Forum community - Welcoming feedback on dispute with dbarrett0981


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010

I am in a bit of a dispute with fellow member dbarrett0981.

I recently sold him a 161-1 with shockbox and insert. A week after receiving he pm'd it wasn't working. We have been going through the process to sort it out in pm's the past 2 days.

During these pm's and one phone call - we looked a few options and ultimately a final red flag brought me to a point where I simply asked him to return it and i'd refund him.

Unfortunately he is demanding the refund "today" or he will give me negative feedback and file a paypal claim. I'm not concerned about the paypal claim. I assume i'd win the claim or at least get my item back, but even at that, I can live without $100. I attempted to reply to his last pm but his inbox is now full. So at risk of him thinking i'm not willing to respond to the feedback thread, i'll post my response I had tried to send him here.

I am not asking for anyone to dogpile either member - rather weigh in respectfully.

Here is his pm and my attempted response.

dbarret0928 said:
I had to buy this from you to get it here and the cart is defective. With all due respect how do I know you didn't knowingly sell it as defective? I'm going to record this as negative feedback and go through paypal to get my money back unless I get a refund today. The cart will be sent back to you regardless tomorrow. Thanks

I've been quite polite and tried to assume the best and work with you. This last pm is a bit much. With respect; I wouldn't put my reputation on a multicart for $100.

You've divulged you can't even pay to ship it back unless I refund you? This implies you don't have $12.

You've stated you are out over $250 on shipping your cab from Cali to OH and not sure how you'll pay for it. (from misquoting the buyer - but already receiving payment).

You had this for a week without messaging me. When asked why - you said you just got sticks for your omega. I mentioned I thought you had a neo candy and did you try that - you hadn't? (odd) You Then pm'd back that you just tried it and it doesn't work there either.

I mentioned a lot of guys have had issues with multi-carts and compatibility issues - not too mention fit issues. Were you aware of those. You weren't. I tried to walk you through some tests and asked if the PCB's felt like they were too tight. You asked me if the PCB was the cart shell. I explained what the PCB was and we discussed some settings solutions and physical fixes - you said you tried the things I mentioned and it didn't work.

I told you it didn't make sense to ship it back to me, have it fire right up, and then me be out $24 (shipping to and from) - so at this point, let's just sell it as wonky. I would pay you whatever it sold for, plus whatever difference you were still out. You would ship to the new buyer. You agreed and I put it up in the marketplace this afternoon and used the original picture. You immediately messaged me and said, "remember its in a clear case now, not a yellow one with a new label that looks like the one you had."

I questioned why? You did not give an answer, rather you said, "I have it and I can swap it back."

At this time I told you there were a lot of red flags for me. You need money in a hurry, you never tested on your cab before reporting "it doesn't work", you didn't know what a pcb was, this was the first cart you ever inserted on your own and now somehow it's in a different shell with a new label?

Whether some operator error on your part and you actually messed it up, or you just outright need to get money to pay to ship your cab, I don't know. I asked you to return it - i'll refund you. I was not comfortable issuing a refund while you still had the item.


Teddy KGB

Капитан Борода
10 Year Member
Apr 5, 2010
You immediately messaged me and said, "remember its in a clear case now, not a yellow one with a new label that looks like the one you had."

I questioned why? You did not give an answer, rather you said, "I have it and I can swap it back."

This is the biggest red flag of all.

Beyond you (Mike) being one of the most stand-up guys and sellers here on the forum, there is no way I would take back a cart that has been tampered with (including replaced shells) for any reason. Who knows if it worked to begin with, or suddenly stopped working after the shell swap. It's all hearsay at that point. The fact that you were/are still willing to take it back (as it was in original condition) is a testament to your integrity.

I do not know dbarret, nor have I dealt with him but it seems strange that he's gotta have the money today "or else". Like you said, I'm assuming he is in a pinch for money as we just saw him sell that Neo 29 he just got from Arcade Game.

Good luck in sorting this out brutha.


Sakura's Bank Manager
Jan 20, 2013
Daniel, if your reading this I can assure you that Mike (MJMJR25) is an honest guy, probably one of the most honest people I have ever met. I know him personally and chilled with him and have dealt with countless number of times in many many large money deals over the years. He has run many group buys here and on other sites with no profit for himself. I assure you he would not knowingly send you a defective cart. Prepare for a deluge of other people who will also vouch for his credibility.


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
Thanks, Jim. To note and to be fair. I did provide walk throughs and gave the ok to try to file down the pcb's as I know many others have had to do that. So, that was understood and acceptable to me. But yes, there was a lot of things that didn't feel right, but why he planned to ship it to a new buyer in a new shell was the biggest thing that jumped at me. I immediately pulled that thread as I don't even know what it looks like now.


Professional College Dropout
10 Year Member
Jan 7, 2013
You're an honest seller. Let him try to file the claim without a return, you'll win, end of story. Sorry you have to deal with this BS.


Sakura's Bank Manager
Jan 20, 2013
Thanks, Jim. To note and to be fair. I did provide walk throughs and gave the ok to try to file down the pcb's as I know many others have had to do that. So, that was understood and acceptable to me. But yes, there was a lot of things that didn't feel right, but why he planned to ship it to a new buyer in a new shell was the biggest thing that jumped at me. I immediately pulled that thread as I don't even know what it looks like now.
what he told me on the phone is he thought the shell was too thick, but I assured him that is not at all the case (no pun intended).

Neo Ash Audiophile, Club Member,
Feb 21, 2004
You're an honest seller. Let him try to file the claim without a return, you'll win, end of story. Sorry you have to deal with this BS.

Word. Don't worry about the negative feedback. If dbarrett0981 is viewed as clearly being in the wrong, a mod can remove the negative feedback.

Kid Panda

The Chinese Kid
Jun 13, 2010
MJ, you have always been ace in my book and I feel you went the extra mile to help out with the situation. I'm sure this will work out in your favor after all is said and done.

MCF 76

Metal Slug Mechanic
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2010
Mike, is one of the best people I have ever met. He has went way out of his way to help me on numerous things plenty of times. I assure you he is not trying to swindle you no way in hell. Like everybody else said already he was willing to take the loss which is more than I would do if you had opened the cart and switched shells. The fact you didn't know what the pcb was and you still switched shells is really a disturbing thought of what probably happened to the boards.


Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Feb 7, 2002
Tampered with the cart and replaced the shell after having it for a week?

No refund.

And like Nick pointed out, this ain't the first thread to pop up about this turd and his shitty behavior.

He's on my "do-not-deal-with" list.

I was honestly interested in buying it in your thread, but now that I know the hell no.


Sakura's Bank Manager
Jan 20, 2013
1 619 723 3321 is his phone # if you guys wanna chat with him
Last edited:


Angel's Love Slave
Dec 4, 2013
Jesus fucking Christ. Clicking that link sent me down a rabbit hole of threads in which this Barrett asshole engaged in questionable marketplace behavior on multiple occasions. The guy should have been banned already.

Nice analogy. It really is quite a spiral from thread to thread.


Apr 10, 2003
469 how is this...replace the cart with a new one it was defective from the get go and I only tampered it because you instructed me to do so telling me to file the edges of the cart advising Me that other members have had this issue with a 161 in 1 cart...proceeding to tell me at this point you didn't care if I tried filing it or swapping the casing out and you were not t he type of guy whom would tell me I tampered with it and I damaged it so I can't have a refund. Ultimately if it comes down to it I will win a paypal claim you claimed the cart was legit and was working. This cart is by legal terms a bootleg and it's not working and you sold it for more than you paid for it. If your going to be a jere about the situation I will be too. I had no issues going with whatever solution you had until you started telling me that you needed to wait to refund me and you want me to send the cart back and wait till it resells before I get a refund. I'm not hurting for 100 bucks or the multi cart or the 279 bucks I'm out in shipping to make right on a deal. I am a man of my word. I own a successful business and make plenty of money. I do have a problem with people putting scriptures in their avatar and acting as a wolf in sheep's clothing. Remember there are two sides to every story. I advised you upon me returning this cart that you will receive it looking exactly as you sent it.

Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
It's highly possible that it doesn't work due to the slight flaw with the Omega. When I got an Omega via trade I tried a 161 and it didn't work either. The cart slot was way too tight and misaligned the cart. Problem with the boards in the cart is that they aren't as wide as the slot so there is a bit of wiggle room so when the cart slot is too tight it can misalign the contacts and cause problems. I then shaved the cart slot with about 1mm on each side removed then all carts fit perfect including the 161 and it then also worked perfectly. This is why you test with more than one game to ensure the system is working. It is also possible that if it was reshelled that it's in backwards or the ribbon cable between the boards came loose or something.


Apr 10, 2003
mods on the cart

Did you or did you not tell me open the cart? You advised me to shave the sides of the pcb not knowing what you were explaining at all until you had to get cliff to contact me....I am glad I save all the pm's and spoke to you on a work line my collection agency uses. I'm not worried about paypal or the money for that matter it's the principal. Have you seen my ebay account lately? I have spent 5 grand alone on mvs games in the last month so it's not about money


Apr 10, 2003
It's highly possible that it doesn't work due to the slight flaw with the Omega. When I got an Omega via trade I tried a 161 and it didn't work either. The cart slot was way too tight and misaligned the cart. Problem with the boards in the cart is that they aren't as wide as the slot so there is a bit of wiggle room so when the cart slot is too tight it can misalign the contacts and cause problems. I then shaved the cart slot with about 1mm on each side removed then all carts fit perfect including the 161 and it then also worked perfectly. This is why you test with more than one game to ensure the system is working. It is also possible that if it was reshelled that it's in backwards or the ribbon cable between the boards came loose or something.

Thanks Xi but ut didn't work on the cab either before it was swapped or disassembled it was a 4 slot motheeboard. I just want a working cart and he wants to try and pin it on me. I don't trust him after this transaction and even more so this thread.