need some help and suggestions - a mighty dilemma


The Rock,
Jan 20, 2002
more neo related than unrelated so i've posted it here

here is a link so you can see what i'm on about:

lost parcelforce24 packet

on the 17th February i sent a parcel to a friend via Parcelforce24, the parcel was heavy and it cost £65 to sent it next day delivery - extra insurance was taken out to cover the £2000 goods that were in the parcel

Parcelforce24 can track the parcel to the delivery van and from there it has disappeared

now a claim is in and they gave me a month from the 16th March to let them investigate - but scouring Ebay tonight i noticed a rare game for sale on ebay amongst others so i look a little bit closer and 1 of the items has a half price tag on the front which remarkable looks identical to the one i lost

so i get the xls file i saved of all the items that were in that parcel and i check the guys ebay feedback history and low and behold i find since the 01st March, 46 items that were in that parcel - which accounts for around 70% of the total items, now obviously these have been sold all over ebay and to people i know (and people here) - they dont know they are buying stolen goods so its not their fault

but what should i do - i need to inform the police or at least Parcelforce

what would you do and if you have some thoughts on what i need to do i would appreciate any input on this dilemma

thanks in advance
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Super Spy Agent
Dec 16, 2003
You should deffo inform both the police and parcel force you cant let them get away with this. Have you contacted them?


Zero's Tailor
Jun 10, 2003
If you want your stuff back or delivered first off you have to inform Parcelforce. Its obviously one of their employees that stole your box. Then inform the police and Ebay. Ebay might not do anything about it because if your items sell then they get a cut of it. The police can atleast prevent the person that stole your box from selling the items until everything is cleared up.

Act fast though. Once the games are sold then they are sold.


Super Spy Agent
Dec 16, 2003
I just had a look through the guys feedback id say its your stuff its a shame that some of the people on this site have bought it and dont know what a dillema you should inform the police A.S.A.P. and get this cunt banged up

Mark of the Wolves

mullet bullet
Apr 7, 2002
Tell everybody. That bastard should be ashamed of what he did. You should get the money he made of the items as well.


Raiden's Valet
Nov 20, 2003
yea i would def do something about

but i dont know who you should contact first for the best result

if you contact parcelforce they might refund you and think nothing has happen
then the guy walks away free sold your stuff like nothing has happened at all

if you contact the police, the guy might get arrested, but i dont know if you will see a refund...

i don't know if it will happen like that, but you def need to tell someone about it

i hope you get a full refund

i hope you dont blame the ppl who bought up the stuff, obviously they have no idea, if it is members on this board, at least you know some of the rare items are still in safe hands


Sieger's Squire
Feb 17, 2005
Say..check this shit out, right. First thing ya need to do is gather all yo evidence...anything, mayne, reciepts, photos, addresses, ebay info, anything and everything, for realz. Contact the FIVE O and give them all yo evidence, make sure you make copies...mayne, if need be, get a lawyer.

I hope everything works out for the best, shit, i'm fixen to make it, holla at me about the come up cuz i got my eyes on it, peace.


Kula's Diamond
20 Year Member
Feb 19, 2002
Go to the police man. Even better if you have pictures of the stuff from before the package was sent. If it's the guy on ebay I'm thinking of from looking at his items, he's not that far from myself and a couple of other regular posters here, maybe we could pay him a visit? :D


Goal! Goal! Goal!
Feb 25, 2001
SHO said:
if you contact the police, the guy might get arrested, but i dont know if you will see a refund...

Just wondering,
why wouldn't he get his money/items back if he choose to go with police? It will definetly take a long time to go through court cases and etc. but wouldn't he get his lost whichever way he choose to file the claim?

I just lost a Fedex delievery yesterday. It says it was delievered to me if I track it, but I never received anything. The driver seems to avoid my contacts. This is my second time getting fucked up by Fedex morons. The seller from this fourm said he would refund my money if I can't resolve this but I still feel like shit. This time it was only small value to be lost but I'm gonna hunt down this driver and ...


RevQuixo. Who He?,
20 Year Member
Aug 7, 2002
There are real shady sacks of shit out there man, shit depresses me the more I read of stories like this.

Do the insurance claim : Goods were never received and never shown to have been delivered.

Report the Ebayer to Ebay and Authorities and members that might live close to the dude (vigilante up in this muthafucka!)........

Get your insurance money, any leftover/ unsold goods from the fucktwat that stole them and money from his sales or his fucking thumbs whichever he prefers.

Pathetic sack of shit that guy and I hope he goes down big tyme.

Good luck man and I wish you all the best with this ordeal!


Baseball Star Hitter
Mar 9, 2005
People like him need to have their sexual organs cut off (or out) with a REALLY rusty spoon, and then they should get strung up naked by their big toes from 14 stories up... Bastards...


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003

Hi Jas Pal!

Thx for waking me up last night man... My woman was mightily annoyed :D

Anyway, it was nice to hear your sweet voice on the phone... :emb:

Back on Topic tho... it was my parcel that got lost... I woulda liked the stuff tbh... but I'll settle for a refund of Parcel Farce...

I would also like to see the fekker who stole my parcel taken to jail and butt raped by a big Biker dude with Herpes and a curved shaped willy...

My view is I'd quite happily lose the money for some retribution... Police is good Jas my friend... I think this is the best option... (and as you were the one who sent it... legally... you have to report it... sorry man... its a ball ache I know...)

Also, I suspect you may have to inform parcel Force... as this guy is prob either a parcel force employee or a close friend...


The Rock,
Jan 20, 2002
well i got a cheque from parcelforce this morning for £175.25 for that parcel which is basically £150 + £25.25 shipping, they state i should have taken enhanced compensation - which i fucking did the morons

on the phone on monday trying to sort this out - suppose the good thing is that they have claimed liability all i have to do is talk to the right person



The Rock,
Jan 20, 2002
well the fucker must be on one of the forums i posted this on as he has pulled all the neo auctions

proves his guilt


The Rock,
Jan 20, 2002
with a help of a pal i managed to find all his recent auctions in the last month and i've now accounted for 61 items from the box of 76

this is the guy alright - the police will be getting informed this afternoon and parcelforce will be hearing from me on Monday



The Rock,
Jan 20, 2002
here is their activity for the last month

and here is their feedback

if you look at the activity there is 30+ items that were in the parcel that went missing and the ones with photos are identical to the stuff i lost - including yen pricing stickers on the front (sam spirits soundtrack)

if you check their feedback you can find over 60 items which were in that box

i dont know how they managed to get that box and its funny that all the neo stuff that was due to finish in the next 3 days has been removed

loads of guys i know from various forums have bought from that user - so you have bought stolen goods

will ask the police tonight what the best way ahead is

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Tesse's Maintainence Man
Dec 27, 2003
It might work, but he also might just say he got the stuff in a pub, car boot ot local auction house.


Holy shit, it's a ninja!,
Jun 30, 2002
It might be a good idea for you (and rot maybe?) to get in contact with a lawyer as well.

See what your litigation options are (ie suing Parcelforce, taun33 etc.)

Now that you've recognized your goods from the auctions, taun33 is up shit creek without a paddle. If he's reading this (which he probably is), I hope he realizes how FUCKED he is.


Good luck Buster- go for the jugular.


Holy shit, it's a ninja!,
Jun 30, 2002
realgameplay said:
It might work, but he also might just say he got the stuff in a pub, car boot ot local auction house.

He'll have a hard time talking his way out of things if it turns out that he works for Parcelforce.

[edit: realgameplay, I've been to St. Albans before- it's a nice place. In fact I used to have a fake stained glass window sticker of St. Alban in the window of my room when I was a kid- I have family in Hemel Hempstead]
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Tesse's Maintainence Man
Dec 27, 2003
Also another funny thing cus the shady seller does not host his pictures away from ebay, his pictures will remain embedded in ebay so theres no escaping, if he'd thought about what he was doing he could of just wiped them clear.


RevQuixo. Who He?,
20 Year Member
Aug 7, 2002
To Taun33:

To Taun33:

:blow_top: Can't wait to see your mugshot you fucking piece of shit! :)


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
buster_broon said:
well i got a cheque from parcelforce this morning for £175.25 for that parcel which is basically £150 + £25.25 shipping, they state i should have taken enhanced compensation - which i fucking did the morons

on the phone on monday trying to sort this out - suppose the good thing is that they have claimed liability all i have to do is talk to the right person


Parcel Farce = Pretty fekkin dumb... JEEZ!! :mad: ... of course I took out fekkin enhanced compensation!

buster_broon said:
with a help of a pal i managed to find all his recent auctions in the last month and i've now accounted for 61 items from the box of 76

this is the guy alright - the police will be getting informed this afternoon and parcelforce will be hearing from me on Monday


Hehe... I hope the Police rape his ass!! :eek:

Hey Jas! Thx for the effort man... this is beginning to become REALLY interesting...

/me hopes to get me money back and send someone to jail... GREAT! :tickled:


Least Valuable Player
Apr 24, 2001
This needs a sticky...

Whoever knows this person, please let us know!

Wow, this is the most fucked up thing I've read in a long time.

Everything happens for a reason, and this dude is going DOWN, thats a Federal Offense, not sure what its called in the U.K.

Best of luck to both of you.

Rade K

Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Mar 17, 2001
Good Luck, man. This is seriously stupid on his part.


The Rock,
Jan 20, 2002
more coincidences

used my other account on ebay to bid on an item and they are from Manchester as well - where the parcel was destined

and they only live 7.2 miles from Rot, so maybe Rot can take a wee trip down there

the police reckon i should inform lancashire police, so Rot you can do that fella, just take all the documents i gave you with proof of all those auctions on ebay
