Happy Birthday Montatez and Lagduf


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
I hope the both of you have a fantastic day, though it seems like Lagduf's been MIA for 2019 :buttrock:



20 Year Member
Sep 24, 2003
Come back Duf, come back.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Happy Birthday dudes, Montatez just sounds like the name of a latino drug lord. I respect that.


There are four lights
20 Year Member
Oct 12, 2003
A wonderful ceremony so far on behalf of Wes "the Duf" Duffman! Many of you don't know that Duf was... darn near death recently, and he wasn't ashamed to me to admit that he'd had syphilis. Thank goodness he stopped it in its tracks. I must tell you, it takes a lot for a man to... admit where he got it from and how he got it. I must say, if you look at him today, he looks just wonderful. The nose looks normal again, his face has come back into shape, and he's not drooling anymore. It's a good sign. And hats off to Marge, his wife! Because that whole experience there, the two or three weeks she stayed at Trembling Hills has paid off -- no more alcohol or sedatives in her life. But there's so many other things I want to tell you about Duf. Things that maybe you already know. Did you know that Duf spent a good deal of his life honoring a profession that has gone largely unsung around here. The profession, of course, is law enforcement. I know Duf feels this way: too often our feelings are locked in and we feel restrained, perhaps even embarrassed, to actually reach out and touch an officer of the law. After all, they are people, aren't they? So why not stand up and pat them on the back? Reach out and shake hands. Hug a cop! Yeah! Go ahead, I said it! Yeah, that's a wonderful feeling. I am so proud tonight.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Thanks guys.

Though I am now healed, when I was stricken with Syphilis i went to work, deep in my cyber lair. I knew that Western "medicine" would be of no use, and sought alternative means of self healing. Here is a voltage controlled oscillator I just finished, tuned permanently at the exact frequency needed to harmonize with my inner chakras and purge the syphillis:


Trapped deep below, at times immobile, my only recourse to communicate with the outside world was through the use of this microphone i developed from parts on my desk...though only useable on tuesdays (when the stars and chakras align.)


Here I monitor the outside world from the darkness of my cyber lair. Sometimes I watch 9 documentaries at once, all on a variety of homeopathic, holistic, and essential oil laden (gluten free) medicines. Such knowledge was essential in aligning the chakras. It was only through the 9 monitor healing system that I could free myself from my self imposed syphilis exile.


Upon being healed, i ventured forth and went to the thrift store to buy a new mix tape! Here I was, still partially blinded, and thinking i had just bought a NEW ORDER mixtape, but instead I got something all together different...something much worse.


I also found a blank tape in which a man discusses the astrological health of his relationship. I quote:

"The love here felt can be a vehicle of inspiration, of higher mind of creative change in our life. Now these are all sitting in the first house of the composite horoscope indicating this is basically how we feel about ourself"