Fuck I suck


No longer Tristesse
Dec 26, 2003
at not-so-hard games.

I'm working on Gigawing and I still can't get past the four first stages without dying like a dumb. Gigawing is assumed to be an easy game and I can't 1cc it whereas I 1cced Dodonpachi or Gigawing Generations.
I worked 2h30 on the last 2 bosses and even If I managed to one-life them without bombs, the last boss (stranger) is a fucking pain in the ass timing-wise.

Same problem with Progear. I consider the game to be easy (compared to hundred of harder games) and I always loose my credit before stage 3 boss like a dumb.

I am simply annoyed to loose lives likes I don't need them.... Because I'm not the kind of guy that one-life games, I usually need all my lives when I 1cc a game obviously.

Anyway, just my 2 cents.


1cc my ASS!,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2001
Vincere said:
at not-so-hard games.

I'm working on Gigawing and I still can't get past the four first stages without dying like a dumb. Gigawing is assumed to be an easy game and I can't 1cc it whereas I 1cced Dodonpachi or Gigawing Generations.

I assume you mean first loop only on Dodonpachi.

Giga Wing Generations is way easier than Giga Wing 1, but Giga Wing 1 is way easier to me than Dodonpachi....

are you playing the DC version of Giga Wing? DC version is harder because it eliminated a lot of the slowdown that was on the PCB.


No longer Tristesse
Dec 26, 2003
Hi BBH, I was sure to catch your attention cause you 1cc'd Gigawing.

First loop on Dodonpachi yes. And I' m playing GW on MAME so there are slowdowns actually.