Gauntlet Legends HDD to CF

The King Prawn

Marked Wolf
Jan 16, 2012
I found a tutorial online and had tried it out however I'm having trouble with the IDE to USB interface to copy the drive over. I purchased a Vantec CB-ISATAU2 for the Gauntlet HDD, but my system wont recognize it- as in I have no media plugged in. Yes, I changed the jumpers on the drive to master and it is spinning up, so power is not an issue as all I've found on Google. I'm using Slackware 13.37 so don't tell me to go to my device drivers on Windows, or whatever they're calling it these days.


I was in a rush when I posted the above so let me pose another question more clearly. Has anyone converted a HDD run cab to use solid state media and if so how did you go about it?

Thanks again.
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