Literal Dumpster Fires in Minnesota: A Tale of 2 Americas in the Twin Cities


Three 6 Mafia
10 Year Member
Favoring accurate information and being able to explain a person's behaviours is not the same as being in bed with someone or an ideal.
I made no attempt to refute your take about the potentially illegal or immoral use of the helicopter against the protestors, only that the words in your post, and in the article, did not match the pictures or videos.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member

Other demonstrators found themselves gripped with suspicion by pallet of bricks they claimed had mysteriously appeared in the marchers' paths: "THEY ARE LEAVING BRICKS ALL AROUND CITIES SO THE CIVILIANS CAN PICK THEM UP AND USE THEM AS WEAPONS SO THE GOV. CAN GET THE MARTIAL LAW INVOLVED. THIS IS A SET UP !!!!! THE GOVERNMENT IS TRYING TO BE 10 STEP AHEAD OF US‼️‼️" one viral Instagram post read. The suspicious brick narrative soon started bleeding from left to right, with several more viral posts implying the bricks may have been strategically planted to aid those who would riot in creating more chaos. In Minneapolis, a viral video of a demonstrator claiming that loads of bricks had been placed in the path of protests to encourage people to commit property destruction was shared to a YouTube channel; the caption implied that Jews had put them there.

Meanwhile, a woman named Kambree Kawahine Koa, who was affiliated with Women For Trump in 2015 and has contributed to sites like the Daily Caller, tweeted that “pallets of bricks” had begun showing up in her subdivision, “not in an areas where a house is going to be built.” The implication, of course, was that rioters—possibly antifa ones, her followers helpfully suggested—would be arriving there soon, and had sent their weapons ahead, for some reason. “I hope we get to the bottom of this,” Kambree tweeted, before acknowledging, as it turned out, that the bricks did in fact belong to the city.

There’s absolutely no evidence to suggest that cop car was “planted,” or that demonstrators or their supposed Jewish overlords or even the cops were helpfully pre-arranging bricks, but there’s no doubt that suspicion was in the streets, and, more concerningly, in the White House. Donald Trump claimed that the protests were perpetrated by “ANTIFA and the Radical Left,” then announced that the government would be “designating ANTIFA as a terror organization.” There is no domestic terror list that “ANTIFA,” which is not an organization, can magically be placed on through the power of Twitter. The point was nevertheless made.

The discourse around this weekend’s protests was fueled, in other words, by misinformation. Bad, fractured, and partial information has raced through the marches, social media, and the Oval Office. It is being used to cynically frame what has been and will be happening, and in the hands of the powerful, it will serve specific political interests....

This idea here is that a lot of misinformation is being spread about the protests in order to discredit the protests and gas light everyone who wants to see an end to systematic racism, while reinforcing the disrespect and disdain that rural white conservatives have for liberals and minorities. Everyone is getting tooled when those misinformation tactics work.


Most Prominent Member of Chat
20 Year Member
Plenty of finger pointing to go around from everyone, crafting the narrative. No one wants to believe that it is portions of their group, whether they're right leaning, left leaning, or just in it for the lulz.

Locally they blamed 'outsiders', despite the overwhelming majority of arrests being county residents (which, while technically outside the city, I'm pretty sure isn't what they meant). Also blamed were 'anarchists', who I can only assume were twirling their mustache and carrying a round bomb with a lit fuse in their hand like a cartoon version of a early 1900s bogeyman.

They were probably just people fueled by anonymity and opportunism. So, Occam's Razor probably applies.


20 Year Member
Trump doesn’t need to use the military to perform law enforcement.

Law Enforcement are already almost indistinguishable from the military.

Posse Comi-what?

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Plenty of finger pointing to go around from everyone, crafting the narrative. No one wants to believe that it is portions of their group, whether they're right leaning, left leaning, or just in it for the lulz.

Locally they blamed 'outsiders', despite the overwhelming majority of arrests being county residents (which, while technically outside the city, I'm pretty sure isn't what they meant). Also blamed were 'anarchists', who I can only assume were twirling their mustache and carrying a round bomb with a lit fuse in their hand like a cartoon version of a early 1900s bogeyman.

They were probably just people fueled by anonymity and opportunism. So, Occam's Razor probably applies.

Yeah, it’s obvious that opportunists exist everywhere and in every shade of pigmentation. Chaos is a ladder, but also a hammer.


20 Year Member
I went to the Detroit protests today but mainly hung out with the chill "non-angry mob" types that weren't shouting "fuck the police"

The men with the bullhorn were incredibly polite and talked about how the 1967 riots tore the city apart. We took a knee for Floyd then peacefully walked a few blocks. One of the guys made sure to remind everyone, "I want everyone back here before 8 so we don't go past curfew." He was a younger guy, too. I was surprised at how level headed he was after seeing some "abolish the police" signs and women talking shit to cops (mainly white women).

I also bumped into 4 guys with AR-15s supporting Black Live Matter. I thought it was odd enough to snap a pic:



Holy crap, this was one of the polite dudes! He's only 16!!

Edit 2: someone passed this link to me:

These two dudes.
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So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
I just wanted an excuse to post one of the wokest songs of all time.

Anyways, How about some Woody:
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Orochi's Acolyte
20 Year Member

President Donald Trump on Thursday shared a letter on Twitter that referred to the peaceful protesters who were forcibly dispersed from a park near the White House on Monday evening as "terrorists."

"The phony protesters near Lafayette were not peaceful and are not real," Dowd's letter claimed, without citing any evidence. "They are terrorists using idle hate filled students to burn and destroy. They were abusing and disrespecting the police when the police were preparing the area for the 1900 curfew."

A day or two before he had his press secretary repeatedly tell the press protesters were not fired at.
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20 Year Member

President Donald Trump on Thursday shared a letter on Twitter that referred to the peaceful protesters who were forcibly dispersed from a park near the White House on Monday evening as "terrorists."

"The phony protesters near Lafayette were not peaceful and are not real," Dowd's letter claimed, without citing any evidence. "They are terrorists using idle hate filled students to burn and destroy. They were abusing and disrespecting the police when the police were preparing the area for the 1900 curfew."

A day or two before he had his press secretary repeatedly tell the press protesters were not fired at.

Most people: "bullshit!"

Trump supporters: "story checks out, the media is always trying to get Trump. He's got my vote."


Least Valuable Player
Most people: "bullshit!"

Trump supporters: "story checks out, the media is always trying to get Trump. He's got my vote."

You saw the dudes on my post saying he didn’t fire tear gas.

Then when I finally settled on pepper balls, smoke grenades and rubber bullets, they said “did trump fire it?”

Cult motherfuckers.

Feels good to swear again.