don't need to know and don't really care about--just wanted to share it in case someone hadn't known about it).

all i need is MAME to actually run the games i want.............

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't seem to "load" any roms for the ngPsp 1.31 emu. I have my .ngp files in the roms folder, but when I click load, nothing happens. :(


Olly C,
15 Year Member
May 24, 2004
dreamstationx said:
I also get this " couldnt open ipl.txt " message when my roms are zipped..

I get this I have the 3 parts of the .rars but have no idea how to combine them or get them to work when I just throw all the .rar files into a .zip file tey say " couldnt open ipl.txt " and the system goes back to the menu screen.

Anyone help me?

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I figured out the answer to my question. I had to rename the ngPsp emulator folder from simply NGPC to ngPSp, since the directory it looks for the roms in is always ngPsp/roms :-/

Amano Jacu

Charles Barkley
Sep 11, 2001
TrueTrials said:
I get this I have the 3 parts of the .rars but have no idea how to combine them or get them to work when I just throw all the .rar files into a .zip file tey say " couldnt open ipl.txt " and the system goes back to the menu screen.

Anyone help me?

Not sure if I understand what you are doing, if you have a file compressed into 3 parts of rars you need winrar to decompress them all together, just open one of them with winrar and it will do it automatically.

BTW, there are strong rumors of an inminent way to execute homebrew stuff in the PSP 2.0. We'll see if this time is not bullshit.


PSP v.2.0 exploit found:

First Homebrew Code on 2.00

1. Set wallpaper to frame_buffer.png (without overflow.tif present
in the PHOTO directory, or it will crash).
2. Add overflow.tif to the PHOTO directory, and open into the photo
viewer. Custom code to paint the screen! Or to write a homebrew
app! Not to run illegal games.

How It Works?

1. The PNG contains a small amount of code in a known, fixed place
(the VRAM). If to look closely at the wallpaper, sees small
coloured pixels in the right down. The pixels are Allegrex
opcodes, with the highest byte all zero for the ALPHA. These
pixels do:

syscall 0x20C7 ; sceKernelDcacheWritebackInvalidateAll
slt a0, zero, sp ; put 1 into a0
sll a0, a0, 6 ; put 64 into a0
addiu a0, sp, a0 ; get screen painter address over SP
jr a0 ; jump to the screen painter
nop ; branch delay slot

2. The TIFF contains also some code and a buffer to trigger the
known BitsPerSample overflow in libtiff in the photo viewer.
The buffer makes a jump to the VRAM which has the PNG colours
by overwriting the safed ra (return address) on the stack.
The VRAM code uses SP and calculates the address of the buffer
then runs it. Then it jumps there. The screen is yellow as
the colour was 0x12345678 in Hex.

PSP Users:

We didn't do this so you could steal from Sony and game companies.
We believe in OSS. There are plenty of amazing programs that have
been written for the PSP. Use this as a gift and not as an excuse
to steal.


If you wanted to find us i know you could. This release wasn't
intended as a way to run pirated software on the PSP. We believe
that everyone should be able to compile their own code and run it.
Nothing is kept secret forever and i'm sure you know this.
In the end, if it wasn't us. It would be some one else.
Fighting it would be like skating up a hill. You did create the
PSP and did an amazing job.

To the people of the Toc2rta development network. You're our phone
a friend. With out your friendship this would never of happened.
I hope this brings you as much happiness as it brings us.
Join us on

Most importantly... Have fun!

I haven't tried it myself, but the exploit supposedly works. It won't allow you to run homebrew or teh romz until somebody codes a loader into the image though, but something is something.

EDIT: I just tested it and it works as advertised. Now to wait until somebody puts it to use.
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Hyperspin King., Beer Not Included.,
20 Year Member
Mar 18, 2002
Yeah there seems to be some good programmers discussing the prospects of it over at in the forums. Good reads and this looks like it has a ton of potential. Once i get confirmation im going 2.0


Hyperspin King., Beer Not Included.,
20 Year Member
Mar 18, 2002
Well they have a binary loader going on the 2.0 psps now. I guess you can call it the first crack at homebrew only 1 day after the exploit. Awsome stuff.