Last blade 2 dreamcast secret


Mr. Big's Thug
Nov 5, 2003
Ok, alot of you might know this but I JUST found it out tonight while playin a friend in last blade 2 (japanese edition) for dreamcast even though i've owned the game for about 8 months.

Me and mygroup of frinds recently got into the 6 button fighters for dc, so my friend had to adjust his style for the DC controller. Well while we were playing last blade 2, i noticed that he was pullin off supers with startling accuracy and ease. I just thought it was because he was practicing fighting games more than usual, but then i noticed he was hittin the R button.

He was just sorta hittin it sub-conciously since we had been play CvSNK2 earlier, and then i asked him if it was doin anything.

turns out the R button does SUPERS!

yes, its just one button to do a super in LB2 on dreamcast edition, and it even works with desperation moves (when your life and power meter are both flashing)

there are a few limitations. It automatically does your desperation move when your meters are flashing, you cant use it to "hold" the move back (i'm pretty sure it just releases it the minute you hit the button), it only does one of the super moves for a character (like it will do kaede's lightning attack, but not his sword slash), and for setsuna's desperation move it only sets him up in armor mode. you have to manually enter the glass pane move.

so yea, i think its pretty fun since most of my friends are havin a blast now that the supers are easy for them to do. :mr_t: