offical wwe thread


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Smackdown Results: 12-30-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report).


Mahal took the early advantage while Cole bickered with Josh Mathews and Booker T on commentary. DiBiase came back with a sit-out slam for a nearfall as Booker vowed to give Rhodes a whooping next week. DiBiase then injured his knee, allowing Mahal to slap on the Camel Clutch. Cole called the move a "throwback to the past," then DiBiase tapped out. Lilian Garcia announced the verdict as Mathews noted Mahal ended 2011 on a high note. Booker said Mahal plans to make a big splash in 2012.

WINNER: Mahal via submission at 2:54. It would only be fitting for 2011 to end with yet another Even Steven result between these two.


Natalya quickly took control of the action on Kaitlyn. Suddenly, Fox tagged in and scored a quick pin on Natalya, continuing Natalya's string of losses. Post-match: The faces escaped, then Tamina turned on Natalya with a strike and Superfly fist drop.

WINNERS: Fox & Kaitlyn at 1:35. So, does this mean JTG loses his heel manager if Tamina is turning face? Big questions to be answered here.

3 -- JUSTIN GABRIEL vs. HUNICO (w/Comacho)

Cole, of all people, broke down the history of the low-rider bike as Gabriel and Hunico exchanged control early on. Cole defended his ability to speak on the subject by noting he lives in McAllen, Texas, which is near the Mexican border. About a minute in, Gabriel tried a top-rope move, but Hunico countered with a flying armdrag. Hunico followed with a top-rope splash and it was good for the win. Post-match, Hunico and Comacho delivered an impressive double-team combo on poor Gabriel. Cole called it a sign of things to come.

WINNER: Hunico at 1:43. WWE is really filling time this week while trying to establish some credibility for lower-card heels.

4 -- BIG SHOW vs. DAVID OTUNGA (w/Mark Henry)

Show easily discarded Otunga to the ring, prompting Henry to give Otunga a pep talk about getting the job done. Meanwhile, Booker suggested he would be bringing his big brother (Stevie Ray) to Smackdown next week for the IC Title match. Otunga regrouped, re-entered the ring, and ate a shoulder block from Show. Show then took a look at Henry and delivered a big corner splash to Otunga. Henry inched toward the ring, which distracted Show enough for Otunga to chop block him.

Otunga delivered rapid-fire offense, then Daniel Bryan came to ringside through the crowd and blasted Henry with a belt shot. Bryan told Henry to come chase him, then Henry hobbled up the rampway toward Bryan, removing Otunga's back-up. Meanwhile, in the ring, Show palmed Otunga's head before delivering the KO Punch. One, two, three, and it's over for Otunga. Cole called Bryan's conduct unacceptable for the World champion. Show then left the ring in a celebratory mood.

WINNER: Show at 3:25. One of those "feel good" moments on a Smackdown episode without a PPV to hype or a sense of urgency.


Booker said perhaps the competition was too tough for McIntyre on Raw and now he can catch his breath on Smackdown. Cole said Mac is making a ton of money and he needs to show that he deserves the money and spot on Friday nights. Cole then referenced Vince McMahon's endorsement of McIntyre a few years ago. Cole added a comical line about McMahon "being the man who invented the industry." In the ring, Mac and Zeke went back and forth battling for control as Booker tried to relate the match to the principles of the wrestling business.

Mac almost got himself DQ'ed, then Zeke teased a torture rack, but Mac escaped. Mac followed with a roll-up and tried to put his feet on the ropes, but the ref saw it. The ref and Mac argued, then Zeke rolled up Mac and hooked the tights, which the ref did not see. Zeke picks up the win. Booker said that's something he's never seen Zeke do, but "that's what it's all about" in WWE. Afterward, McIntyre sold frustration over the loss. No sign of Teddy Long to address Mac's status.

WINNER: Jackson at 3:53. This announcing mess in WWE is a Top 5 story of the year, not just because of the lack of quality, but its negative affect on business without a credible voice guiding the ship.


They returned from break with the match already in progress, per a decision by Teddy Long during the commercial. Sheamus blasted Slater with a back elbow and there was a sudden wave of noise piped in. Sheamus then tossed Slater over the top rope again, but Slater landed on his feet. Slater taunted Sheamus, who merely responded with ten straight forearm blows to the chest. Sheamus lost control and the crowd began rallying behind Sheamus, who absorbed an attack to the mid-section.

Sheamus got that look in his eyes and made a comeback with hard blows and strikes. The crowd got fired up as Sheamus climbed up top for a shoulder tackle. Sheamus then called for the end and delivered the Brogue Kick center-ring. Sheamus with the cover for the win.

WINNER: Sheamus at 4:50 of what aired. A fine, effective squash to start building up Sheamus as a "favorite" to win the Rumble from the Smackdown side.

7 -- RANDY ORTON vs. WADE BARRETT -- Falls Count Anywhere match

Orton delivered early offense before they took the match to the outside. Orton and Barrett gingerly exchanged offense to protect Orton. Orton scored a nearfall on the floor before pacing the ringside area. The two men then sold the effects of the brawl as the show went to break.

Back from break, the action was in the ring, where Barrett had control. On the floor, Barrett scored a nearfall before ramming Orton back-first into the ring apron. The "magician" slammed the apron with his hand to make noise as the camera cut to another angle so as not to reveal Barrett protecting Orton's back. Back in the ring, Barrett delivered a knee to the gut that cut off a teased comeback. Barrett then came off the second rope with a flying elbow drop for a two count.

Four minutes before the top of the hour, Orton dumped Barrett to the outside and the fight moved over the guardrail to the front row. The fight then moved to the lower portion of the arena, then into the locker room area. The ref was bumped during the melee, so no ref to administer a three count in the hallway. Orton and Barrett exchanged control brawling all over the place. Suddenly, an elevator opened up and Orton cleared everyone out of the elevator to continue the fight with Barrett. WWE cut to a weird black & white security camera shot of the two men brawling inside the elevator.

Orton and Barrett arrived at the next floor and fought to the office area, as Cole described it. They went through a door marked "Stairs" and the cameraman caught up with Barrett staring down at a flight of stairs. At the bottom of the 15 flights was Randy Orton in a state of disarray. Cole and Booker exchanged exclamations before Barrett was shown running away. The camera zoomed in on Orton selling various injuries in a contorted state. The show faded to the next Syfy program.

WINNER: No Decision when the show ended at 13:29. This was a very careful "match" to protect Orton. We'll see where it leads to with Orton's pre-existing injury not as serious as originally believed, according to WWE.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE RAW Results: 1-2-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report).

1 -- World Hvt. champion DANIEL BRYAN vs. Intercontinental champion CODY RHODES -- non-title Champion vs. Champion match

The two men traded offense early on before Rhodes slammed Bryan's shoulder into the mat. Rhodes worked over Bryan's shoulder for a while before Bryan whipped Rhodes to the floor. He followed with a dive that sent Cody crashing into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Bryan ate the top turnbuckle and a Disaster Kick for a two count. Rhodes tried a suplex, but Bryan countered with a quick roll-up for the pin and the win. Post-match: Bryan celebrated on the announce table in front of Cole before doing a victory lap around ringside. Cole told Bryan to enjoy his moment for now.

WINNER: Bryan at 3:20. This was typical WWE booking of Bryan - improbable victory rather than getting over his striking offense as impactful enough to score a decisive victory. They also wanted to protect Rhodes.


Santino tried to escape Barrett's wrath with quickness before Barrett cut him off and began dismantling Santino. Santino suddenly teased the Cobra, but Barrett emphatically popped him with a back kick to the jaw. Barrett then landed the Winds of Change for the pin and the win. Cole predicted that Barrett will be a champion this year.

WINNER: Barrett at 1:20.

In-ring: Sheamus confidently strolled out for the next match. Miz, while looking over his shoulder for R-Truth, came out to face Sheamus and jumped him before the bell sounded. Miz tried to tie up Sheamus in the ropes, but Sheamus flipped the tables and absolutely blasted away at Miz's chest with multiple forearm strikes. Miz then bailed from the ringside area and ran into the crowd. Suddenly, Truth's voice could be heard in the arena. Truth then emerged in the crowd and said he ran into Little Jimmy. Truth then passed along a message that Miz needs to get got. Miz tried to run away back to ringside, but ran into a Brogue Kick from Sheamus.

Sheamus, content with his night, walked off, allowing Truth to stand over a fallen Miz. Truth then retrieved a steel water bottle and approached Miz. Truth lifted up Miz, then blasted him with a water bottle to the head. Cole wanted to know what's wrong with that man. They went to a slow-mo replay of the bottle shot that KO'ed Miz. Back live, Truth walked back through the crowd. Truth said this weekly Miz beat down was brought to you by Little Jimmy - where you will get got. A "Little Jimmy" in the crowd chimed in with a "Happy New Year" gloat for Miz.

3 -- WWE champion C.M. PUNK vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) -- WWE Title match

They went back and forth to begin the match, including Punk scoring with five consecutive running leg drops that drew applause from the crowd and screams from Vickie. Ziggler then caught Punk off the ropes and dropped him face-first across the second rope. Ziggler began stomping away on the champ, who sold a facial injury. They continued the back and forth theme with Ziggler countering Punk's trademark suicide dive, resulting in a nearfall back in the ring. Cole then sent the show to a break.

Back from break, Punk and Ziggler were trading bombs in the ring. Ziggler then slapped on his trademark sleeperhold, which Punk escaped. The two men then recovered in the ring before Punk delivered a snap powerslam for a two count. Ziggler came back with a Fameasser for a two count of his own. Vickie demanded a check of the ref's sanity following the count. The crowd rallied behind Punk, who accidentally ripped off a top turnbuckle pad in a desperation moment trying to avoid a corner attack from Ziggler. Punk then called for the GTS and John Laurinaitis came down to ringside to inquire about the turnbuckle. In the ring, Punk slapped on his submission finisher and Ziggler tapped out at 12:05. However, Ace had the ref occupied in the corner, so he didn't see the fall.

Ziggler then tried to sneak up behind Punk, but Punk moved and Ziggler rammed into Ace. Punk teased the GTS again, but Ziggler elbowed out and Punk flew over the top rope when Ace appeared to pull down the top rope. Punk sold a shoulder injury and Ace backed away from ringside selling his own injury. Punk was then counted out, giving Ziggler the count-out win. Afterward, Ziggler grabbed his title belt and celebrated as if he won the title, angering Punk, who recovered to his feet and watched Ace's actions during a replay. Back live, Punk shook his head, then chased away Ziggler, who ran away with Punk's title.

WINNER: Ziggler via count-out at 13:04; Punk retains WWE Title. Another nice chapter in their series without giving away the full match until perhaps the Rumble PPV with a stipulation added. Good heat for the match, too, which is encouraging for a feud featuring a rising heel. (**1/4)


The Bellas pulled the switcheroo to score a pinfall on Eve. After a replay of the heels cheating to win, the Bellas called Eve & Kelly losers and the two teams exchanged mean looks toward each other.

WINNERS: Bellas at 2:12. Paging Phoenix, Beth, Divas champion.

Suddenly, the Raw Mystery Video interrupted a Did You Know. The girl said a familiar force will arrive to claim what is his. The boy said the girl holds the mystery of his re-birth. The girl was shown whispering in the boy's ear, then the boy said she has spoken and it is time. "Now," he said.

Back live, the arena was shown rumbling in a crazy camera shot. The crowd sat stunned, trying to figure out what was going on. Suddenly, the lights went out. Lightbulbs flashed in the arena. Screaming was heard in the crowd. "Y2J" chants were heard. Suddenly, the familiar Jericho pose flashed on the screen in lights. Jericho's music was heard and Jericho re-emerged on the stage wearing a flashy jacket. Lawler called it pandemonium. Jericho was fired up and his presence was unmistakable returning to WWE.

In the ring, Jericho soaked up the moment returning to WWE. Jericho took his time listening to the crowd as his music continued to play. Jericho then left the ring and high-fived the ringside fans as his music rolled over for another round. Jericho looked completely gassed once he re-entered the ring and took a mic as his music stopped. "Y2J" chant as Jericho nodded along and smiled.

On the mic, Jericho screamed and told the crowd to keep it coming. "Welcome back" and "Y2J" chants mixed as Jericho continued to soak up the moment. Jericho then played to all corners of the ring looking for the loudest crowd response. Jericho continued to be in his own world walking out of the ring to shout at the crowd. Back in the ring, Jericho played to the crowd again. This time, he made each side of the arena compete for cheers. Jericho then jumped around in the ring. Jericho approached the mic to talk again, but just let the mic fall out of his hand so he could scream and shout some more. "Y2J" chant before Jericho left the ring and did another victory lap. Jericho then grabbed a camera from the cameraman and shot the crowd, did another victory lap, and reached the stage to point to the crowd near the entrance ramp.

Jericho stood on-stage and started to hear some boos. Jericho's smile subsided, then he turned around and strutted back through the curtain. Lawler said he's not sure what he just saw. That lasted about ten minutes.

5 -- JOHN CENA & BIG SHOW & U.S. champion ZACK RYDER vs. MARK HENRY & JACK SWAGGER -- handicap elimination tag match

It felt like they made a change since they're running short on time. Swagger delivered an early kick to Cena, who sold in the corner as they went to a quick break. Of note, currently trending on Twitter: Y2J, Break the Walls Down, Jericho, Brodus Clay (who is MIA again), and The Undertaker (too early for him to return pre-Mania).

[Commercial Break]

They returned from break with Cena and Swagger still battling in the ring. They tried to get the sympathy on Cena despite the heels being at a disadvantage here. Cena broke free of Swagger just before the top of the hour and tagged in Big Show, who cleaned house. Show tried to get Henry into the ring, then Henry slowly entered the ring for a stare down with Show. Show won the exchange with a flying shoulder tackle that sent Henry rolling to the outside. On the floor, Show stole a chair from Henry and blasted the chair over Henry's back for a DQ at 6:18. The ref also DQ'ed Henry.

Ryder and Swagger picked things up after the double elimination. Ryder delivered the Broski Boot, then wanted the Rough Ryder, but Swagger countered with the anklelock. Ryder fought the hold mid-ring as he reached out toward Cena. Ryder then hopped over to Cena and made the tag. Cena ran over Swagger with trademark offense before delivering the Shuffle. Cena followed with the Attitude Adjustment after flashing a smile, then made the cover on Swagger for the win.

WINNERS: Team Cena at 8:25. Basic house show-style six-man tag. The follow-up was key...

Post-match: Ryder sold his ankle before Cena was stunned by Kane's pyro shooting off in the arena. Cena tried to meet Kane on the entrance ramp, but Kane popped through the ring and attacked Ryder. Cena charged the ring to meet Kane, who grabbed Cena and shoved his glove into Cena's mouth. After trying to choke the life out of Cena, Kane looked back into the ring, where Ryder was still selling injuries.

Kane slowly re-entered the ring and stalked Ryder, who tried to run away, but Kane grabbed Ryder by his injured ankle. Kane tried dragging Ryder into the hole where Kane emerged from, then Cena ran back into the ring and pulled Ryder away from Kane just in time. After running away from the hole, Cena and Ryder checked on each other before pyro shot off from the hole. Cena and Ryder then sat together in the corner selling disbelief as Kane's music played. Smoke came out of the hole as Cena figured out this was a bigger deal than he originally thought. The camera continued to focus on Cena's state of shock as the show concluded.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE NXT Results: 1-4-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to James's complete report).


Riley uses his speed and strength early on to dominate the match and clears McGillicutty from the ring. McGillicutty cautiously re-enters the ring and puts a boot to Riley's gut to take control. Riley bounces out of the corner to turn it around, mounting a very fast attack. Faceplant in the corner gets Riley two. Riley telegraphs a back body drop letting McGillicutty throw him outside the ring, then McGillicutty dodges Riley's dropkick when he goes through the ropes, and sends Riley back to the outside.

Riley and McGillicutty are brawling out of the break and McGillicutty sends Riley to the ground for two, then presses the attack further. Regal is just so good on the mic to enhance the in-ring talent. He calls McGillicutty a "wrestler" and directly compares him to his father, Mr. Perfect. McGillicutty is retaining control with a slow pace. Regal's filters are totally off as he starts talking about how his experiences in territories and WCW prepared him for WWE while new talent doesn't have that opportunity and is forced to learn in front of the big crowds and TV audience. Riley with a slam to get some separation, then clotheslines and a spinebuster to get the crowd wild.

McGillicutty with a Saito suplex for two. Regal, on a roll, says that he got that from his father and grandfather, who wrestled with Saito in the AWA. McGillicutty heads tot he top rope, but Riley crotches him and meets him up top for a superplex for a nearfall. McGillicutty looks stunned coming out of the cover, letting Riley pick him up. McGillicutty slips out before Riley can hit the Final Score, but Riley then dodges McGillicutty's running neckbreaker finisher and lifts McGillicutty up for the Final Score and the win.

WINNER: Alex Riley in 9:00. Riley's offense was hard-hitting and fast-paced. I really like his in-ring potential. McGillicutty needs to work on picking the pace up. William Regal was the real star here, as he said a lot of things that I assume violate a number of "WWE taboos." What was great about it, though, was that he did it all to enhance the in-ring talent in a way that I didn't hear much from the announcers in 2011.


Quick lock-up yields a tie. They reset and lock up again and Maxine throws Kaitlyn's face into the turnbuckle. Kaitlyn with a wristlock and, sweet goodness, picks Maxine up with one arm straight up and holds her in mid-air while holding the wristlock and tosses her into the turnbuckle. Regal with another story about one of Maxine's various relatives. Maxine with a knee lift, but Kaitlyn with a body slam and a leg drop for two. Kaitlyn throws Maxine down again and covers for one. Kaitlyn tries a bodyslam, but Maxine turns it into a Dragon Sleeper, and Kaitlyn eventually taps. Maxine doesn't release the hold until her music hits.

WINNER: Maxine via submission in 4:00. Hey, I liked this match. I like Maxine's style combining power and submissions, and I think that Kaitlyn's combination of size, power, charisma, and good looks will take her far. There were some sloppy spots in the match, but they both tried really hard to tell a story of contrasting styles in the ring.

3 - TRENT BARRETA (w/Yoshi Tatsu) vs. CURT HAWKINS (w/Tyler Reks)

Hawkins calls Barreta "stupid" for falling for a fake lock-up and heads on the attack. Hawkins's bodyslam gets two and Hawkins keeps up his attack. Mathews wishes JR a happy birthday and Regal recalls that JR interviewed him shortly after he came to the U.S. Hawkins continues to attack Barreta, who can't catch a break. Regal asks to talk about the match, not other things.

Hawkins with a suplex for two. Mathews actually no-sells the idea of calling the match instead of "story telling." Hawkins continues to dominate, and I don't think Barreta has landed any offense at all. Barreta fights out of a hold and hits a step-up enziguri. Barreta with a running back elbow, then the Gobstopper Knee for two. Hawkins slips out of a Dudebuster DDT, then trips up Barreta.

After a flip dive to the outside, Barreta rolls Hawkins into the ring and distracts the ref, but Tatsu stops Reks from interfering. When the ref tries to deal with Reks, Hawkins ambushes Barreta coming into the ring. Barreta slips out of a suplex attempt, though, and dodges a charge and immediately lands the Dudebuster DDT for the win.

WINNER: Trent Barreta in 7:00. I just love seeing Trent Barreta in the ring, and I've love even more to see Tatsu/Barreta challenge Air Boom for the Tag Titles. Again, Regal was amazing at talking up the talent. I absolutely loved when he begged Mathews to talk about the match and Mathews basically said that he's watching the match, just not talking about it. That is so counter-productive.


Young elbows out of a waistlock and lands a shoulder tackle, but Bateman hits a clothesline and a chop of his own. Bateman with a dropkick for two. Young to the apron and Bateman follows him, but gets him with a sort of drop down slam on the apron, which looks painful.

Young rolls him into the ring and gets a backbreaker, then settles into a leg scissors. Bateman elbows out, but Young gets an uppercut and puts him in the corner for more. Bateman elbows out of the corner and sends Young into the ringpost. Young rolls outside and Bateman lands a missile dropkick from the apron and fires up the crowd. Bateman rolls Young into the ring and lands a running neckbreaker for two.

Maxine comes out with Curtis and asks if she's distracting his match as he continues to beat on Young. She says that Curtis and her are getting married in Vegas in two weeks, which finally distracts Bateman enough for him to stop covering Young. Curtis kissing Maxine's hand distracts Bateman enough for Young to get his finisher for the win.

WINNER: Darren Young in 5:00. The match itself was fine, but there wasn't much room to tell a story since they just wanted to get to the angle at the end.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
TNA Impact Wrestling Results: 1-5-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to McQuade's complete report).

1 -- Knockouts tag champions GAIL KIM & MADISON RAYNE vs. MICKIE JAMES & TRACI BROOKS -- Knockouts Tag Title match

The match opened with James and Brooks immediately attacking the champions. Brooks slammed Kim into the steel steps outside, and James hit a neckbreaker on Rayne in the ring. James and Brooks then took turns slapping Kim, and then tossed Rayne into her. At this point, the show cut to a commercial.

The match resumed with James stomping Rayne in the corner. Rayne got control when Kim attacked James from the outside. Rayne got her in a headlock, but James got out and slit Rayne’s legs pretty violently. Rayne got control once more and settled for a few rest holds, but eventually did a faceplant. She then tagged Kim, but James also tagged Brooks, who did a few clotheslines and a jawbreaker. Kim got control after Brooks was distracted by Rayne and hit her with an inverted stomp facebreaker to get the pinfall.

WINNERS: Gail Kim & Madison Rayne in 7:00 to retain the KO Tag Titles.


Gunner began the match by shoulderblocking RVD after the lock-up. Van Dam then got control and did a running springboard backflip off the top rope. At this point, the show went to a commercial break.

After the show came back from a load of commercials, Gunner seemed to be in charge as he hit RVD with a few elbows. After charging RVD in the corner, he was kicked in the face. Then, Van Dam went to the top rope and hit a flying sidekick on Gunner. Gunner came back after a failed pin attempt and choked RVD on the ropes. He then got him in position for the F5, but RVD got out and did a roundhouse kick, followed by a few punches and the Rolling Thunder. After Gunner went to the outside, Van Dam tried to follow, but was dragged down by Gunner and his leg was caught in the ring apron. The two were then counted out after not taking the match back in the ring.

WINNER: Double count-out in 6:00.

After the match was ruled over, Gunner tried to go for a piledriver onto the exposed floor, but RVD back body dropped him. He then set Gunner up for his 360 legdrop, but Gunner moved out of the way and RVD went crashing. He then set Van Dam up for another piledriver, but TNA officials came out and stopped him. Where were they the last few times this happened?


Kid Kash opened the match by attacking Sorensen. Sorensen then reacted with a flying knee, and was tagged by Ion, who entered the match himself. Aries then got in the ring and took it to Ion with a few stiff hits before throwing him outside, so he could do his trademark dive. After taking it back in the ring, Aries hit his pendulum elbow. Sorensen then got in the match after getting the tag and hit a solid dropkick. Kash then got in the ring and executed a reverse vertical suplex. Ion then tagged himself in and hit a wicked DDT on Aries. He also pulled off a corkscrew off the top rope. Sorensen then tagged himself in and hits a neckbreaker on both Kash and Aries. He then slingshot onto Kash on the outside. Back inside, Ion tried to hit a 450 Splash on Aries and missed. Sorensen then got to Aries and hit him with an outward rolling cutter to get the pinfall.

WINNERS: Jesse Sorensen & Zema Ion in 7:00.

4 - A.J. STYLES & KAZARIAN vs. SAMOA JOE & MAGNUS -- Finals of Wild Card tag tournament

Styles and Joe start the match. Joe backed him up into the corner and began striking. He then tagged Magnus, who hit Styles with a backbreaker. Joe then came back and put Styles in an abdominal stretch. Styles then did a kip-up headscissor after being thrown down. Kaz and Magnus both entered the match and Magnus was double-teamed by the others. Styles and Kaz made quick tags to each other after wearing down Magnus with strikes. Joe and Magnus then double-teamed Kaz, which ended with Joe backsplashing him after a big boot from Magnus.

Kaz made a tag to Styles, who hit a springboard forearm, followed by a Pele kick after a few more strikes. Styles went to tag Kaz, but Kaz dropped down to the outside, refusing to tag in after seeing Christopher Daniels make his way out to the Impact Zone. Joe and Magnus then blindsided Styles and got the pinfall.

WINNERS: Samoa Joe & Magnus in 7:00.


Bully Ray started the match with Storm. After locking up, he hit a wicked uppercut on Ray’s jaw. Ray immediately tagged Roode, who was hit by a big boot, but got control after Ray distracted Abyss. At this point, the show cut to a commercial break.

After the show came back from a commercial break, the match resumed with Angle putting the attack on Abyss. He then tagged in Roode, who was shoved off by Abyss. He then double-clotheslined Angle and Roode, then tagged in Storm, who back body dropped Roode and clotheslined Angle. Ray hit a right hand on Storm as he came to his corner, causing him to lose momentum. Ray then entered the match and sent him head first into two corners. He hit a delayed vertical suplex, then tagged in Angle.

Storm then got his momentum back and hit a Russian leg sweep on Angle. They both made a tag, and Hardy came in to beat down Roode, including a split legdrop and a Twist of Fate. After the pin attempt was interrupted, all hell broke loose as everyone entered the ring and had at each other. The referee had no choice but to end the match.

WINNER: No Contest in 10:00.

Afterward, Hardy and Roode stayed in the ring and fought it out. Hardy hit another Twist of Fate and tried to go for a Swanton Bomb, but was sent flying by Bully Ray. Storm then tried to hit a superkick on Roode, but was low blow’d by Angle. Abyss then tried to hit a backbreaker on Angle, but was hit with a chain by Bully Ray. The show concluded with Bully Ray choking Abyss with a chain, Angle having the anklelock on Storm, and Roode having the crossface on Hardy.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Superstars Results: 1-5-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to James's complete report).

1 - WWE tag champion EVAN BOURNE (w/Kofi Kingston) vs. EPICO (w/Primo and Rosa Mendes)

Epico gloats over landing an armdrag, like he just beat John Cena. Bourne and Epico trade wristlocks and offense until Bourne gets some fast-paced, exciting offense. Bourne and the ref keep Primo and Mendes out of the match, then Bourne scores with more offense. Epico turns it around and dominates for a bit, including a very nice butterfly suplex. Bourne knees out of a vertical suplex, but eats a backbreaker and gets kicked through the ropes to the floor.

Epico is still in control back from the break, and Mendes is helping to generate heat at ringside. Bourne with a springboard crossbody for two, but Epico responds with a German Suplex for two. Epico puts Bourne in a chicken wing-like hold across his back. Bourne slips down and rolls up Epico for two, then attacks the hamstrings with a kick. Bourne with high knees and kicks, then lands a big double knee strike from the top rope for two. Mendes with a distraction on the apron, letting Epico leverage Bourne for two. Bourne rolls through, though, and leverages Epico himself for two. Bourne with a jumping side kick, and sets up Air Bourne. Primo on the apron but Kofi lands a crossbody to take him down. Bourne with a kick to Epico's head from the apron and Air Bourne for the win.

WINNER: Evan Bourne in 9:00. I just love seeing Evan Bourne in action, and Epico is a great opponent for him. Epico really seems to be a natural born wrestling, with a very fluid style and ability to heel to the crowd. The relationship with Mendes needs clarification, though, as Primo typically makes facial expressions like he wants to make a connection with her, but Epico seems to ignore her.


JTG foolishly locks up with Ryan, who pushes him right to the corner without effort. Ryan with a shoulder block and forearms to the back. JTG does a drop-down slap, but gets caught off the ropes and Ryan scores with a fallaway slam, then corner work. JTG kicks out Ryan's legs and lands a dropkick from the second rope. JTG with a chinlock, but Ryan gets out. JTG with a chopblock to put Ryan back on the mat and JTG with more matholds. Ryan reverses a whip and sends JTG to the corner, then gets a back body drop and a big boot. Ryan with a Full Nelson Slam for the win.

WINNER: Mason Ryan in 4:00. Mason Ryan needs a lot of work to transition his exciting look to an exciting in-ring style. He needs to expand his moveset to include things that look really painful, not just kicks and body slams.


Matt Striker calls Tatsu "Piston Honda," which is pretty dated. Quick back and forth in the beginning, like many of their matches. These two can run the ropes for a minute and make it look interesting. Tatsu looks for a suicide dive, but Kidd his a Pele Kick as Tatsu comes through the ropes. Kidd takes control in the corner and Tatsu is bleeding from the lip. Kidd with a Dragon Sleeper, then one from Tatsu. Tatsu catapults Kidd into the corner, but Kidd responds with kicks and chops and a Chono Boot followed by a Shining Wizard for two.

Tatsu to the top rope and he calls for the end, but Kidd dodges the spinning heel kick from the top. Tatsu is down selling ribs and Kidd tries a springboard moonsault from the apron (yes, it was nuts), but that whiffs, too. Tatsu then scores with his killer roundhouse to the head for the win.

WINNER: Yoshi Tatsu in 6:00. These two always excite. The only disappointment is that I saw the Pele Kick to counter the suicide dive a few months ago in a match between these two, but considering how often they've face each other this year, it's not a surprise that a spot or two is going to get re-used.


Matt Striker explains Mahal's turban as a status symbol in India. "USA!" chant before the match even starts, even though Jackson is billed as from being from South America. Jackson easily wins an early set of lock-ups, sending Mahal to the ropes for a rest. Mahal with a waistlock, but Jackson easily escapes. Jackson with a back elbow and a throw for two. Mahal with an elbow and kick to get separation, but Jackson with a shoulder block to knock him down. Jackson with big blows to the back, then a suplex for two. Mahal kicks Zeke's knee, but Jackson catches his boot and throws him to the mat. Mahal comes back with punches and a pair of neckbreakers, which gets two.

Mahal chokes Jackson in the ropes. More "USA!" chants. Side Russian legsweep from Mahal for one, then he settles into a rear chinlock. The crowd rallies Jackson but Mahal lands a nasty series of knees to Jackson's face. Mahal goes back to the rear chinlock. Yet another "USA!" chant. Jackson stands up and puts Mahal into the corner to get him off.

Jackson throws Mahal into the corner twice, then lands two clotheslines and punches and another clothesline in the corner, then more punches. Jackson starts a series of blodyslams. Jackson tries the Torture Rack, but Mahal slips out and shoves Jackson into the ringpost. Mahal with a running high knee sending Jackson to the mat. Mahal slaps on the "Punjabi Clutch" (as Matt Strriker has dubbed his Camel Clutch) and Jackson taps out after about five seconds.

WINNER: Jinder Mahal in 7:00. Here is the best compliment of the night: Jinder Mahal had a quite watchable match with Ezekiel Jackson. As I've said in the past, Mahal has a great look and a unique ring style that has a lot of martial arts in it. It was nice to see Mahal getting some momentum here.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Smackdown Results: 1-6-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to Parks' complete report).

1 – BOOKER T. vs. CODY RHODES – Intercontinental Championship Match
During Cody’s entrance, they showed his attack on his brother from Smackdown last week. Cole questioned Booker’s stamina once the match began. Back-elbow by Booker for the first cover of the match at 1:09, getting only a one-count. Hard whip into the buckle by Rhodes and Booker collapsed in the corner. Cody slowed things down and worked the left arm. The men traded chops, and Rhodes cameo out on the losing end of the exchange. High back body-drop from the five-time WCW Champion. Side kick, “vintage Booker T.” according to Cole. Cover, again only one at 3:02. I’m noticing more kick-outs at one. Cody was thrown over the top but he skinned the cat back in. When he turned around, Booker clotheslined Rhodes back over the top rope and to the floor. Outside, Cody took advantage and dropped Booker throat-first over the barricade. They went to break at 4:08.

Back from break, Booker tried a backslide for two, and nailed a superkick also for two. Cody halted Booker’s offense and hit a top-rope moonsault that barely caught Booker with basically just his arm. Rhodes sold it a little as he hit the mat hard, but then gave it up and made a cover. He did end up limping a bit after Booker kicked out. Rhodes tied Booker up in a rest-hold, but Booker fought out (with the help of the fans!) and hit a flying forearm. Another near-fall by Booker, then a spinebuster for two at 9:58. Rhodes dodged the scissors kick (not called an axe kick for some reason), but hit it soon after. Crowd bought the near-fall and Booker sold the shock of Cody kicking out well. Another scissors kick missed and Cody hit the Beautiful Disaster kick for the win.

WINNER: Rhodes, at 11:30. Good, decisive win for Cody Rhodes here, as it should’ve been.


Hornswoggle bit the bottom of Slater and kicked him in the head (when Slater was on his knees). Slater took Horny by the throat and threw him down. Slater put his boot into Hornswoggle’s head in the corner. Slater placed Horny on the top rope, but Horny slapped Slater. Slater caught Horny and put him on the apron. Hornswoggle pulled Slater out of the ring by the hair, all the way to ringside.

WINNER: Hornswoggle, at 1:32. I was kind-of hoping we were done with Hornswoggle as an in-ring competitor.


Hunico came out with Camacho, on their bike. Hunico had a mic and complained that they’ve never been invited to one of DiBiase’s parties. Camacho called it disrespectful. Hunico said they’d have to bring the party to DiBiase tonight. Couple arm-drags by DiBiase to begin the match. The announcers claimed DiBiaes invited fans to his home, all expenses paid, to celebrate New Year’s. Hunico sent DiBiase into the corner and worked the arm. He took DiBiase’s down by the arm and wrenched on it. Samoan drop by DiBiase, then Hunico missed a corner charge. DiBiase came back with his array of offense and turned his opponent inside-out on a clothesline. Dream Street attempt, but Hunico brought the arm over his shoulder. Submission move locked in and it was turned into a pinning combination by Hunico – he wrapped the back of DiBiase’s arms around his leg, turned over and grabbed the legs, sat back, and got the pinfall.

WINNER: Hunico, at 3:03. Nice mat-based match there. Hunico needed a win or two over a more credible opponent, and surprisingly, DiBiase fits that right now. I could see the argument that DiBIase couldn’t afford this loss, but I think this was the right move.


They criminally cut McIntyre’s entrance theme short on this night. They’re really making Long look like an idiot for signing McIntyre to a “lucrative contract” only to apparently read it for the first time AFTER McIntyre had signed and realized the how expensive McIntyre was. It was mostly McIntyre (sounds like a CBS drama) in the first minute. Future Shock rolled through into a pin attempt for a two-count. McIntyre was crotched on the top rope by Santino. Marella set up for the Cobra and it struck. Santino picked up his first win in…well…a long time, let’s say.

WINNER: Marella, at 2:30. It doesn’t hurt to give Santino a win every now and then, especially if you’re going to squash him most weeks.


Some back-and-forth to start, with the heels neutralizing Kofi Kingston a little after a minute in. Springboard cross-body off the second rope by Kofi on Episoc. Primo and Evan Bourne tagged in at 2:25. The video looks a little different at times on this show, mostly when the action reaches another gear. Don’t know if that’s on my end or WWE’s. Bourne went to the top and came down with the double knees on Primo’s chest. Epico broke up the pin, but Kingston took him down with a forearm. Rosa stood in front of Epico so that Kingston couldn’t jump him outside the ring. Knee to the face of Primo by Bourne, who then went to the top. Air Boom missed, then Primo (who was pulled out of the way by Epico, but the camera didn’t show it) jumped right on him for the pin.

WINNERS: Primo and Epico, at 3:48. Short match, but they packed a lot into it. Nothing wrong with the heels getting the win here to build them back up as title contenders again.


Natalya was already in the ring. They showed video of Natties’ father, Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart, and really talked him up. During Tamina’s entrance, they showed clips of her father. They actually mentioned that he was a former ECW Champion. Nattie took Tamina down and Natalya brawled with her. Tamina tried to kick at Natalya while on her back, but it had no effect. Natalya tried the Sharpshooter, but Tamina kicked her off. Both went for a cross-body and both hit the mat hard. Tamina got to her feet and put Natalya up for a Samoan Drop. She grabbed Nattie by the hair and put her in position for the top-rope splash. She certainly took her time, but still hit the move to pick up the victory.

WINNER: Tamina, at 1:44. Boy, Natalya’s stock has certainly dropped over the past few weeks. Giving a push to Tamina, who isn’t the traditional Diva, is not a terrible idea though.


Lilian Garcia did formal ring introductions. Henry said Bryan could be a champion “in the midget division.” It’s one thing to have a bias against pushing shorter wrestlers, but to constantly point out the size difference on TV as if it’s some sort of massive detriment, well, I’ll never understand that. Henry was already berating Josh Mathews before the match even began. Show laid in some massive chops, then picked Bryan up by the head. It was all Big Show as they went to break at 1:02.

Back at the 4:33 mark. Bryan was attempting to sustain something offensive, but he was thrown to ringside. Henry yelled for him to get back in the ring. Show went out after Bryan so Bryan, already back in the ring, dropkicked him, leading to Show stumbling near the announce table. “What’re you all jumping for?” asked Henry to Mathews and Cole. Great stuff. Show and Bryan were both down outside the ring. Bryan got back in and Show recovered in time to roll back in at 8. Show slapped Bryan in the chest as Henry complained about the ref’s slow count. Henry threatened to slap the taste out of Cole’s match. Uh-oh, he’s turning babyface! Dropkick off the second rope by Bryan. Henry yelled at Bryan when he was once again at ringside. Bryan went to the top and Show slapped him in the chest as he jumped off. Clotheslines put Bryan down, but Show missed a corner splash. Spear by Show at 7:36. He struggled to make the cover and got a two-count. Show went for a chokeslam, but Bryan instead locked in the guillotine choke. Bryan was bleeding from the mouth as he wore Show down to the mat and put him in the LeBell Lock. Show broke out and wound up for the WMD. Bryan fled the ring and found himself between Henry and Big Show. Bryan began yelling at Henry, unprovoked, leading to Henry pushing him to the mat. For some reason, the referee took a while before awarding the match to Bryan via disqualification.

WINNER: Bryan, via DQ, at 9:43.

Bryan did his over-the-top celebration by standing on the barricades. He elicited some heel heat from the crowd. Big Show was not happy, but he had to watch Bryan get down on his hands and knees on the top of the ramp and kiss the title as they went off the air.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
TNA Genesis PPV Results: 1-8-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's ongoing report).

1 -- X Division champion AUSTIN ARIES vs. KID KASH vs. JESSE SORENSEN vs. ZEMA ION -- X Division Title match -- four-corners elimination match

The bell sounded and Aries mocked the classic slow-clap at a wrestling event before bailing from the ring to let the other three wrestlers battle. Moments later, Kash followed Aries's lead, allowing Sorensen and Ion to trade rapid-fire moves. Kash eventually re-entered for a three-way Tower of Doom spot. Aries then tried to sneak in a pin on all three, but they all kicked out. The action then moved to the floor, where Sorensen nailed a flip-dive onto all three opponents.

Back in the ring, Aries connected with a 450 splash on Sorensen, but Sorensen kicked out, drawing a "Jesse, Jesse" chant. Sorensen then came back with a close nearfall on Aries following a top-rope splash. Kash was eliminated, then the action broke down moments later with the three remaining. Sorensen pulled out a quick small package pin on Ion for the next elimination. Moments later, Sorensen had a pin on Aries, but Ion still had the referee occupied complaining about his elimination. It allowed Aries to kick out of a pin when the ref finally came around to making a count.

Even after the referee dispute, Ion did not leave the ringside area, which allowed Ion to pull Sorensen's foot from the floor as Sorensen was perched on the top rope. It allowed Aries to crotch Sorensen, then deliver an Avalanche Brainbuster, as called by Tenay, to allow Aries to score the pin for the win. Afterward, Ion applauded his work ringside before Aries took a bow with the X Division Title belt.

WINNER: Aries at 10:50 to retain the X Division Title.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
TNA Genesis PPV Results: 1-8-12


Pope came out first with Devon's sons, then Devon stormed the ring to begin the fight before the bell sounded. Devon continued the onslaught, included rapid-fire rights as TNA zoomed in to expose the pulled punches. Pope then "inadvertently" bumped the ref into the top rope, causing Devon to be crotched on the top turnbuckle. Pope followed with an assault as the crowd tried to rally behind Devon. Pope included repeated stomps in his attack, drawing Ron Garvin references from the announcers. They cut to a shot of Terrence and Terrell watching ringside as Pope continued the assault.

Pope then randomly asked for T&T to enter the ring. The ref told them to get out of the ring, but T&T remained in the ring. They didn't immediately follow Pope's instructions, drawing Pope's ire. Pope then blasted both sons, revealing his true colors. Devon fired himself up Ultimate Warrior-style, then blasted Pope with repeated blows. Devon fired up the crowd, then delivered a powerslam for a nearfall. Pope came back with an uppercut, though, before Devon delivered a flying shoulder tackle for a nearfall. Pope cut off Devon's attack again, though, as they continued to lose a crowd that was hot for the expected finish moments earlier. Pope tried his exposed knees corner finisher, but Devon avoided and delivered a lift-up reverse DDT for the pin and the win. Afterward, T&T slowly re-entered the ring and approached Devon to hug and re-unite.

WINNER: Devon at 10:20. They had the "feel-good" finish after Pope showed his true colors, then randomly went to a back-and-forth exchange that took the crowd out of the finish and poured water on a potential hot ending. (*1/4)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
TNA Genesis PPV Results: 1-8-12

3 -- GUNNER (w/Ric Flair) vs. ROB VAN DAM

The crowd chanted RVD's name throughout the opening five minutes as RVD regularly exchanged looks with Flair ringside. Also, the PPV feed froze momentarily during the opening. Flair came into play late in the match when ref Earl Hebner became occupied with Flair on the floor. Behind the ref's back, Gunner dropped RVD on the exposed concrete with a DDT, playing off his recent TV matches. RVD sold being knocked out, then Gunner rolled RVD into the ring for a pin and the win. Post-match, Hebner did the "X" signal to bring out referees, agents, and medical personnel to place RVD in a neckbrace and put him on a stretcher. Flair tried to pick a fight with Al Snow and D-Lo Brown before leaving with Gunner. While on a backboard, RVD tried to fight the medical assistance, selling that he did not want to leave the ring in a neckbrace. RVD was stretchered to the back to conclude the segment.

WINNER: Gunner at 6:50. With RVD's contract reportedly coming due soon, the injury angle came across like a write-off, but that remains to be seen. Regardless, TNA needs to follow up on TV to continue building up Gunner as an imposing heel.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
TNA Genesis PPV Results: 1-8-12

4 -- Knockouts champion GAIL KIM (w/Madison Rayne) vs. MICKIE JAMES -- Knockouts Title match

Gail jumped Mickie as the bell sounded to put Mickie's focus on the match, rather than Madison in the cage. Gail then continued the assault as Mickie struggled to make a comeback. When the match moved to the floor, Mickie finally scored some offense before picking up a nearfall back in the ring. The action came to a halt moments later when Madison tossed brass knuckles into the ring from the cage. (That was a little too convenient based on the storyline that Madison did not know in advance she would be in a cage.) After the knucks came into play, the ref reprimanded Madison and Gail, then Madison tossed down another set of brass knucks as the ref turned his back. This time, Mickie grabbed the knucks, used them on Gail, and the ref turned around to see the smoking gun, causing a DQ. Afterward, Velvet consoled an upset Mickie, who slowly walked out of the ring selling frustration.

WINNER: Gail via DQ at 6:20. Another non-clean finish for a Knockouts Title match, as expected following TNA's booking pattern.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
TNA Genesis PPV Results: 1-8-12

5 -- ABYSS vs. BULLY RAY -- Monster's Ball match

The two men felt each other out with weapons shots that were blocked or no-sold. Abyss finally had enough of the duel and went under the ring to retrieve his trust Janice barbed wire board. Ray saw it, then bailed from the ring and said he was leaving. Ray walked to the back, so Ray followed him to the back. Suddenly, Ray re-emerged and Abyss love-tapped him back down the entrance ramp toward the ring. The crowd was taken out of the match during the disappearance and slow-motion re-emergence.

Back ringside, Abyss started bleeding after brushing up against some barbed wire positioned ringside. Abyss shook it off, rolled Ray back into the ring, and went back under the ring to find his bags of fun from the mid-2000s TNA PPV era. Also in-play was a cheese grater, which Abyss drove into Ray's crotchal region. Abyss then went into the bag of tricks to dump thumbtacks on the mat. Abyss tried a tack slam, but Ray low-blowed Abyss to block. Ray went for comedy complaining about the state of his balls following the cheese grater spot, then introduced a table into the ring. Abyss "turned the tables" on Ray, though, with a chokeslam through the table that scored a nearfall.

Abyss went back to the outside, where he found two barbed wire boards to toss into the ring. Ray used the break to catch his breath, though, and slam Abyss into one of the boards, drawing gasps from the crowd. Ray made a cover, but Abyss rolled a shoulder to escape the pin. Ray made a sandwich with the other board, then came off the second rope with a splash onto the barbed wire sandwich. Abyss kicked out again, though. Ray then tried to use Janice on Abyss, but Abyss blocked and chokeslammed Ray into the thumbtacks. Ray kicked out of the pin, though, surprising the crowd.

Ray recovered moments later and began blasting away on Abyss with Kendo stick shots. Ray took his time in-between shots, though, which allowed Abyss to regain his strength and deliver a Black Hole Slam into one of the barbed wire boards. Abyss made the cover on the board and it was good for a pin and the win this time.

WINNER: Abyss at 15:28. Abyss could go 20 years without doing this match and it would still seem like it's too soon. But, if they toned it down two notched, they still could have accomplished the goal of getting over Abyss as a dominant monster. TNA tried to present the match as "fresh" since it's been a while since Abyss has done this type of match, but it still reeks of mid-2000s TNA when Abyss tried to use every stunt in the book to get over. Saving this type of match for a true blow-off in a main event that TNA really builds up on TV and tries to get people to pay money to see would at least be understandable.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
TNA Genesis PPV Results: 1-8-12

6 -- TNA tag champions MATT MORGAN & CRIMSON vs. SAMOA JOE & MAGNUS -- TNA Tag Title match

Morgan and Joe started things off. They exchanged aggressive blows, then Joe delivered an enziguiri, but Morgan popped to his feet and delivered a clothesline. After their stalemate, Magnus and Crimson tagged in to have an exchange. Joe re-entered and continued the beating on Crimson. Suddenly, they cut to a split-screen of Abyss and Ray still fighting backstage. The backstage shot was given priority on the screen, rendering the Tag Title match an afterthought in a smaller window. Back to the Tag Title match, the crowd chanted for Morgan as Taz continued to focus on Ray-Abyss, but noting Ray was trending on Twitter.

Morgan tagged into the match at 6:45 and threw Magnus across the ring with a fallway slam. Joe then took a back elbow smash and clothesline. Morgan fired up and clothesline Magnus before delivering his signature suplex into a frontslam for a two count. The action broke down when Joe attacked Morgan from behind, then Morgan tried to fight off both challengers. Crimson re-entered and dragged Magnus to the outside, leaving Morgan and Joe in the ring. Joe then took the action to the floor with a flying forearm smash to Crimson.

Morgan was left alone in the ring, so Magnus re-entered the ring looking for an attack. But, Crimson KO'ed Joe on the floor, then re-entered the ring for a double-team finisher on Magnus. Morgan made the cover and it was good for the win. Afterward, Morgan and Crimson shoved each other around to celebrate as the challengers slowly walked away from the ring.

WINNERS: Morgan & Crimson at 9:25. Tough spot following Monster's Ball. Also, the match-up wasn't favorable with three BA-types and Magnus, whose character hasn't been developed for the audience to care about him right now. The match needed someone to balance the bigger stars so they actually stood out.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
TNA Genesis PPV Results: 1-8-12


Once the bell sounded, Angle bailed from the ring to frustrate Storm and avoid another quick pinfall loss like in their first match-up. After a brief back-and-forth, Angle bailed again, so Storm attacked him on the floor and high-fived the ringside fans. Back in the ring, Storm delivered ten punches in the corner, but took his time working on Angle, which allowed Angle to find an opening to start attacking Storm. As Angle wore down Storm, the announcers talked up Angle's 2012 Olympics quest and hardcore training regiment.

After Storm teased a comeback, Angle delivered his trademark trio of German Suplexes. He then went up top to deliver a top-rope moonsault for a two count. Angle took too long to follow up, allowing Storm to hit a DDT for a nearfall. Angle came back with an Angle Slam, but Storm kicked out. The crowd wasn't reacting much to the nearfalls here. Angle tried to get the crowd involved by mocking Storm's superkick warm-up, but Storm blocked a superkick and delivered a cutter for a two count. Storm went up top, blocked Angle's attempted overhead toss counter, and delivered an elbow drop for a nearfall.

Storm tried a superkick for the decisive blow, but Angle pulled ref Hebner in the way, then delivered a low blow in the confusion. Angle followed with a kick to the face and made the cover for the win. Post-match: Angle had a conversation with ref Hebner before leaving the ring flashing a big, heelish smile. Storm checked his jaw as he recovered, then Tenay and Taz recapped a video replay of the match. Afterward, Angle celebrated on the stage while Storm sternly matched eyes.

WINNER: Angle at 13:44. Fine singles match to continue the Storm-Angle program and keep Roode and Storm away from each other in the title picture. Angle is definitely (and smartly) not taking many risks in the ring to preserve his Olympics push and overall career at his age. He's good enough to where he can get by with a perfectly fine match.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
TNA Genesis PPV Results: 1-8-12

8 -- TNA World Hvt. champion ROBERT ROODE vs. JEFF HARDY -- TNA World Title match

The match moved to the floor early on. Hardy cleared out the front row fans, then delivered a flying leg splash to Roode, who was leaning against the guardrail. Back in the ring, Roode crotched Hardy on the top turnbuckle, then began working over Hardy's leg/ankle. Roode continued the assault as the crowd tried to rally behind Hardy. Roode's cockiness caught up to him, as he mocked Hardy's top-rope pose before missing with a top-rope move. Roode was the first man to his feet, but Hardy blasted away with right hands followed by a back drop. Hardy delivered signature offense, but Roode came back with a spinebuster for a close two count.

At 15:00, Roode measured Hardy for a top-rope suplex, but Hardy blocked and face-planted Roode down to the mat. Hardy tried to follow with a Swanton Bomb, but Roode rolled to the floor to avoid Hardy. Roode tried to leave and he grabbed his title belt, but Hardy chased him down on the ramp and hit Roode from behind. Hardy ran Roode down the ramp into the ring, then the ref sort of stumbled around, allowing Roode to cheap-shot Hardy on the way back into the ring. Roode followed with a Fisherman Suplex with a bridge pin, but Hardy kicked out.

Hardy came back with a Twist of Fate and Whisper in the Wind, but Roode kicked out in time. The crowd chanted Hardy's name as Hardy measured Roode for another Twist of Fate, but Roode escaped and slid out of the ring. Roode asked for his title belt again, but Hardy chased him down again. Back in the ring, Hardy ducked a belt shot, then the ref broke up a Twist of Fate that would have sent Roode into the title belt, then Roode tried a quick roll-up with his feet on the ropes, but the ref saw it and stopped it. Quick sequence there.

Roode and Hardy reset with the two men standing inches away from each other. The ref was standing very close to them, which signaled what Roode was about to do: kick the ref in the crotch. Ref Hebner dropped to the mat as Hardy hit the Twist of Fate, then called for the bell for a DQ as Hardy was preparing for a pin. The verdict was announced as the crowd chanted for Sting to rectify the situation. Didn't they learn last month that Sting leaves before the main event?

Post-match: As Hardy's music played, Hardy went up top for a Swanton Bomb to "send the crowd home happy." Hardy then threw down the title belt onto Roode before doing a victory lap. Ringside, Hardy angrily yelled into the ring, where Roode was shown clutching his title belt. Hardy did a final victory lap and left the ringside area. "Dammit, Bobby Roode did it again," Tenay said to close the PPV. Tenay added that Hardy should be the champ and they signed off 12 minutes before the top of the hour.

WINNER: Hardy via DQ at 19:43; Roode retained the World Title. They seem to be building to a No DQ steel cage match to give Hardy a fair shot at the title. The match was okay-to-acceptable for a PPV main event with good heat on the final five minutes after the Ray-Abyss match hurt the crowd for the rest of the show. As for the outcome, TNA runs the risk of the wrong heat on the promotion for booking another non-clean main event finish (which is one reason why they can't get discerning viewers to spend money on the PPVs), but this crowd was into the story thanks to Hardy's popularity and the slow development of Roode's heel persona as champ. (**1/4)

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
Giving the title to Jeff Hardy........seriously Jeff can go out and rape someone, kill them, skin them and wear their skin like a coat and TNA would still give him the belt


Fight On!,
Aug 23, 2001
Jericho is still all kinds of awesome.

And that was a terrible, terrible episode of RAW. Even the Daniel Bryan match looked sloppy.

Surprisingly, other than the possible ref 3-count botch to end it the Swagger-CM Punk match was pretty good, IMO. Who would have thought?


Honourary Irishman.,
20 Year Member
Oct 31, 2001
Just finished SmackDown.

1) holy smokes! A dangerous/avalanche backdrop suplex?!? Can't believe that made it onto American TV. That ish is more risky than anything Vince has ever banned.

2) it was given & received perfectly.

3) the main was better than it had any right to be.

4) Vicky's titties on the apron are not PG. hard to watch, mang.

what a move.

anyone else really not like wade barrett? i can't stand the guy, maybe its the accent, maybe its the ugly face, just don't know. i like heels generally a lot more than face wrestlers, but barrett just seems to me to be a bit contrived, useless, and well lame.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003

what a move.

anyone else really not like wade barrett? i can't stand the guy, maybe its the accent, maybe its the ugly face, just don't know. i like heels generally a lot more than face wrestlers, but barrett just seems to me to be a bit contrived, useless, and well lame.

I'm w/ you. Don't like Barrett either. And his finisher is *lame*. That sort of dump off the shoulders is how Lucha folks set up for a top rope move.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
ROH TV Results: 1-7-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to Radican's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 - - ROH TV Champion JAY LETHAL vs. T.J. PERKINS – Proving Ground match

Kelly ran down the tale of the tape after both men shook hands before the match. Cornette and Kelly are in on commentary this week. Both men locked up and came to a stalemate. Cornette did a good job discussing the differences between both men. The pace picked up and the crowd was hot. Lethal ended up catching Perkins with a backbreaker for a 2 count. Lethal followed up with a back suplex for another 2 count. Perkins caught Lethal with an inside cradle for a nearfall, but Lethal fired back with a springboard handstand elbow drop for a 2 count. Cornette put over that this is something people would see at ROH live events. Lethal tied up Perkins in submission, but Perkins countered and locked in a pendulum submission. He then transitioned it into a bridging pin for a 2 count.

Cornette said McGuinness was visiting family in England, so Kelly was stuck with him. Lethal went for a springboard, but Perkins crotched him. Perkins then hung Lethal upside down in the corner and nailed him with a big dropkick for a 2 count. Kelly pitched to a commercial break.

Kelly hyped ROH’s show during WrestleMania weekend. He brought in Eddie Edwards, who said he was excited for ROH’s two biggest events of the year. Edwards said he didn’t care who he faced.

They came back with Perkins still holding the advantage. Lethal drove Perkins into the corner and nailed him with a chop. Cornette said the burden was on Lethal here to get the win and put away a potential challenger. Perkins regained the advantage and got a chinlock as the crowd tried to rally behind Lethal. Both men exchanged counters. Lethal no-sold a superkick and nailed Perkins with a superkick of his own. Perkins fired right back with a suplex and both men were down.

Both men exchanged blows in the middle of the ring. Lethal finally caught Perkins with a running kick that sent him to the outside. Perkins ran right back into the ring and caught Lethal by surprise with a kick. Lethal tried to return the favor and surprise Perkins by running back into the ring, but Perkins caught him with a powerbomb for a 2 count. The crowd slapped the barriers as both men were slow to get to their feet. They got up and exchanged pinning combinations. Lethal hit the Lethal injection, but Perkins kicked out at the last second. Lethal went up top as the crowd roared. Lethal went for the top rope elbow, but Perkins got his boot up. Lethal fired back on Perkins with a handspring ace crusher, which was also called the Lethal injection for the pin.

Winner: Jay Lethal

Star rating: (***) – This was a very enjoyable back and forth contest. Cornette was great on commentary putting over what was at stake for both men. He also did a good job of putting over that fans would see action like this at an ROH live event. The fans were hot for the action and the atmosphere came across well compared to the footage that has been shot for television.

2 - - ROH World Tag Team Champions CHARLIE HAAS & SHELTON BENJAMIN vs. RODERICKS STRONG & MICHAEL ELGIN (w/Truth Martini) – Proving Ground match

Benjamin’s ribs were taped and Strong went right after them during the early stages of the match. Strong hit a big chop, but Benjamin no-sold it and nailed him with a punch. Haas also nailed Strong with a punch from the outside. Benjamin fired up on Strong in the corner and nailed him with a big splash, but ended up hurting his ribs in the process. Strong tagged in Elgin, who went at it with Haas. Haas hit a big dropkick that sent Elgin to the outside. Elgin regrouped on the outside before coming back into the ring. Kelly talked about Elgin winning the Survival of the Fittest Tournament. Cornette followed up with more praise for Elgin, as Elgin drove Benjamin into the corner. Benjamin tried to fight back against Strong and Elgin. Martini provided a brief distraction from the outside, which allowed Elgin to eventually catch him with a powerslam. Kelly pitched to a commercial break.

They came back to the match in progress after the commercial break with Benjamin taking a beating from Strong. Strong focused his attack on Benjamin’s ribs as Martini gloated from ringside. Cornette put over the live experience and mentioned the matches that weren’t shown from “Southern Defiance” would be available soon on DVD. Cornette compared Elgin to Dr. Death Steve Williams as he held Benjamin up in the suplex position. Elgin finally dumped Benjamin to the mat as Cornette put over the impact of the maneuver. Elgin grabbed a bear hug in the middle of the ring. The crowd tried to rally behind Benjamin, who struggled to escape the hold.

Benjamin finally broke free and tried to tag out, but Elgin caught him with a spinebuster. Strong tagged in and continued to work over Benjamin’s ribs. Martini choked Benjamin on the ropes while the ref was tied up with Haas. Strong and Elgin took Benjamin on the outside and continued to work over his ribs while the ref held off Haas. A lot of fans were standing as Strong grabbed a chinlock on Benjamin. The fans began to clap again as Benjamin struggled to his feet. Benjamin fired back, but Strong caught him with a gut buster. Strong struggled to apply the stronghold, but eventually turned it into a Boston crab. Benjamin struggled, but finally got the ropes.

They missed a shot with Benjamin somehow taking Strong down to the mat. Benjamin struggled to tag out. Strong grabbed him, but he fought him off and tagged in Haas, who ran wild on Elgin. Strong ran into the ring, but Haas took him out. Strong ran in and nailed Haas with a forearm, but Haas caught him with a slam. Benjamin ran in and hit a superkick on Elgin. Haas followed up with the Olympic slam, but Strong made the save. Strong and Benjamin went toe-to-toe, but Strong sent him to the outside and took him out with a dive.

Elgin caught Haas with an enzuguri. Elgin hit a big slam on Haas out of the powerslam position after running him into Strong’s knees, but Haas kicked out. Strong hit the sick kick on Haas, but Benjamin made the save. Benjamin went at it with Strong and Elgin. Benjamin caught Elgin with a swinging DDT as the crowd applauded. Haas came back into the ring and draped Strong over the top rope. Benjamin then got a running start and connected with the leap of faith on Strong. Martin tried to come off the top, but Benjamin crotched him and pitched him to the outside. Elgin took out Haas and Benjamin and went up top, but Benjamin caught him with a flip German suplex off the top. Haas then covered Strong for the pin.

Winners: Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin

Star rating: (***1/2) – This was a really good match with Strong and Elgin focusing their attack on Benjamin’s injured ribs. Cornette did a great job of telling the story of the match and what was one the line for all involved. It’s really amazing what can be accomplished when the wrestlers in the ring take the time to tell a story and the announcers sell the story. This was completely enjoyable tag team wrestling. The only thing that bothered me was nothing was brought up about the Briscoes beating Haas & Benjamin for the ROH World Tag Team Titles at “Final Battle.”


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE RAW Results: 1-9-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Santino took the initiative to start the match for his team, and was quickly knocked down to size by the heel team. Sheamus took a tag at 2:00 and cleaned house, including a Brogue Kick to Mahal. He didn't make a cover, though, and brought in Santino, complete with Cobra sock puppet. Santino warmed up the Cobra and popped Jinder in the face, securing a pin for the win.

WINNERS: Sheamus & Santino at 2:54. WWE just can't figure out whether Mahal can be built up as a legitimate heel threat or if he's just a comedy heel with no credibility. Friday on Smackdown, they'll want people to be interested in Sheamus vs. Mahal, but no one will take him seriously after this loss. More of that odd Smackdown booking on Raw.

2 -- World Hvt. champion DANIEL BRYAN vs. WWE tag champion KOFI KINGSTON -- non-title match

The two champions cut a quick pace early on before exchanging rapid-fire pinfall attempts. This is definitely not going long. Kofi went for a top-rope cross-body splash, but Bryan intercepted and slapped on the LeBell Lock. Kofi fought the hold momentarily, but tapped out. Bryan jumped out of the ring and hopped on the announce table to celebrate like he just won the Super Bowl. Lawler, the babyface announcer, talked up Bryan's victory while Cole, the delusional semi-heel announcer, continued to knock Bryan.

WINNER: Bryan via submission at 1:21. Apparently this was supposed to be a "credibility-boosting" victory for Bryan, but Kofi deserves better.

Post-match: Big Show's music played to bring out Show, who paused to give his headgear to a member of the National Guard ringside. Show entered the ring and tried to talk, but Bryan interrupted him and unconvincingly said he hated how their World Title match ended last week on Smackdown. Bryan said this title is too important and prestigious for their match to have ended the way it did last week. Bryan said he would give Show a title match anytime he wants. Show smiled and said Smackdown GM Teddy Long agrees as well. The re-match will be this Friday on Smackdown in a No DQ, No Count-out match. Bryan nervously licked his lips, then nodded his head. Show pulled him in tight for a handshake, then Show's music played. Cole said he thinks Bryan's "fluke" World Title reign is over on Friday.

Justin Roberts did a big build-up for Brodus Clay, slipping in a weird nickname for Clay as Funk-a-souras. Dance music played to bring out two dancers, followed by Clay sporting a bright red jumpsuit and fedora. Flash Funk is back. Clay looked so uncomfortable mouthing along with the funky words in his theme music. Clay then dropped his tracksuit pants and proclaimed that people didn't see that coming. Ringside, Curt Hawkins was perplexed.


Clay looked like a combination of Colt Cabana and Dusty Rhodes gyrating and strutting around the ring in his bright red singlet. Clay was mic'ed for sound, too, as he called his spots dominating Hawkins. Clay delivered his big chest bump finish for the pin and the win, prompting Lawler to say Hawkins was just squashed. Afterward, Clay's funk music played again and he danced with the dancers to celebrate.

WINNER: Clay at 1:07. One of those segments specifically designed to get something to trend on Twitter. I just don't know what to say right now.

4 -- WWE champion C.M. PUNK vs. JACK SWAGGER (w/Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero) -- non-title match

Right on cue, WWE flashed a big graphic on the screen noting "Brodus Clay" is currently the #1 worldwide trend on Twitter. In the background, Laurinaitis was busy texting on his phone rather than watching the match and Cole noted he wants to know who Laurinaitis keeps texting. Also in the background was a fan sign reading, "Mr. Belding for Raw GM." After a few minutes of back-and-forth, Swagger dumped Punk to the outside. Ziggler thought about a cheap-shot on Punk, but Laurinaitis looked up from his phone and casually stepped in front of Ziggler to sell impartiality. Moments later, Punk turned the tables with a suicide dive on Swagger on the outside. They cut to break with Punk in control.

Back live, Swagger and Punk were trading blows. Cole plugged Chris Jericho on the show tonight before they recapped Clay's return and noted Cena faces Ziggler tonight, but Kane is lurking around. Punk built some offense before delivering a high knee in the corner. Swagger blocked the follow-up bulldog, though, and delivered a Swagger Bomb for a two count. The crowd rallied behind Punk, who blocked a second Bomb with boots to the face. Swagger then countered a flying press attempt with an impressive turnaround bodyslam for a two count.

Swagger slowed down the pace and talked trash to Punk before setting up for his gutwrench powerbomb finisher, but Punk escaped. Punk then walked into a belly-to-belly slam for another nearfall. Vickie pounded the mat to tell Swagger to follow up. Swagger tried to follow up with a superplex from the top turnbuckle, but Punk blocked, then delivered a top-rope Macho Man elbow drop. Punk covered, but Swagger kicked out. Suddenly, the bell sounded. Apparently they're calling it a three count.

Post-match: They went to a replay of the seemingly botched spot - Swagger kicked out well before three like any other kick-out, but the referee slapped the mat for a three count. After another replay of the odd finish, Punk was shown doing a face about the blown call while the heels retreated up the ramp. This led to Cole and Lawler debating whether Laurinaitis can handle the referee role at the Rumble, unlike tonight's ref.

WINNER: Punk at 13:51. This was the best they've made Swagger look in months. The only problem was the finish was pretty bad trying to get over the Laurinaitis Referee angle heading to the Rumble.

5 -- JOHN CENA vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero)

Ziggler scored with an early Rocker Dropper for a nearfall. Ziggler continued the assault as Cena tried to cover up. Ziggler then slapped on a headlock and "showed off" by doing a headstand while working the hold. Cena broke free with a side suplex, but Ziggler cut him off again and tried to "show off" some more. Cena took advantage of Ziggler's cockiness to begin his comeback routine. Suddenly, they cut to the parking garage, where Ryder was still changing the tire. Kane then attacked Ryder and slammed him into the car. Cena was watching this as Ziggler slapped on a sleeperhold from behind. They cut to the loading dock again, where Kane chokeslammed Ryder to the area below. They tried to make it look like a big fall, but it was about a two-foot drop since Ryder's head popped up after his "fall." The worn-out crowd barely reacted.

Back live, Cena escaped Ziggler's ringside attack, then ran toward the back. They cut to a shot of Vickie trying to get Ziggler back in the ring for a count-out win, but Cole called the whole thing a mute point. They cut back to Cena looking for Kane, who found Cena near the loading dock and drove his fist into Cena's mouth again. The camera showed Ryder flat on his back below the loading dock. Once Kane released his grip on Cena, they showed Cena selling unconsciousness and Kane breathing heavily to conclude the show.

WINNER: No Decision when Raw ended at 6:21.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Big names announced for 2012 WWE Hall of Fame including Horsemen

Prior to WWE Hall of Fame tickets going on-sale this weekend, WWE announced Edge and the Four Horsemen as the "main event" 2012 HOF inductees during Monday's Raw.

Most notable is WWE advertising TNA's Ric Flair for the ceremony along other Four Horsemen members Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Barry Windham, and manager J.J. Dillon.

Edge's induction will come just short of one year after his retirement from pro wrestling following last year's WrestleMania.

Although not mentioned during Raw, Mil Mascaras was the first 2012 Hall of Fame inductee revealed last year.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
I was surprised to see so much Rick Flair in that promo.

I just figured they'd be inducting Windham since he has had so many health problems. But they devoted equal time to flair. Maybe Vince doesn't see TNA as a threat anymore (I recently saw a promo with Hogan in it also).

Vince should also relax his ban on chops/slaps to the chest.


Honourary Irishman.,
20 Year Member
Oct 31, 2001
I was surprised to see so much Rick Flair in that promo.

I just figured they'd be inducting Windham since he has had so many health problems. But they devoted equal time to flair. Maybe Vince doesn't see TNA as a threat anymore (I recently saw a promo with Hogan in it also).

Vince should also relax his ban on chops/slaps to the chest.
honestly if i were up there in the WWE's corporate structure i wouldn't see TNA as a threat either. they don't seem to have anywhere near as much the audience or popularity that the WWE has. hell for an example over here TNA doesn't even really exist. they show a few "best of TNA" matches sometimes on the eurosport channel at about 1am. but they give WWE events top billing on sky sports and they pull solid ratings for shows that come on in the middle of the night here. TNA has a much bigger audience in america, i know, but outside of the states they might as well not exist from what i've seen.

Maury V.

Lucky Glauber's #1 Fan,
Jan 4, 2002
honestly if i were up there in the WWE's corporate structure i wouldn't see TNA as a threat either. they don't seem to have anywhere near as much the audience or popularity that the WWE has. hell for an example over here TNA doesn't even really exist. they show a few "best of TNA" matches sometimes on the eurosport channel at about 1am. but they give WWE events top billing on sky sports and they pull solid ratings for shows that come on in the middle of the night here. TNA has a much bigger audience in america, i know, but outside of the states they might as well not exist from what i've seen.

I heard TNA had to cancel their shows in Germany due to low ticket sales. Those Germans are smart enough to know how bad TNA has gotten now. In 2009, this probably wouldn't be the case. They try TOO hard to be like the WWE. The fact that Hogan, Biscoff, and Russo are there just goes to show how bad it's gotten since 2010. :(