Movie opinions thread (what have you seen, what did you think?)

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade - what a beautifully shot film. I love watching older movies set around the world just to get a glimpse. The end when Indiana tries to grab the grail after Elsa failed, and his father - who has searched his entire life for the grail - just says, "Indiana...Indiana, let it go" is so powerful to me. It was his way of saying his son's life is worth more than something he spent his entire life looking for, just a cup in the end.

I miss films like these.

edit: is this the best father-son movie? What other father-son films are there?

Wall Street


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade - what a beautifully shot film. I love watching older movies set around the world just to get a glimpse. The end when Indiana tries to grab the grail after Elsa failed, and his father - who has searched his entire life for the grail - just says, "Indiana...Indiana, let it go" is so powerful to me. It was his way of saying his son's life is worth more than something he spent his entire life looking for, just a cup in the end.

I miss films like these.

edit: is this the best father-son movie? What other father-son films are there?
I've watched Last Crusade probably 150 times over the years and it never gets old. Definitely my favorite of the trilogy.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Korean movie which stands on its own with very well delivered story exploring class discrimination. Poor family's son gets a job tutoring the daughter of a rich family, and manages to weasel his family members into jobs with the rich family, like a parasite. It's not a scary movie at all, but rather a poignant comedy. I would compare it to the works of Wong Kar Wei, like Chungking Express or Fallen Angels. This comparison makes me miss the greatness of HK cinema, but anyhow, Parasite is a good movie. You might be able to find it online now (it's on Kodi w/o subs), not sure about subs. I was able to see it in the theater here.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Richard Jewell

Really liked this film. Filled with noteworthy performances. Eastwood is a terrific director and this is probably one of his greatest films. I couldn't even pick one performance that I thought was better than any of the others. They're all so strong. The material, in general, is very strong. Eastwood is very good at examining the vulnerability of America (a country he clearly loves and has a particular set of ideas about) through a variety of lenses, and he does an excellent job of it here again. The only performance I felt seemed 'off' was Olivia Wilde. I think she's a fine actress but in a film of subtle, human performances that aren't being directed to make any stars, she comes off like she's chewing scenery every time she is on screen. I wouldn't call it offputting, but she comes off as the only character in the film that's 'larger than life', if that makes any sense. I mean, maybe the person she is portraying really was akin to a sort of 'Lois Lane on steroids' type. I don't know. Other than what I saw on the news when all of this was going on, I don't have much familiarity with the truth of the events. I am probably going to read American Nightmare: the Ballad of Richard Jewell after this, however.

Top ranks, both as a film and as a story. 5 out of 5.

Thierry Henry

Tung's Hair Stylist
Apr 3, 2013
6 Underground

A bit of a promising start but then quickly downhill after that.

Same old Michael Bay. So going in you have a pretty good idea of what to expect. Netflix giving 'creative freedom' to this guy is like handing a convicted arsonist a gallon of gasoline.


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
6 Underground

A bit of a promising start but then quickly downhill after that.

Same old Michael Bay. So going in you have a pretty good idea of what to expect. Netflix giving 'creative freedom' to this guy is like handing a convicted arsonist a gallon of gasoline.

I think the problem was Ryan Reynolds playing Tom Cruise AND Vin Diesel in Mission Impossible x Deadpool x XXX. EXPLOSIONS! CAR CRASH! Michael Bay.


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
Black Christmas (2019) - I wasn't expecting much but this was one of the worst films I've seen all year. SJW Christmas would have been a more appropriate title. Zero tension, atrocious script and characters so annoying you'd wish death upon them if you could muster an iota of a fuck.


I was Born This Ugly.,
15 Year Member
Sep 6, 2005

Finally...a DC film that isn't complete crap. Now...don't get me wrong, the plot was mostly complete poo...but at least it was fun to watch, my 11 year old enjoyed it.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016

Finally...a DC film that isn't complete crap. Now...don't get me wrong, the plot was mostly complete poo...but at least it was fun to watch, my 11 year old enjoyed it.
I thought Shazam was a joy. I actually really like Man of Steel and Wonder Woman and Aquaman was half decent too, but Shazam was just pure fun. My only gripe was that they never *called* him Shazam, or the Big Red Cheese.

I would have preferred to have the movie called Captain Marvel but I get the whole Marvel/DC thing.

I'm hopeful for Black Adam and/or Shazam II.


I was Born This Ugly.,
15 Year Member
Sep 6, 2005
I thought Shazam was a joy. I actually really like Man of Steel and Wonder Woman and Aquaman was half decent too, but Shazam was just pure fun. My only gripe was that they never *called* him Shazam, or the Big Red Cheese.

I would have preferred to have the movie called Captain Marvel but I get the whole Marvel/DC thing.

I'm hopeful for Black Adam and/or Shazam II.

Anymore...I'll take fun. I used to be a stuck up dick with movies thinking every one had to be some deep level masterpiece...but I've learned to enjoy fun movies as well. Probably because of my kiddo...

Shazam was in the same boat as 2018's Jumanji...not a deep plot but they were enjoyable.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Dead Birds - cheapie indie horror from 2004 with a surprisingly strong cast and good direction. Michael Shannon is good, as usual. The lore of the house isn't handled all that well but the actual horror elements were good.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Black Christmas (2019) - I wasn't expecting much but this was one of the worst films I've seen all year. SJW Christmas would have been a more appropriate title. Zero tension, atrocious script and characters so annoying you'd wish death upon them if you could muster an iota of a fuck.

I knew it was going to be a turd from the trailer. Bummer since the Happy Death Day movies are surprisingly enjoyable.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
Black Christmas (2019) - I wasn't expecting much but this was one of the worst films I've seen all year. SJW Christmas would have been a more appropriate title. Zero tension, atrocious script and characters so annoying you'd wish death upon them if you could muster an iota of a fuck.

This is the second remake of Black Christmas? I had no idea about this... shall avoid. The first remake was trash too.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Yeah what a score.
Blue Valentine also had brilliant music. The end with that Grizzly Bear track and the visuals was crushing

I came to the conclusion a few years ago that Ryan Gosling is the movie producer we need going forward. His work with Nick Winding Refn is also fantastic.

Ryan Reynolds on the other hand... should make less movies.


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
I came to the conclusion a few years ago that Ryan Gosling is the movie producer we need going forward. His work with Nick Winding Refn is also fantastic.

Ryan Reynolds on the other hand... should make less movies.

Ha I definitely agree
Reynolds is horrible in everything. Seems like a likeable enough chap, but he either makes really, really bad fucking movies, and/or plays bland nondescript characters with bland nondescript acting.
A bit like Mathew McConaughey and Gerard Butler but at least the former did great in Dallas Buyer's Club and the latter was 300 for what that's worth.

Goslin's golden years might be behind him, working with Indie guys and pushing things forward somewhat, but I would bank on him making interesting to great cinema rather than not.


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
I like Ryan Reynolds but he's really only good at playing Ryan Reynolds. So Van Wilder and Deadpool, pretty much. Anything that requires range and a less than infinite amount of snark? Much less good.

I actually watched the original Black Christmas the other night. Still holds up and doesn't need multiple shitty remakes. It's a little... weird in places but it didn't have the slasher movie rule book to go by so the fact that it isn't strictly formulaic makes it interesting in its own right. Anyway, it's got those genuinely creepy prank calls, a couple of interesting POV shots and that ending which, while defying all logic, is pretty unsettling. Also has a wayyyy higher class of actor in it than these kinds of movies would later become famous for.

Anyway, yeah ignore that hunk of idpol shit in the theaters and ignore the remake from 10+ years ago and just go watch this instead.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
Buried is probably the one RR movie I'd point to where he's pretty good, and also isn't just playing RR. The premise carries a lot of that in how unique it is, but he's genuinely good in it IIRC.


Mr. Wrestling IV
20 Year Member
Sep 16, 2003
Die Another Day.

It’s not as good as you remember it...and exactly as bad as I remembered it.
