NGF Gets SPANKED by SNK (the real interpretation of the Settlement)


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
Since ChrisR (aka "Piss-Poor Spindoctor") decided to start a bogus thread trying to spin their permanent injunction as a good thing, here a thread based in reality:

NGF just got spanked!

Here's all the proof that they sold counterfeit products (paragraph one on the SNK-P press release):

"the litigation, between SNK, Dion Dakis, d.b.a. NeoGeo Freak, and Chris Ray has been settled pursuant to terms that included Dion Dakis, d.b.a. NeoGeo Freak, and Chris Ray entering into a Stipulated Permanent Injunction, forever prohibiting them from selling any products that infringe SNK's copyrights and trademarks. To view the Stipulated Permanent Injunction"

This is like politics, you look for what wasn't overtly mentioned. Namely: You don't get a permanent injunction that prevents you from selling counterfeit (pirated) goods unless your ass got caught.

Q: But what did they get caught for, Bobak?

A: The game that was not listed in the press release as a game they had a right to: That pirated Shock Troopers 1 they sold the folks at SNK-USA (you all remember that one, right). Poor little ChrisR forgot to mention that. That's no problem, I just jogged his selective memory (he's like that waaacky Iraqi Information Minister)

Remember everyone:

Anytime you ever see anyone bidding/buying/conversing with Dion/ChrisR/NGF, point them to that little piece of info: They got caught by SNK-P.

Anticipating another Spin by the Inferior Spin Master "ChrisR":

ChrisR: "Oh, SNK-P won't say anything about what we supposedly did, therefore we never did anything wrong."

A: Of course not, they've got all they need: A permanent injunction their balls in a vice (that is, if they get caught again). SNK-P has a piece of paper naming every Neo-Geo game ever made (Appendix A), if these two pirates make anymore infringing copies, the folks at SNK will crucify them

ChrisR: "You all have no lives."

A: No ChrisR, you're a part of the pathetic twosome who decided to exploit a hobby we all hold dear. We don't care how much stuff you and Dion legitimately collected, you both tried to exploit the parent company for your own gain -and you've been forever marked for it.

I said it before, I'll say it again:
Legacy's a bitch, especially for NGF.


Member # 6311,
Feb 22, 2003
Re: NGF Gets SPANKED by SNK (the real interpretation of the Settlement by a law student)

Bobak said:
Since ChrisR (aka "Piss-Poor Spindoctor") decided to start a bogus thread trying to spin their permanent injunction as a good thing, here a thread based in reality:

NGF just got spanked!

Here's all the proof that they sold counterfeit products (paragraph one on the SNK-P press release):

"the litigation, between SNK, Dion Dakis, d.b.a. NeoGeo Freak, and Chris Ray has been settled pursuant to terms that included Dion Dakis, d.b.a. NeoGeo Freak, and Chris Ray entering into a Stipulated Permanent Injunction, forever prohibiting them from selling any products that infringe SNK's copyrights and trademarks. To view the Stipulated Permanent Injunction"

This is like politics, you look for what wasn't overtly mentioned. Namely: You don't get a permanent injunction that prevents you from selling counterfeit (pirated) goods unless your ass got caught.

Q: But what did they get caught for, Bobak?

A: The game that was not listed in the press release as a game they had a right to: That pirated Shock Troopers 1 they sold the folks at SNK-USA (you all remember that one, right). Poor little ChrisR forgot to mention that. That's no problem, I just jogged his selective memory (he's like that waaacky Iraqi Information Minister)

Remember everyone:

Anytime you ever see anyone bidding/buying/conversing with Dion/ChrisR/NGF, point them to that little piece of info: They got caught by SNK-P.

Anticipating another Spin by the Inferior Spin Master "ChrisR":

ChrisR: "Oh, SNK-P won't say anything about what we supposedly did, therefore we never did anything wrong."

A: Of course not, they've got all they need: A permanent injunction their balls in a vice (that is, if they get caught again). SNK-P has a piece of paper naming every Neo-Geo game ever made (Appendix A), if these two pirates make anymore infringing copies, the folks at SNK will crucify them

ChrisR: "You all have no lives."

A: No ChrisR, you're a part of the pathetic twosome who decided to exploit a hobby we all hold dear. We don't care how much stuff you and Dion legitimately collected, you both tried to exploit the parent company for your own gain -and you've been forever marked for it.

I said it before, I'll say it again:
Legacy's a bitch, especially for NGF.

man they got owned!

Harry Belafonte said it best so to NGF "Go away sut yor mouth, momma come look what boo boo de"


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
Apr 11, 2002
I sometimes have sincere doubts about chrisr's reading skills. Is he illiterate or is he just stupid? Anyone reading the press release would have easily seen through his pathetic attempt at spindoctoring, if it could even be called that. Please, enjoy your corrected inserts, I'd like to see them sell the games that are other than the SMALL SUBSET of conversions, protos and homebrews, and SNK Playmore will come down on their ass so hard.:buttrock:


Maxima's Barber
Apr 17, 2003
Dion emailed meh:

"Be sure to check out and click "English" and then click "Press Release" on the left side.

The court recognized that we never sold any counterfeit or infringing items and the case was settled. It is in the process of being dismissed right now and will soon be off the record. And we represented ourselves. That is how strong our case was. And we got all our wrongfully seized games back, a very lucrative settlement, and this Press Release which we have already phoned in about because it needed the updates. Life is grand and we had a great learning experience. Plus during the discovery we learned a great deal more about the company and the industry and what's in store for the future. (plus we learned of exact numbers and productions).

The stipulation that we agreed to is something that EVERYONE is supposed to do regardless....which is.... "Not sell any counterfeit or infringing items."

This press release finally proves what we have been saying all along..... that we at NGF had the rights to produce/repackage NeoGeo games and offer them with our exclusive NGF brand of corrected inserts with the full authorization of SNK-Japan and SNK-USA. The big news is finally here proving once and for all that our NGF Corrected inserts were fully authorized by SNK.

So now what will be the new excuse from the jealous 5? Remember, the press release list says NGF had authority by SNK. The list says "Authorized Games."
Breakers Revenge, Captain Tomaday, Diggerman, Flip Shot, Gururin, Money Puzzle Exchanger, Neo Bomberman, Neo Mr. Do, Panic Bomber, Puzzled, The
Warlocks of the Fates, Twinkle Star Sprites, World Soccer '96, and Zupapa. The BIG list of the other titles will be up in the next few days. The corrected list should have all the games listed on the original "Exhibit A" list, from their wrongful case with us. Basically EVERY game for the NeoGeo.

What will people say now that Zupapa and Diggerman has been authorized by Playmore as a release from NGF? Now all the lucky people who believed NGF and purchased the game/games are holding true collector's items. Congratulations to the people who believed and trusted in themselves, and didn't listen to the lies that the other "jealous losers" were spreading. Thanks for the years of support. Your "NGF inserts" are now a treasure item that has finally been announced and shown to be fully authorized by SNK. The value will rise in the years to come.

As for SNKPlaymore's November 6, 2003 Press Release on NGF, the games to be most noted is our some of the more famous and talked about games, such as ZUPAPA, DIGGERMAN, GURURIN, MONEY PUZZLE EXCHANGER, BREAKERS REVENGE, CAPTAIN TOMADAY, TWINKLE STAR SPRITES, and of course WARLOCKS OF THE FATES.

As I said the other day..... there is big news coming that will finally prove once and for all that our NGF Corrected inserts were fully authorized by SNK. Also, it's nice to finally prove that games such as MONEY PUZZLE EXCHANGER, GURURIN, ZUPAPA, and DIGGERMAN were authorized by SNK. This also adds the final proof needed to see that DIGGERMAN is/was an official game from SNK by FACE and that NGF had the rights to offer the game with our NGF brand affiliation.

As everyone had always wanted..... the announcement of our NGF Corrected inserts has been listed on Playmore's site and proves our inserts were official and with full authorization of SNK.

"NGF-PRA" - as usual, once and for all, as written by SNK on
(Nice to see how we went to court and won our case without the use of a lawyer.)

thank you,
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neo retired
Sep 27, 2002
That list of games is wrong. SNK has no rights to Magical Drop. Notice, Chris claims SNK gave them rights to distribute/repackage the two hudson soft titles and they aren't on that list.

teh bullshit.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
Apr 11, 2002

Seems like bull if you look at this direct quotation from the press release:

As a limited exception to the Permanent Injunction, the video games on the list below, and only those video games, were purchased from SNK Corporation Japan, and were sold by Neogeo Freaks/NGF USA with the permission of SNK Corporation Japan.

Sorry, nice try Dion, but bad spindoctoring. No more games are going to come out in the next few days.
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Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
It doesn't take a fool to understand how settlement works:

It's highly political:

We have two interesting facts, one at the beginning, one at the end:

(Beginning) NGF gets caught with counterfeit games (a Shock Troopers 1 cart that they sold to SNK-USA)

(end) A settlement is reached where NGF agrees to never sell any counterfeit goods.


Now lets look at a few more facts:

(1) SNK-P is a small company (relatively speaking) and is suing copyright infringers everywhere (most of which make Dion and Chris look like what they are, small potatoes).
(2) Getting a permanent injunction is a quick way of saying "if you do this again, not only will we slap you, we'll crush you." (incidently, with a Permanent Injunction lodged against the, any slight mess-up by NGF will get them found guilty faster than you can say "God you two are dumb").

Now, c.t.h., I know you were just passing on DHP information, but I think any rational mind can now see exactly how this little Permanent Injunction came to be.

Dion and ChrisR just agreed to put their nuts in SNK-P's vice. The next time they screw up, well... SNK-P screws it until they go "sqwilch!"


Maxima's Barber
Apr 17, 2003
i just got that email from dion/dhp. I have nothing to do with this

I just posted it, I have no real opinion on this whole thing :emb:


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
c.t.h said:
i just got that email from dion/dhp. I have nothing to do with this

I just posted it, I have no real opinion on this whole thing :emb:

No prob,

Dion seeks messengers. He's never changed. I'm glad you're bringing this stuff into the light.

The only way Dion and ChrisR can work is by spin. Well, now we're bringing the NGF merry-go-round to a screeching halt.


Rotterdam Nation Resident,
20 Year Member
Jan 12, 2001
quite honestly, i m pretty impressed at the lengths
PLAYMORE has gone to listening to us about ngfusa
its about time they got theirs for vandalizing carts
preying on unknowledgble new people
and being dickheads in general.


NAM-75 Vet
May 22, 2003
I m not really aware of the whole thing, if there has been counterfieting or not etc, but i find the bill not so salty... they don t even have to pay the 5K$ fine right ? just stop this and confiscation of the copyright infridging materials ?

and then... ?
They can t move or destroy or sell or i don t know what them ... they keep it in a drawer waiting for snk to take them ? :)

I don t think the spank is so hard ne

"Never buy, sell nor own any SNK copyrighted or counterfeited material" would have been better don t you think ? :)

(ba-fu kibishii na~ :drool_2: )


May 23, 2002
Instead of trolling around and trying to get people to post shit for him, the pu55y Dion should just create a fucking account on the ONLY NEO GEO forum that matters and tell us directly how he feels.


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
slerch666 said:
Instead of trolling around and trying to get people to post shit for him, the pu55y Dion should just create a fucking account on the ONLY NEO GEO forum that matters and tell us directly how he feels.

He has one or two, dunno if they're active/banned though.

Neo Mike

Creative Moderator, Art Gallery Coordinator,
20 Year Member
May 18, 2002
SonGohan said:
He has one or two, dunno if they're active/banned though.

They are both active. He just hasnt used them in some time, and posts/surfs under chris r's name frequently.


Bead Banger
Aug 13, 2000
Dion...Chris...what jokes those two are.

Fucking pussies.

Fuck you Dion. Come get some. You know I'll finish you and your pretty wife- who, consequently, is fucking some high roller right now.


kyo geo

Geese's Thug
May 30, 2003
283 im really fucking confused.......ngf actually had permission to sell the named converted carts? Theyre officially a legal purchase with authorised homebrew inserts and dodgy work inside the actual cart?

SNK actually gave them permission to sell titles knowing it would involve the death of an mvs cart that would not have its AES chips restored to the MVS format (the only way a game is truly lost in the conversion process)?

@Bobak- im so confused by this.....does it mean that theyre only responsible for half the accusations? I mean, Onlyhalf the carts we disputed being authentic (such as the english shock troopers 2) are at fault whereas if we bought breakers revenge from them, it would be 100 percent legall? Thats what im making out from all this, but I just dont see how that can be? Why some and not all? And what the hell......the warlock of the fates especially???!!!! Authorised?


King of Typists,
20 Year Member
Jan 4, 2002
Drama apart, anyone notice the Warlock of Fates is in the list? I would really like to know if those proto conversion were ever released by NGF.
Sep 11, 2000
Well, I don´t understand this:

How could playmore authorize the produce and repackage of third party games?

Most of these games are copyrighted by other companies like: Visco, Face, Aztec, Hudson, ADK, Tecmo and the guy that did Diggerman.

Does playmore has control over these IPs ?


Holy shit, it's a ninja!,
Jun 30, 2002
Shito said:
Drama apart, anyone notice the Warlock of Fates is in the list? I would really like to know if those proto conversion were ever released by NGF.

There's a pic of some chump who supposedly bought a WOTF (and Crossed Swords 2) conversion cart at the CGE2K2 show, on the NGF site.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
Aug 18, 2001
metallizer said:
Well, I don´t understand this:

How could playmore authorize the produce and repackage of third party games?

Most of these games are copyrighted by other companies like: Visco, Face, Aztec, Hudson, ADK, Tecmo and the guy that did Diggerman.

Does playmore has control over these IPs ?

They can't authorize, and they cannot pursue copyright protection on other company's IP. That's why there's a list of games that SNK-P doesn't care about. It doesn't mean that NGF has clearance to sell them repackaged or anything.


Choi's Clawmaker
Jan 26, 2003
EvilWasabi said:
They can't authorize, and they cannot pursue copyright protection on other company's IP. That's why there's a list of games that SNK-P doesn't care about. It doesn't mean that NGF has clearance to sell them repackaged or anything.

Aaaahhhh..... makes sense now. EW is saying that Playmore lists those because they don't have the IP to include them on the prohibited list.


SHOCKbox Developer,
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2001
I have this strong urge to purchase an English KOF 2000 directly from NGF..I think it's about time we support NGF directly,begging them to sell us SNK corrected titles.:cool: