Metal Slug 6 at AM Show?


Armored Scrum Object
Feb 23, 2004
lachlan said:
KOF from about '96 has just added like 3 chars or had a dream match....sure the sotry changed and all but i felt that KOF has gotten worse and worse as the years went on....especially when the Original SNk stopped making them...

Maybe you should have played the games?


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
taken from
C'est désormais officiel, Metal Slug 6 d'SNKP sera présent lors de l'AM Show dans 3 jours sur le stand Sega au coté d'Under Defeat de G.Rev et du jeu de baston Hokuto No Ken d'Arc System. Annoncé il y'a longtemps par SNKP, il arrive enfin deux ans après l'opus numéro 5 sortit sur mvs. On ne sait pour l'instant rien sur le jeu, mais on espère qu'il sera en 2D haute résolution.
Rendez vous le premier septembre.

so it is official now? wicked.

Hokuto No Ken is rumoured to have jumped ship and may be released on Naomi hardware? just a rumour but I'm hoping its bullshit.


custom rank,
20 Year Member
Feb 6, 2001
DevilRedeemed said:
taken from

so it is official now? wicked.

Hokuto No Ken is rumoured to have jumped ship and may be released on Naomi hardware? just a rumour but I'm hoping its bullshit.


Amano Jacu

Charles Barkley
Sep 11, 2001
I'm late to this thread. But in my opinion:

MS 1, X, 3 > Demon Front > Dolphin Blue > MS4

and I haven't played MS5 enough to rate it.

I'm excited to see how does MS6 looks and play, I'm looking forward to it. I don't care that much about Hokuto no Ken for it, but if it goes to naomi instead, well, it wouldn't be a real problem for me :D, not sure about how it would affect its price. Anyway it's just easier and cheaper (and maybe even faster) to wait for the PS2 port.


Guerilla Warrior,
Jul 12, 2003
lachlan said:
KOF from about '96 has just added like 3 chars or had a dream match....sure the sotry changed and all but i felt that KOF has gotten worse and worse as the years went on....especially when the Original SNk stopped making them...

After playing MS4 and MS5....its the same old shit just different...i mean you can pass one in around 20 mins easy and usually i dont go back to play it again...

MS6 BETTER have something NEW or thats it with me and MS.

I agree with this. In MY opinion its like KoF production value has just gone down the tube. 2000 was THE LAST GREAT KoF to me. Yes 2003 is neat with its tag feature and such but when are we gonna get a KoF that turns heads and reinvents the series the way MotW did for Fatal Fury. And on the subject of MS I dont think the series can really go anywhere else without DRASTIC changes to the core gameplay. Its a double edged sword. Yes they can appeal to one group of gamers by taking the series and COMPLETELY changing it but then what happens to those who love MS just for what it is. They would get cut either way.


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
Oct 27, 2004
Yes 2003 is neat with its tag feature and such but when are we gonna get a KoF that turns heads and reinvents the series the way MotW did for Fatal Fury.

Did MOTW really re-invent the Fatal Fury series?


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
I spare myself the pain to comment on these KoF and MotW remarks and keep it at posting about Slug 6.

Okay... I used to get all giddy about a new Slug but not anymore, after playing 4 and 5 I really have absolutely zero desire to get any more of them, I'm happy with 1, 2/X and 3, that's all I need.

Well, I'll give it a try when it's here, but if its anything like 5 I'll probably skip it alltogether.


Guerilla Warrior,
Jul 12, 2003
hanafudaX said:
Yes 2003 is neat with its tag feature and such but when are we gonna get a KoF that turns heads and reinvents the series the way MotW did for Fatal Fury.

Did MOTW really re-invent the Fatal Fury series?

Yes it did. Look at where the series was with all the plane jumping and such and then they just SCRAPPED all that (not that it was bad), introduced an almost entirely new cast and then added JUST DEFENSE which adds a whole other level of play just like parrying in SF3. Not to mention the breaks, fakes and cancels that make the game alot deeper than most people know.


NEST Puppet
Aug 23, 2005
Takumaji said:
I spare myself the pain to comment on these KoF and MotW remarks and keep it at posting about Slug 6.

Okay... I used to get all giddy about a new Slug but not anymore, after playing 4 and 5 I really have absolutely zero desire to get any more of them, I'm happy with 1, 2/X and 3, that's all I need.

Well, I'll give it a try when it's here, but if its anything like 5 I'll probably skip it alltogether.

You never know. The team could happen upon a treasure trove of talent, and suddenly make a Metal Slug that is, dare I say it, better than 3. It probably won't happen, but I always hope that games like this end up being great.

It's really a shame. I miss the greatness of earlier Metal Slugs.


Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Nov 20, 2001
O. Yashiro said:
Yes it did. Look at where the series was with all the plane jumping and such and then they just SCRAPPED all that (not that it was bad), introduced an almost entirely new cast and then added JUST DEFENSE which adds a whole other level of play just like parrying in SF3. Not to mention the breaks, fakes and cancels that make the game alot deeper than most people know.

While I agree with several of your points above, RB2 was the real pivot point in the series. If you really play RB2, you can get an honest picture of where SNK was taking the series and how the transition between RB2 and MOTW began.


Guerilla Warrior,
Jul 12, 2003
Magnaflux said:
While I agree with several of your points above, RB2 was the real pivot point in the series. If you really play RB2, you can get an honest picture of where SNK was taking the series and how the transition between RB2 and MOTW began.

Point made. I actually will concede that RB2 did more for the series than MotW. The animation, the music, just everything. that I go back and play it dare I say I too like RB2 more than MotW! BUT sadly it never reached more than just the NEO audience.


Super nO0b
Jan 21, 2005
ki_atsushi said:
RB2 is awesome, better than MOTW I dare say.

Actually alot of people feel that way. They say MOTW was more street fighter than fatal fury.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
TheLastTrin said:
You never know. The team could happen upon a treasure trove of talent, and suddenly make a Metal Slug that is, dare I say it, better than 3. It probably won't happen, but I always hope that games like this end up being great.

It's really a shame. I miss the greatness of earlier Metal Slugs.

Well, yeah, as I said I will give the game a fair chance instead of jumping to conclusions like some ppl here in this thread, it's just that I'm slightly worn out when it comes to the Metal Slug games in general. I still love to play 1 and 2, but starting from 3, the Slugs simply don't feel right to me anymore.

I mean, Slug 3 is an excellent game, but more as an action-platformer, not as a true Metal Slug sequel. I know that this may sound a bit narrow-minded, but I never liked the "evolution" of Slug to a multi-hit alien slugfest, I prefer the good old WW2 parody approach over all that crazy stuff any day.

Slug 4 was the last one I played in-depth, Slug 5 just bores me... let's put it this way, I'd be all over a new Slug if the dev'ers would get rid of all that dead weight the series has accumulated up to and including part 5.

Back to basics, with new backs/less rehashes, hand-drawn artwork, the original team, a shitload of weapons, slugs and most importantly hidden boni and hostages, the medal scoring system from Slug 4 and no aliens, that would be a Slug I'd buy in a heartbeat.


Crazed MVS Addict
Sep 19, 2004
lmao I am a whore for ms so ill buy it even if it is bad lol. Most people here will get the port at least ne ways so don't bother complainin you are still going to give playwhore teh dollorz!!


NEST Puppet
Aug 23, 2005
Takumaji said:
Back to basics, with new backs/less rehashes, hand-drawn artwork, the original team, a shitload of weapons, slugs and most importantly hidden boni and hostages, the medal scoring system from Slug 4 and no aliens, that would be a Slug I'd buy in a heartbeat.

High resolution sprites alone would perk my ears up, but it would take the rest to keep me interested.


Galford's Armourer
Jun 28, 2004
Amano Jacu said:
I'm late to this thread. But in my opinion:

MS 1, X, 3 > Demon Front > MS5 > MS4

Yeah that's about rite ;)

I suppose I haven't played Dolphin Blue enough to rate it, but it seemed kinda ugly and uber faggy imho...

When i had Demon Front i went through it about 5 - 6 times and that was it, i just felt i had seen all i could see and there was no drive to play through it again. I loved the PGM system but theres no way i would keep one for DF, if i did keep it for one game it would have been KOV SH. The PGM versions of KOV (newer ones after 1999 I think?) absoulutly floor the Atomiswave version.

PIX PLZ Neo Dragon PLZ man help a bother out mans, don't leave me hanging? :crying:

Dolphin Blue just plays great imo, really fast, lots going on and never seems to tire. I must have gone through it at least 5 - 6 times already and i've only had it a month!

I'll have to play it some more, still seemed quite faggy and blah.... :oh_no:

Back to basics, with new backs/less rehashes, hand-drawn artwork, the original team, a shitload of weapons, slugs and most importantly hidden boni and hostages, the medal scoring system from Slug 4 and no aliens, that would be a Slug I'd buy in a heartbeat.

High resolution sprites alone would perk my ears up, but it would take the rest to keep me interested.

We live in hope :(
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Mr. Big's Thug
Aug 30, 2005
hopefully this brings something to the table the other metal slugs didn't! They are beggining to be the same game with different levels but similar bosses and weapons!