MV-1 "Monaural Switch warning"


Kula's Candy
10 Year Member
Jul 2, 2012
Ok, this is a weird question maybe, but I just noticed this:.

I was looking at my MV-1 and noticed a warning on the plastic case that says:

Caution (Monaural / Stereo SW)
Make sure the SW is on the monaural position when you use JAMMA type Cabinet.

Note: it may cause trouble on PCB by miss setting)

That sounds weirdly scary? I noticed the switch was set to Stereo on mine, and I use this particular board with my supergun setup. Is this just a warning that you may miss out on some sound effects or stereo effects or it's something more serious like "this shit is gonna fuck up the audio chips FOR SOME REASONS"

I never noticed that warning on my other mvs boards..

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
You might be missing some of the benefits that Stereo can provide.

JAMMA boards require an adapter to run in an MVS cabinet. The MVS cabinet is wired for stereo audio and the differences in the cabling causes damage to the audio amplifier IC chip on the JAMMA board.

The damage is usually not immediate but will occur if the board is run for a long while. The difference in wiring results in the audio amplifier IC chip getting hot enough to blister fingers and fail.
Might be a good idea to set it to Mono.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
A lot of superguns are wired to take Neo Geo stereo. You'll have to check if yours will work. The warning is there because if you run the board in a standard Jamma cab (rather than a cab wired for MVS) it can damage the board'a audio circuits.


Sep 2, 2019
I haven’t experienced the difference in stereo vs mono on the neo geo (am running mono) but wonder if anyone feels stereo makes much of a difference. I have been using my mini gun super gun out to a basic speaker on my test bench and running mono in my aero city.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
I haven’t experienced the difference in stereo vs mono on the neo geo (am running mono) but wonder if anyone feels stereo makes much of a difference. I have been using my mini gun super gun out to a basic speaker on my test bench and running mono in my aero city.
Neo Geo is awesome in stereo. There are a lot of directional sound effects and stereo separation in the music. If you're not noticing it, then maybe you're playing the later games, many of which use mono recordings for the music.


B. Jenet's Firstmate
Sep 21, 2018
I haven’t experienced the difference in stereo vs mono on the neo geo (am running mono) but wonder if anyone feels stereo makes much of a difference. I have been using my mini gun super gun out to a basic speaker on my test bench and running mono in my aero city.
Yeah, for fighting games in stereo you can really tell the difference where the fighters are.