Movie opinions thread (what have you seen, what did you think?)


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
N64 was 1996 to 2001, and pretty much dead before that. So if a kid is 25, they were born in 1996, and probably didn't have a game system or physical ability to really game until the GameCube, and realistically may not have gotten a game system until the wii.

unless their parents were gamers? I think that's a lot more likely now than in 1996 though.

Yeah. My oldest nephew is 25 and the GC was the first system he ever really got into, they had an N64 but he was too young to really play it. He couldn't give a shit about 80s/90s gaming, the guys you see on YT that are younger fake retro nerds with the shelves full of old games are likely around 30. They're old enough to be closer to it and appreciate it but too young to have lived it. Plus have enough disposable income to drop the stupid $ stuff goes for now on that shit. At 25 you're probably not making much $ even after college, especially these days.
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Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
I just looked it, up Bryan Lee O'Malley was born in 79. So he's the right age but he strikes me as the same type of guy as the author of Ready Player One.
Yes! That is an even better example.

Still liked the comics tho, hated RPO.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
Also he wasn't dating her because she was jailbait, he was dating her because emotionally he's still that immature and clueless.
"I'm emotionally stunted, Your Honor!" probably isn't going to fly in court or keep you from getting shanked as a chomo.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
-I really enjoyed it, high concept space shit is up my alley

I also enjoyed it but I admittedly am a sucker for the alternate history shit. While the premise of ancient aliens is preposterous I do like it in comics and stuff.

Eternals was pretty great honestly (for the MCU) and while it did introduce us to the characters I much preferred the the direction they went with this showing currents events and then flashbacks for context.

I’m pretty tired of “origin story” super heroes flicks. The entire MCU is well established enough that you can just give us a film with a character without the first film explaining how they came to be.

Anyway I’m interested in where this more cosmic direction they’re going.

Eternals though I think definitely relies a bit on having some familiarity with the previous MCU stuff, or at least the overall Thanos arc.


20 Year Member
Mar 15, 2011
Yeah. My oldest nephew is 25 and the GC was the first system he ever really got into, they had an N64 but he was too young to really play it. He couldn't give a shit about 80s/90s gaming, the guys you see on YT that are younger fake retro nerds with the shelves full of old games are likely around 30. They're old enough to be closer to it and appreciate it but too young to have lived it. Plus have enough disposable income to drop the stupid $ stuff goes for now on that shit. At 25 you're probably not making much $ even after college, especially these days.

I was born in 1992 and the N64 (and PlayStation moreso for me ) and even the original Pokemon GB games were a big part of life until at least 2004/2005. It could just be my rural area I grew up in is 2 or 3 years behind the fads but I definitely grew up with that generation of gaming.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
I was born in 1992 and the N64 (and PlayStation moreso for me ) and even the original Pokemon GB games were a big part of life until at least 2004/2005. It could just be my rural area I grew up in is 2 or 3 years behind the fads but I definitely grew up with that generation of gaming.
Huge difference video game wise between 1994 and 1995. Developmentally, a kid born in 1995 would have a higher chance of playing the DC and PS2 over a shitty N64.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
N64 was amazing when I was 12 - or rather Super Mario World was.

My family had a Saturn on release (as my father still played games on occasion at the time) and the 3D graphics of the N64 seemed very impressive at the time.

But it soon became clear that in the post SNES/Genesis world that the only viable system was the PlayStation. Can’t recall when I got a PSX but I know I saved a lot of money and had one when I was in 8th grade sometime in 97-98.

N64 I never felt the urge to buy. Played it at friends houses. The 4 player multi of goldeneye and perfect dark were a blast.

I was very hyped for Dreamcast. As a moronic 10th grader I drew the DC logo on all my high school assignments on 9/9/99.

2002-2005 was a great time to be a DC fan/collectard. I used to buy Dreamcast games for a few bucks at the pawnshop and all the bizarre DC Accessories stories were equally cheap on eBay. Bought the official keyboard for 99 cents with $9.99 shipping on there lol.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
Has anyone seen Finch, with Tom Hanks?

I want to watch it but can someone tell me (without spoilers) - does the dog die?

No seriously. I've been emotionally scarred because of shit like I am Legend, Marley and Me, or Hachi. I can't take it.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
An American Werewolf in London- Hadn't seen this in quite a long time. Still highly enjoyable and obviously the effects are pretty outstanding. I had forgotten how jarring some of the editing is, some of those dream sequence cuts are pretty effective. The buddy decomposing over the course of the movie is pretty cool. Also I had totally forgotten just how crazy shit gets at the end in front of the porno theater. Decapitation, people getting run over and flying through windshields, one dude sandwiched between cars. A pretty impressive amount of mayhem. Jenny Agutter while not as fine as she was in Logan's Run still looking pretty fine. There's a lot to like.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
An American Werewolf in London- Hadn't seen this in quite a long time. Still highly enjoyable and obviously the effects are pretty outstanding. I had forgotten how jarring some of the editing is, some of those dream sequence cuts are pretty effective. The buddy decomposing over the course of the movie is pretty cool. Also I had totally forgotten just how crazy shit gets at the end in front of the porno theater. Decapitation, people getting run over and flying through windshields, one dude sandwiched between cars. A pretty impressive amount of mayhem. Jenny Agutter while not as fine as she was in Logan's Run still looking pretty fine. There's a lot to like.
Don't ever watch the sequel.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
The Howling is definitely the lesser of the two but it's still pretty awesome.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Return of the Living Dead: Part 2- More in the vein of Monster Squad or The Gate than the first movie but it's still a lot of fun with some great effects at times. It was weird seeing 2 of the main actors from the first movie return as totally different characters. I certainly didn't remember that Bobby from Twin Peaks was in it lol. Nowhere near as good as parts 1&3 but it's still a goofy, dumb and enjoyable way to waste some time.


fresh out of fucks
10 Year Member
Dec 21, 2010
I saw the eternals it was garbage. dont waste your money
Also saw the new Bond movie, that was really great


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Ghostbusters 3 is getting torn to shreds lol

35% on RT from Top Critics. Some of the blurbs:
"The movie veers from playing with past mythology to full-on aping it, apparently having learned all the worst fan-service lessons from "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.""

"In trying to please everyone, "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" should ultimately please no one except the most hardcore of fans whose idea of a fun time at the movies is pointing at things they've seen before."

"The whole movie is basically the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing at the TV meme for 125 straight minutes."

"Though flattering through and through, the film film is ironically removed from the charms of the worshipped original."

"It is a gigantic, perverse admission of defeat."

"It's a ghoulish re-animated corpse, stuffed with half-baked new characters and lazy fan service."

"An homage to and continuation of the 1984 Ghostbusters that painstakingly mines that movie for props, lines, and characters while giving no indication of being aware of what it was like to actually watch."

"Here, we can find a damning summary of modern Hollywood's default mode - a nostalgia object, drained of personality and fitted into a dully palatable mold, custom-made for a fandom that worships everything and respects nothing."


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Ouch. I was going to see it but…if it’s just a nostalgia fest, Oooof.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
It has Paul Rudd in it, there's no way it was going to be anything but a soulless cash grab turd.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
Watched this after loving Manhunter. It's not as good, but is really stylish in certain parts. Drive definitely borrowed a few bits.