I've tried to modify a Saturn stick to work on my supergun...

Amano Jacu

Charles Barkley
Sep 11, 2001
...but it doesn't work :(

I've added the ground wire to the correct place in the board, and checked that every buttons gets ground through the PCB. Then the signal for each button went to the chip, but I just cut that and added a wire that goes to my female 15-pin plug for each button. Then I've cut everything that wasn't needed.

Theorically that was supposed to work, but it doesn't. Any suggestion? If you want I'll post some pics and explain in more detail what I have done.

I've checked all the connection just by eye, I guess that I'll get a multimeter to be sure where does the current actually pass. I guess that'd be very useful.

Winston Goh

Camel Slug
Dec 5, 2001
Forget wiring to the chip, wire directly to the button and joystick. If you want pics, email me. I did one some time back and still have the pic around.

Amano Jacu

Charles Barkley
Sep 11, 2001
Sorry, I didn't explain it well, I didn't wire wire to the chip, I attached the wires directly to the pcb to the points where each button was connected and then totally blew up the chip.

A while ago I've made some experiments to try to know which connection work and which not, and results are kinda strange. If I take the ground wire directly and touch it with a button wire, nothing happens. But if I take the ground or the button separately and with them touch the pcb of a pad that actually works with my sgun, then contact is made.

I find it quite difficult to explain what I've made in English. Tomorrow I'll try to post a detailed description with some pics.

Winston, thanks for your help, I'd love to see that pic of yours.