I Need Help Posting In Forums Please


Aug 11, 2017
Was advised by a number of users to start a thread as I am unable to use the forum correctly.

I can not see anyones images uploaded nor can I post a thread in the general section.

I am unable to do most things and constantly told I do not have permission to do most things.

Can any mods out there please help.

I have been a member since Saturday night and I have verified my email.

Thanks in advance.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
Errrr.. maybe you should read some more on what it takes to get full privileges on the forum...

There be no mods about... those fuckers don't give a shit about us...


Electric Grave

So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
Why so inpatient? Wait for your privileges to be given like everyone else, in the mean time participate, you didn't need permission to make this thread so you already got enough tools to get around, no need to look at pics and make threads in the general section.


Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
On a side note... I spammed the shit out of this site in my first few weeks here...

It was awesome...


PS. I think that's about the same time they decided that a new chat room would be "advantageous..."... go figure...


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
That sweet market bekons.

The market here is 99% dead because of 2 scammers and mass overreaction.

When I first posted a selling thread in the NEO SELLING forum if you didn't get a bump within first 24 hours, you were on page 2. Today, there are threads 28 days old on page 1. This market is on life support.


Ralfredacc's Worst Nightmare
10 Year Member
Apr 30, 2009
The market here is 99% dead because of 2 scammers and mass overreaction.

Honestly, the marketplace section of most VG forums are not what they used to be. Back in the day, we'd buy/sell/trade all the time. Now I think people tend to hold on to their stuff, and when they do sell, they want top dollar. I can't remember the last time I sold something VG-related.


I survived Secret Santa, It wasn't Easy.,
Feb 19, 2016
Honestly, the marketplace section of most VG forums are not what they used to be. Back in the day, we'd buy/sell/trade all the time. Now I think people tend to hold on to their stuff, and when they do sell, they want top dollar. I can't remember the last time I sold something VG-related.

Looks like the same people selling, too. It's not a bad thing, but surely there were other sellers in the past who don't sell now, if they're still here, right?


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
Honestly, the marketplace section of most VG forums are not what they used to be. Back in the day, we'd buy/sell/trade all the time. Now I think people tend to hold on to their stuff, and when they do sell, they want top dollar. I can't remember the last time I sold something VG-related.

I can only speak to the forums i'm a member on and this one has by far had the most significant decline. I spend 99% of my forum time here, but I will occasionally hit NA, Shmups and KLOV.

NA is as active as it was 7 years ago. Zero decline.
Shmups is slightly less active - maybe 25%.
KLOV is still very active. Maybe modest decline, 10% or so.

One of the biggest changes is the negotiating and requests in PM. When I joined up in 2010 - if you wanted to buy something, you pm'd, "I'll take it." The response was, "Here's where you send the money." That was it. Now it's, "More pics? Can we come down a little? Will you be double-boxing? Why don't I have a tracking number yet?"

Case in point. I've had a pile of MVS carts up on here recently, about 10 carts I feel are well-priced, and priced friendly. I've sold 2 of them on here. After 2 weeks I moved them to NA, skewed the prices up a little, and have sold 4 carts and multiple pms. It's sad when you can sell MVS carts more easily on NA than NG.


Blame madman, You Know You Want To.,
Jun 1, 2007
I dunno, I've had great success on the market here. I always try to sell here cheaply vs elsewhere and only use EBay as a last resort. I'm not really much in buying mode these days, but the few purchases I have made have gone well in the last year. To mj's point, it's hard to sell anything but teh rarez on here anymore. Old timers have the shit already or have moved to a NeoSD. And to JJ's point, it does seem a lot of forum people want EBay prices. AA is really the only other console forum I frequent and I've seen some stupid prices on there. The flippers/resellers use forums now instead of solely just EBay so it's not like you're even buying from/selling to fellow game nerds.

Anyway, the OP needs to participate enough to get PM privs to request market access from Rot.


Obsessed Neo-Fan
15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
Honestly, the marketplace section of most VG forums are not what they used to be. Back in the day, we'd buy/sell/trade all the time. Now I think people tend to hold on to their stuff, and when they do sell, they want top dollar. I can't remember the last time I sold something VG-related.

I think most people are...

1. Older now and quit collecting.
2. Younger and don't use forums, because of facebook groups.
3. Migrated to Facebook groups.

The facebook groups are basically what this place was a decade ago, but with an annoying amount of "look how cool I am" post pic of setup or latest purchase.


Ralfredacc's Worst Nightmare
10 Year Member
Apr 30, 2009
Guess the question is, what would change that?

I guess if I really needed money badly? If I don't want something, I add it to the box of stuff in my attic that maybe I'll get around to selling one day. When I was younger and poorer, I needed to sell stuff to fund my hobby. Between not really buying stuff as much as I used to and having more disposable income just due to being older, there's just no incentive to spend time listing stuff for sale, dealing with buyers, etc. If someone put up a WTB post looking for something that I knew I had and didn't want, then I would go ahead and sell it because that's an easy transaction.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
I can only speak to the forums i'm a member on and this one has by far had the most significant decline. I spend 99% of my forum time here, but I will occasionally hit NA, Shmups and KLOV.

NA is as active as it was 7 years ago. Zero decline.
Shmups is slightly less active - maybe 25%.
KLOV is still very active. Maybe modest decline, 10% or so.

One of the biggest changes is the negotiating and requests in PM. When I joined up in 2010 - if you wanted to buy something, you pm'd, "I'll take it." The response was, "Here's where you send the money." That was it. Now it's, "More pics? Can we come down a little? Will you be double-boxing? Why don't I have a tracking number yet?"

Case in point. I've had a pile of MVS carts up on here recently, about 10 carts I feel are well-priced, and priced friendly. I've sold 2 of them on here. After 2 weeks I moved them to NA, skewed the prices up a little, and have sold 4 carts and multiple pms. It's sad when you can sell MVS carts more easily on NA than NG.

I bought lots of shit from you, only asked you once to lower your price 'cause you could get a full kit for pretty much the same money you were selling a bare PCB. Even gave you more money than what was agreed 'cause I felt like I was doing something wrong asking you for a fair price. You aren't perfect, sometimes your prices are off, no biggie, at least you're nice enough to work things out but as you can see your comment obviously hit home.

SNKpro is a prime example of this shit, fucker wanted to swap cases on an AES cart and provide a 10 bucks discount, the fucking nerve, like you can get a nice snapcase for 10 bucks. I said no, guy let's me send him the money via paypal but then he decides to refund the money 2 days later, the fucking nerve with this POS and apparently it was my fault 'cause I wasn't happy about him switching cases and inserts on a game I already paid for, the guy didn't even give me a choice, he asked after the fact and then was upset 'cause I wouldn't accept a swap case, seriously where do these fucking people get off?

That's my problem with people here, some people think they're doing you favors. Top that with the fact that a douche like shroom would rather sell to this SNKpro POS rather than me, but then again that's just personal drama more than anything else.

This market was perfectly fine until the purge, that's what really killed it, this place has always been policed by members, ever since I can remember. When ZDTF came about we policed it even more, the market kept going well until the purge that is.

SO what to do from here on out? Open market, it's the only way, just be selective on your sales, old timers aren't going to buy that Samsho 2 cart, only noobs need such...so why not just be selective? Maybe we don't wanna sell that MOTW cart to newcomers but it would help if we can learn to sell to everyone accordingly.


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
Chris - my comments weren't geared at anyone in particular, and certainly not at you. I've been cool with all of our dealings and i'd say you are definitely in the old school mindset. As for that particular board, it had been up 2 weeks - I didn't mind coming down on it; particularly for someone i'd had good dealings with. Like I told you at the time in PM's, "Name your price - it's yours."

My comments are more about the change in the market - you know as well as I do, when people pm'd 4-5 years ago, you better be a serious buyer or you're going to get called to the carpet. You better not be making demands after a deal is done or you're going to get called to the carpet. You better not ask for pics, and then closeup pics, and then pcb pics, and then pics of the box you'll be using to ship...or you'd get called to the carpet. Nowadays - there are maybe 25-30 legit buyers/sellers/traders. I haven't been here as long as you, but when I joined up in 2010, there was easily 200+ legit members to do deals with. I was much more of a buyer then and recall how "grown up" this market felt compared with the tirekickers and timewasters on racketboy and nintendoage. Now, the tirekickers and legit members here are about even, and it's a bit sad. As others have said - a lot of good members are on facebook groups now. Meh.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
I'm sorry to have taken your post so personal, you're right nonetheless, this market has been on a steady decline for sure.

When the purge idea came about I was one of the members that was all for it. I thought it was the best thing to do to protect ourselves from flippers and what have you, I was wrong, in time more people agreed but here we are now, the only thing left to do is to sell selectively and stop nonsense from inquisitive members one at a time, I'd suggest publicly as to set an example for all to see? Maybe that can set a new standard in time.

Other forums have always provided an open market and I think it's those markets that aren't being hit so hard as of late. KLOV is a mess though, I don't frequent it 'cause it's nuts. Before ZDTF the everything else market was mayhem, people trying to sell stupid shit bumping useless threads over decent arcade hardware, it was a tough fight to get it going. Never been in any other forums other than SRK and shmups and that's here and there like you, 99% of my internet time is spent here as well.


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
There's no simple answer to the market problem here. The damage has been done. The purge was clearly a mistake, even though many people cheered at the time. People are hoarding more now, maybe out of fear they'll never be able to re-buy rarer titles down the road. Prices are such that collecting games has become a rich man's hobby, particularly AES and PCBs. The obsession over condition has gotten out of hand, hence the pic requests and ridiculous expectations of some buyers. I clicked this thread expecting lulz but was pleasantly surprised to read some solid insight, especially from Mike. The market activity on KLOV in particular is so much higher than here, it's night and day. On the bright side, NG is still much more active than some, Sega-16 for example.

ChuChu Flamingo

We have purposely, trained him wrong, ...as a joke
10 Year Member
Nov 23, 2010
In retrospect it really isn't better at the other places. Neo Hyphen Geo is pretty damn active compared to the others (excluding market place ofc)

NA and KLOV may be super active, but its a flippers paradise with most prices being ebay+++. The discussions on there are pretty bland too.

Arcade otaku is filled with one post frenchy wonders trying to scoop. You don't even have to register to see the fs threads. The repair forums and technical problems are good though.

Shmups - I like the hardware threads on there. Also a good place to sell some professional grade monitors that you got on the cheap for mega bucks.

I like the balance on here in regards to policing of threads. On other forums its this hug box shit where its buyer beware just do your own research mentality.
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Calvin & Hobbes, ,
Jul 8, 2003
The forum is what it is lads...

The market place here is fine... it'll take time to rebuild...

I'm not going anywhere... it's home:p



General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
It's sad when you can sell MVS carts more easily on NA than NG.

I don't know, it would be sad, if this fact haven't been anticipated. Yet it was. This forum wanted to have a marketplace, which disagrees with prices skyrocketing, flipping or scamming, like the one it has now. Strict rules scare off, that's the price but also the reward.

This market was perfectly fine until the purge, that's what really killed it, ...

The times killed it, social media are taking over and auction-sites grant you a broader audience with a higher price to gain... and this place? It's here to preserve lost time, which boils down to this:

The forum is what it is lads...

The market place here is fine... it'll take time to rebuild...

I'm not going anywhere... it's home:p


Couldn't agree more.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
It's supply and demand. More people are hoarding than they are selling. I'm one of them, I've got nothing to hide, but it wont last forever and people will get bored with what they have and start selling it, that doesn't mean it'll drop in price, unless the market floods, which it won't...

The good ol' days have gone. You were either a part of it or you weren't.


Aero Fighters Flyboy
Jun 7, 2012
I am not a member any where else so my input comparing this place to other sites is the fact this sites member base scares off newbies and therefore potentially killing the market on this site, from what I can tell.

No fresh meat means we just trade our games to each other, mainly.
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