KOF Neowave Gameplay System details revealed...


formerly "sQuareh4t3r", then "MacGuffin", now "sQu
Nov 23, 2003
I know that some of you were wondering about the specifics of the different Modes available in Neowave, so here is a translation and summary of the System section of the KOF Neowave official webpage. I originally posted this in the News & Rumors board, but I think it will be much more appreciated here.

Like all other KOF games, Neowave uses the standard ABCD layout of the NeoGeo, but now there is a fifth button (button E). This button is used to initiate Heat Mode. Pressing E at any time (except when attacking or being attacked) will make your character flash red and enter Heat Mode. While in Heat Mode, your attack power increases drastically but your health slowly decreases. It is best used when your opponent is defenseless or when you see your big chance (or so says the page).

The button layout of the machine is as follows:


Abilities Available in all Modes:
-Dash: Double tap forward
-Backstep: Double tap backwards
-Emergency Evasion: Press forward or back and AB at the same time
-Blow Away Attack: Press CD at the same time
-Stand Throws: Press towards and C or D while close to opponent
-Fall Recovery: Press AB at the same time just before landing
(Emergency Evasion is not available in MAX2 Mode.)

Super Cancel Mode (SC Mode)
Three power gauges can be stocked in this Mode. Available abilities include the following:
-Super Cancels: Cancel Special Attacks into (Super) Desperation Moves (uses 1 Stock)
-Quick Emergency Evasion: Press AB during a normal move or a special move (uses 1 Stock)
-Guard Cancel Emergency Evasion: Press AB while blocking (uses 1 Stock)
-Guard Cancel Blow Away Attack: Press CD while blocking (uses 1 Stock)
-Desperation Moves: Input character-specific command (uses 1 Stock)
-MAX Desperation Moves: Input character-specific command (uses 2 Stocks)

Guard Break Mode (GB Mode)
Two power gauges can be stocked in this Mode. Available abilities include the following:
-Just Defense: Block just before an opponent lands an attack
-Guard Break Attack: Input QCF+CD (uses 1 Stock)
-Quick Emergency Evasion: Press AB during a normal move or a special move (uses 1 Stock)
-Guard Cancel Emergency Evasion: Press AB while blocking (uses 1 Stock)
-Desperation Moves: Input character-specific command (uses 1 Stock)
-MAX Desperation Moves: Input character-specific command (uses 2 Stocks)
(The Guard Cancel Blow Away Attack cannot be used in Guard Break Mode.)

MAX2 Mode (M2 Mode)
Just one power gauge can be stocked in this Mode. The gauge automatically fills in this Mode; available abilities include the following:
-Guard Cancel Blow Away Attack: Press CD while blocking (uses 1 Stock)
-Desperation Moves: Input character-specific command (uses 1 Stock)
-MAX Desperation Moves: Input character-specific command (uses 1 Stock)
-MAX2: Input character-specific command at 1/4 health (uses 1 Stock)
(Emergency Evades cannot be used in MAX2 Mode.)

Well, I think that just about sums it up. The modes seem varied enough to offer some different kinds of gameplay, so we'll have to see how it all comes together in the end. Anyway, I hope this helps some of you out who were curious about how Neowave was going to play. You're welcome. :D
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