
Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Come back to us when he actually releases something. Otherwise this is all bullshit and you deserve to have your ass handed to you.


Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
No one knows how the darksoft neogeo sets will be stored on the SD card.... What will the format be? Will they need to be padded like on his CPS2 device, will the sets need patching to allow their multicart to use its gameswaping ability. No one knows and maybe even they don't know the final spec yet either.

tgames, you probably does not understand the level of censorship that happens quietly on darksofts forums but here on this forum when somone gets banned, everyone knows about it.


Mr. Big's Thug
Apr 24, 2016
tgames , you have been warned of your next disappointment......



Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
View attachment 47623
I know why Darksoft wrote that now, some kids here.

I can have 2 cartridges from 2 creators without making a war.
You won't lose a sale because you help me to have a correct romset (you know i have already the NeoSD).
You have a funny way to handle a simple question for roms, just because you know i will use it on somethink you don't made.

Also i don't say anything about if it's better or not. So keep calm here.

OK... I am gonna explain this YET again... namely for the N00BZ like yourself why it has come to me, Rot getting a tad irritated with Darksoft and why I, on this forum have acted the way I have....

(Maybe TL;DR... will try here)... FACTS:

1. Darksoft and his supporters created a bit of a fubar here about 30 months ago... and was subsequently neutered...
2. They "announced" their NG Flashcard 24 months ago... I repeat... TWO FUCKIN years ago...
3. 12 months ago when Neosd announced their device... I backed it because it worked and Alex and his team were willing to talk to our memberbase...
4. This is about the time we were getting attacked on our server... this carried on for a while...
5. The "Videos" and reveals from Darksoft have been less than satisfactory... there are NO PCB pics or specs...
6. ANY questions or points raised on their forum or youtube videos are subsequently deleted and members banned...
7. 2 years in... they have asked for pre-orders on a device that essentially is vapourware... considering it has none of the info I would require to purchase one...
8. You are asking for a Rom set for a device that doesn't exist... I created the other set for's memberbase... for ease and the fact I wouldn't have to reprimand our members...

I am not telling ANYONE how to spend their cash... 420Euro Pre-order... lulz..
I am not telling ANYONE to stay on if they don't wish too...

What I am telling EVERYONE... is that I do not wish Darksofts bullshit hitting for the reasons above...


PS. TGames... stay or go... I don't care... it takes a lot to get banned here... BUT if you continue your Darksoft crusade...

...You'll find out I have been nice so far... but I won't be for much longer...


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
On Topic... a quick addition to why Darksoft and his selection of disciples were neutered...

..Is the fact they refused to answer the questions concerning their products...

They act like children... "Why should I answer your questions... i obviously know what I'm doing"... type mentality...


PS. As I implied... if you wanna know what censorship really is... go and stay on Darksofts forum...

...Getting neutered here is a lot harder... but a lot more brutal...

Make your choice Tgames...


Rugal's Thug
Nov 1, 2015
Folks, is this terraonion's official company logo?


I would like to include it in some personal/custom artwork.


Galford's Armourer
Jan 20, 2006
So darksoft's cart is a scam then? I hate to throw that word around, but when you don't talk to the community, you don't say how your product works, & you take 2 years to release a product...I mean they're clearly hiding SOMETHING.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
NeoSD came out of nowhere and we all know plenty of work was done prior to anyone catching word of it. With darksoft you hear about it for years and there's still no real product. I'm all for competition but tit for tat bullshit and nothing to show for it is a pretty good sign things ain't working out.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
So darksoft's cart is a scam then? I hate to throw that word around, but when you don't talk to the community, you don't say how your product works, & you take 2 years to release a product...I mean they're clearly hiding SOMETHING.

I am not saying it's a scam...

I am sayin' the way they have shown the product... and the way they handle questions and answers is very unprofessional...

NO... Board Pics..
NO... Tech Questions maybe asked about it on their forum... or you get banned...
NO... Questions maybe asked on their youtube videos as the comments are deleted...

When Neosd was asking for 450Euros for his system... they bent over backwards to show the device and answer questions...

IF Dicksoft is asking 420Euros for a product no-one except his inner circle has seen or know the specs about... You are taking the preverbal piss out of the community...



Athena's Stalker
15 Year Member
Oct 6, 2004
Yeah I'm at the "hard pass" stage with DS's flash cart. At some point next year I'll pick up the NeoSD for AES (got the MVS version already). I like my flash carts with a more professional backing and a bare minimum of transparency from the creators, both things missing from DS's 'pending' cart. Too much money at stake to be getting the brush off in relation to what are very basic questions. (How does it work, what roms does it use, can we see board pics, etc.)


Cheng's Errand Boy
Jun 28, 2015
Just noted quite the discount (sale) on NeoSD MVS&AES, like 60EUR of discount .... that's substantial.

Is it because the one we cannot name product ship announcement has slowed down sales (fuxxing bastard, just come out and sell the shit or wait until you have it) or is it because there's gonna be a new/improved version soon?


Over Top Auto Mechanic
Jan 10, 2013
Just noted quite the discount (sale) on NeoSD MVS&AES, like 60EUR of discount .... that's substantial.

Is it because the one we cannot name product ship announcement has slowed down sales (fuxxing bastard, just come out and sell the shit or wait until you have it) or is it because there's gonna be a new/improved version soon?

Not seeing that discount on my end. So maybe it got changed back?

The prices up now seem to sync with what StoneAgeGamer sells them for:
399,99 € = $469.99
435,99 € = $509.99
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Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
we got a new one but its still work in progress


Both logo's look nice but I think the first one with the dark grey and orange looks both simple and very professional.


Genam's Azami Sharpener
Feb 11, 2015
IMHO, at least one of the Os should look like an onion. Just my two cents. Adds a little iconic "branding" to the font.
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Pao Pao Cafe Waiter
Oct 31, 2016
Not seeing that discount on my end. So maybe it got changed back?

The prices up now seem to sync with what StoneAgeGamer sells them for:
399,99 € = $469.99
435,99 € = $509.99

Don't forget to add about 15-30 Euros for shipping.


Hardened Shock Trooper
Mar 24, 2016
Both logo's look nice but I think the first one with the dark grey and orange looks both simple and very professional.

I think the updated logo has more personality than the original, on top of being damn sleek. It's got a demo scene look that's spot on for this outfit. Cleans up real nice in solid colors, too:



Mar 17, 2013
Hi neo team,

Why does it take "so much" time to load a 80/90 MegaByte file? Did you have to program the memory controller into FPGA by yourself? Maybe USB next time, much faster in general.

And what kind of memory are the files loaded into?

Oh and do you know what bandwith the neo cart slot has?

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Neosd Tech
Nov 28, 2016
It takes the time it needs :). To properly mimic a real cart and have a instant-on game boot, as in a real cart, data is programmed into flash memories. These memories need to be erased first, before writting, and erasing that amount of data requieres around 1 minute (you can find the manufacturer datasheets if you search for the part numbers of the cart chips). Also writting to flash chips is not as simple as placing the data on the bus and enabling the Write signal. There are a series writes that send commands to the flash to perform the write, and the write takes some time to complete (flash is slow writting)
Then there is the SD card speed. It's an embedded microprocessor with a very limited amount of ram (128KB for everything, filesystem, game list, control structures...) The SD bus runs at 25 mhz, in 4 bit mode, ideal conditions, it's 12MB/s at most. USB is not going to improve it. Those MCUs support up to usb 2.0 full speed , that is 12 mbit/s, that is around 1MB/s ideal.

Of course, you can use ram chips, but their contents are lost on boot and need to be written every boot, so, the mvs board first needs to boot a bootstrap code, that then loads the game to ram and reboots to the game, quite different from the instant boot of original carts and neosd. Also if using dram, adds an additional source of issues as neogeo was not designed for dram, and yo'll need to find the proper moments to refresh the dram, without interfering with normal execution.

About bandwidth, it's difficult, as there are many buses running in parallel: Graphics bus, z80 bus, audio bus, 68k bus.
The fastest one is the graphics bus. And I think the games use 120ns roms and it works fine (neosd flsshes are faster, 100ns), so it's 8MHZ, and it can read 32 bits at a time, so 32MB/s. This is theoretical maximum, as the actual speed the graphics hardware can access the roms is slower. It can access at most 8bits of sprite data every 12MHz clock, so that makes a maximul of 12MB/s, but this bus is also shared for the tile data and the zoom data and other internal accesses, so it's much less.
68k bus is 16 bits, with the same kind memories it could access up to 16MB/s, but the 68k can't access memory in a single cycle, and it also takes some cycles for instruction decoding, so divide it by 3 at least.
As I said, it's difficult to give a single number :)
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