offical wwe thread


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
TNA Bound For Glory PPV Results: 10-4-15

Continued from previous post.

6 -- KURT ANGLE vs. ERIC YOUNG -- No DQ match

Angle attacked Young as the bell sounded, then the match moved to the floor. The fight moved into the crowd to give the fans a closer look at the action tonight. Angle eventually dumped EY over the guardrail back to ringside, then the brawl returned to the ring. Angle quickly clotheslined Young over the top rope back to ringside, where the fight continued.

Back in the ring, EY found an opening and quickly snapped off a piledriver. Angle grabbed his neck, rolled out of the ring, and writhed in pain selling a neck injury, which brought out the medical team to check on Angle. Mathews talked in hushed tones about about Angle perhaps coming back too soon. The head medic waved off the match, saying Angle cannot continue. Angle was then helped to his feet and dragged away.

EY decided to attack everyone on the scene, smashing agent Pat Kenney, tossing the head medic into the ring steps, slapping the ref, and scaring away the EMTs. Young then grabbed Angle and tried to smash his neck as Angle pleaded with him that it's over, man. Young ignored him, then picked up a chair and smacked Angle in the face, with Angle barely getting his hands up.

The apparent post-match activity moved to the floor in front of the announce table. The crowd disengaged from the supposed heinous attack by encouraging EY to use a dude's Avengers shield on the front row. Angle blocked, though, and suplexed Young on the outside. Suddenly, the match was continuing? Huh? It would be like an NFL player getting a concussion, the head medic gets knocked out on the sidelines, and the player is allowed to continue in the game because the medic is out of the picture. Angle went for a cover in the ring and a referee counted a nearfall. Mathews was confused on whether this was still a match. Angle suddenly snapped off a German Suplex.

EY responded with more attacks to the neck. Mathews told EY to just end the match as Young went for a cover, but Angle kicked out. Young then wanted a super piledriver from the top rope, but Angle blocked and applied the anklelock in the middle of the ring. Young fought the hold for a while, but he eventually tapped out, giving Angle the win.

WINNER: Angle via submission at 13:07 after the match appeared to be stopped at 4:15. This was all kinds of illogical. From Angle wanting a No DQ match as opposed to a wrestling match to silence EY to the medic stopping the match and then the match continuing. The crowd cheering for an Avengers cosplayer to help Eric Young shows how little fans invest in these types of faux injury angles, especially when they're so poorly executed with a match continuing after a so-called head medic saying the match is over, then being attacked by a wrestler with no consequences. It's that cringe-worthy wrestling booking that turns people away from the genre. The goal was to protect Angle from having to do too much in the ring, while making it seem like he wrestled a "complete match" when people are paying for this show, but it felt very forced.

7 -- TNA Hvt. champion ETHAN CARTER III (w/Tyrus) vs. DREW GALLOWAY vs. MATT HARDY -- three-way TNA Hvt. Title match -- Jeff Hardy special referee

Once the bell sounded, Tyrus kind of got involved from the outside, so Jeff Hardy tossed Tyrus from ringside. As noted by the announcers, Tyrus wasn't that upset about being ejected, which was linked to Tyrus and ECIII not being on the same page earlier in the show. The crowd popped for Tyrus being ejected as ECIII sold being in deep doo-doo to make it seem like it's inevitable there will be a new champion.

The match then started with ECIII putting up a fight against the stacked deck. Carter eventually rolled to the floor and set up a table ringside. ECIII wanted to powerbomb Drew off the ring steps through the table, but Drew blocked and bodyslammed ECIII onto the ring steps. Back in the ring, Hardy dropped both ECIII and Drew. Hardy then hit a moonsault onto both opponents, he pinned both, and they both kicked out.

Suddenly, ECIII shoved Matt into Jeff, who sold a knee injury. Matt checked on Jeff, who hobbled around the ring and missed Matt getting a pin on Drew. ECIII then surprised Matt from behind with a quick roll-up, which Jeff seemed a bit fast counting a nearfall for Carter. ECIII argued with Jeff anyways before contemplating his next move. On the outside, ECIII placed Drew onto a table, then he grappled Matt and suplexed him off the ring apron through Drew and the table.

ECIII was up first and he rolled Matt back into the ring to score a close two count with a normal cadence from Jeff. Pope said it seems like Jeff is just off on his counts as an untrained referee. ECIII then wanted the One-Percenter on Matt, but Drew stormed back into the ring to clothesline Carter.

At 15:00, Matt climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Drew crotched him. ECIII got involved and there was a Tower of Doom spot that put all three men down on the mat. Jeff checked on the competitors as everyone sold. All three men came to their feet exchanging chops and slaps, then Drew and Matt battled mid-ring after knocking down ECIII. But, ECIII suddenly snatched both men to hit the One-Percenter. Carter covered Drew, then Matt, but neither cover resulted in a three count.

ECIII stood up and confronted Jeff, then told Jeff to DQ him. Carter kicked Drew in the groin, but Jeff refused to DQ him. "Fight!" he shouted at Carter. Instead, Carter left the ring and grabbed a chair. ECIII wanted to hit Matt with the chair, but Jeff yanked the chair away. ECIII told Jeff to hit Matt, but Jeff refused. ECIII slapped Jeff, who responded by smashing the chair into ECIII. Jeff then dropped ECIII with the Twist if Fate into a running boot from Drew, taking out ECII. But, Matt dropped Drew with a Twist of Fate. Matt covered Drew for the win, as counted by Jeff. ECIII was not pinned to lose the title.

WINNER: Matt Hardy at 19:59 to capture the TNA Hvt. Title. A feel-good win for the live crowd in North Carolina. They had a journey/quest in-play for Matt finally winning a Hvt. Title, but there was so much going on with Jeff as special ref, Drew's involvement as the third wheel, ECIII defaulting to a semi-sympathetic role facing the stacked deck despite being a whiner, and ECIII's issues with Tyrus to take away from the story.

Post-match, ECIII threw a fit down at ringside. As Matt celebrated in the ring, Reby Sky and their son entered the ring to celebrate with Matt and Jeff. Their dad was helped into the ring to join the celebration. Suddenly, TNA cut backstage to show ECIII throwing a fit. Carter confronted Dixie Carter, then he shoved good ol' John Gaburick, who went tail over teakettle into a production table and curtain. ECIII yelled at Dixie, then stormed off. They cut back to the ring for a final Hardy Celebration in the ring to close the PPV.

Electric Grave

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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
This revelation just came to me...

Vince would love covered in "YES MEN!"

I miss CM Punk, never thought I'd say that given I never truly liked him as a wrestler but on the mic that's an entire different animal ever since he dropped that straight edge society gimmick which was lame a s fuck anyway. Talking about that major douche, he made all this noise about joining the UFC circuit only to realize he wasn't cut for competitive fighting and had to succumb to obscurity...then writing comics only to find he sucks as a writer and fade into obscurity again...I wonder what will he come up with next? Milk them 15 minutes for all their worth, rebel...


There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
Hopefully after a long break, Punk will return. Not as wrestler but behind the scenes. He knows how to produce a show and more.

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
NXT Takeover: Respect was pretty good

Also Punk's actually doing well in comics the two anthologies he was apart of sold well and his stories were among the most favored, Drax which he's co-writing isn't out yet and going by his promos and if we believe him in that he had a hand in a lot of the story lines he was involved in he's a really good writer


Pope Sazae's fake account
Jul 2, 2015
I have not had a chance to watch Takeover: Respect past the Asuka match since the stream just decided to get all kinds of messed up at that point but it was great up to there. The first two tag matches were great with Dawson and Wilder doing some great stuff with a really nice old school tag team feel. Jordan and Gable were a team I have not watched a lot of but I will from now on, Jordan has a lot of that Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin look to him in the ring and that's a great thing. The Asuka debut was killer though with them recently building up Dana Brooke it was interesting to see her being the one fed to Asuka. I've always known that as Kanna she was a force but getting to see her in an NXT ring was awesome and everything about her in the ring was top plus you know Dana is feeling that match today. I really really want to see her go up against Paige who can work a very hard hitting style (watch her pre-WWE stuff) and Natalya that I feel would like a tough snug match after dealing with the "divas" for so long.


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20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
So I didn't even bother to scan RAW this week.

Did I miss anything?


Pope Sazae's fake account
Jul 2, 2015
So I didn't even bother to scan RAW this week.

Did I miss anything?

No aside from some fun brawling between Wyatt's and Reigns/Ambrose. Made me cringe when I saw the slam that Dean took on the outside since it made the old school Foley elbow look comfortable in comparison.

Electric Grave

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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
The Asuka match in Respect only had 2 good moves, 2, that's it...

Corbin and Rhino beating Gable and Jordan was BS, the match was good though. Would have been a much better final with them 2 in it.


So Many Posts
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20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Now I don't care much about James Storm... But if Bobby Roode ever shows up on NXT, I'm watching that show again.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Sad to see Storm go to a developmental brand or WWE in general.

I wanted him in ROH, Japan, or Lucha Underground

Oh well, at least he's still getting work.

Man I hope Roode goes to ROH. That guy would work so well there.

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
The Asuka match in Respect only had 2 good moves, 2, that's it...

Corbin and Rhino beating Gable and Jordan was BS, the match was good though. Would have been a much better final with them 2 in it.

Rhyno/Corbin are heels so them winning made sense that way. Jordan & Gable still came away as winners along with Dawson & Wilder, the tag scene in NXT is getting really good

Good on Storm for going to the E, not sure if ROH can or is willing to pay him, might have only been WWE or NJPW/Noah as options
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Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
I'm sure money has something to do with it...
NXT stars don't make dick, dude. Not until and unless they are signed to the main roster.

They offered the Briscoes like 250$ a week before the Briscoes signed their most recent ROH deals.

In all likelihood ROH could pay them more, but going to ROH instead of NXT means a smaller chance of ending up on the main WWE roster long term.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Like I said, money...
Potential, theoretical money. If they don't make it out of NXT and onto the main roster they'll make significantly less with NXT than they did in TNA or would on the international/independent circuits.

Electric Grave

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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
If they're confident in their craft then they should jump to the main roster in WWE, it's not like the WWE is invaded with top talent, they need more talent.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
If they're confident in their craft then they should jump to the main roster in WWE, it's not like the WWE is invaded with top talent, they need more talent.
Talent doesn't mean squat in WWE. It's all about whether or not Vince has a hard on for you.

That's why Ryback, Bray Wyatt, the Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, Mark Henry, and JJ Security are on the main roster while Samoa Joe, KENTA, Rhino, James Storm, El Generico, etc are on the "developmental" brand.

Samoa Joe was main eventing world title matches in TNA and ROH before green ass Ryback even thought about becoming a wrestler.

Electric Grave

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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
Doesn't matter. Vince likes one thing more than anything, money, and if a wrestler connects with the crowd he will see that and bring it to the main roster. Out of all the people that post in this thread you must be the blindest fuck of them all. I mean if we go by what you said then Samoa Joe is an idiot right? I mean if he's so above being in the WWE why does he bother being in NXT at all? Seriously, you should consider becoming a manager for all these poor fucks that have joined the WWE because god knows they don't know any better right?

I agree with you in some things but Jesus get off the fucking high horse already, you're fucking annoying as fuck.

I can guarantee you that your idea of a true wrestler and mine are worlds apart...worlds.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
I didn't say they were stupid for going to WWE... I said I wish they didn't. For my own, selfish reasons and not because I think I know what's best for them. I just want them to be in a place where I'll get to watch them and where I feel like they'll get the best chance to be entertaining.

I don't know what's going to happen to them long term. For the ones who do end up on the main roster it was probably a good move, for the ones that don't it was obviously a bad move. They're betting on themselves to get to the main roster and that's fine, but don't fucking act like talent is all it takes to get there.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
RAW dipped to its lowest viewership yesterday despite having some extra star power and heading toward HIAC PPV this Sunday.

Apparently Randy Orton is a scratch for HIAC with a shoulder injury. He also didn't appear on RAW or the Mexican Tour this past week.

Cena was going to take some time off however with Orton gone, he may stay a bit longer before his hiatus.

Finally Luke Harper was not on RAW and replaced by the returning Erick Rowan. There are reports that Harper not appearing was a "creative decision".

Electric Grave

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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
Harper is ten times the wrestler Rowan is, however I feel Harper was gaining momentum but lost it when he started introducing Husky Harris before his boreful promos...

I'd say get rid off goofball face Strownman? Whatever his name is, what a tool, bring back the wyatts like at the start of their RAW days, great drama with Daniel Bryant and Cena those were my faves, the rest...maybe the Ambrose rivalry? A little stretched but it was ok.
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The Wonder Years,
Mar 4, 2001
The current WWE product kinda sucks. I only watch the PPVs, network specials and Youtube Raw/SD "high"lights these days. I realized... after so long... that the legends just don't get the nostalgic pop from me anymore. Is it just me? I mean, I saw HBK-Austin-Flair on Raw and it was like eh. I shouldn't be "eh" but for me the magic died when the Warrior died. His Hall of Fame moment was like the last true great childhood superstar I had been waiting to make up with the company. (Oh yeah and Jake the Snake, who also got inducted that night. That was an awesome night). After Warrior, that's pretty much it. Then when he passed, it's like a small part of my wrestling childhood went with him.

Then came the Hogan scandal. Say what you will about Hogan but I loved moments like the WM30 opener.

Then Dusty and Piper died. There goes another part of my wrestling childhood.

Sting in the WWE has been done and is no longer fresh or exciting. The last time I popped for the legends was nWo vs. DX at Mania 31.

Sigh. So now when I see the legends I'm not as nostalgic. The act is wearing out on me in general. And as such, my interest in WWE is dwindling. I've always watched in the past for that short nostalgic burst. But now all the true legends have left us (in one way or another) and what we're left with is John Cena and a bunch of "safe" midcard acts.

Shit, maybe I'm just getting older. </old man rant>
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There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
Harper is ten times the wrestler Rowan is, however I feel Harper was gaining momentum but lost it when he started introducing Husky Harris before his boreful promos...

I'd say get rid off goofball face Strownman? Whatever his name is, what a tool, bring back the wyatts like at the start of their RAW days, great drama with Daniel Bryant and Cena those were my faves, the rest...maybe the Ambrose rivalry? A little stretched but it was ok.

I agree with you about Harper and his momentum loss. I'd like to see him leave the family.

Rowan has Strowhatever to tag with and hone his skills.

I enjoyed the Stone Cold podcast with Brock. Interesting and funny, loved when Brock said "I have to feed the Jew".

@Steve when Bruiser Brody was killed, I was completely shocked. The deaths of so many wrestlers in the 90s and 00s numbed me a lot. I'm glad we still have Flair, Funk and Lawler
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