Favorite Nintendo 64 Game Non-first-party nintendo?

Comrade Porn King Mikhail

TЗh ЯussiaИs Дre CФm
Oct 11, 2000
15+ years later, it's hard replaying some of the games on this console. I always enjoyed Star Wars Shadows of the Empire for having that first epic Snowspeeder level, although it has been eclipsed numerous times.

My favorite 3rd party title would have to be Goldeneye, one of the few N64 games that still holds up to this day. The multi-layered difficult campaign has some great level designs and it still provides an enjoyable multi-player romp.


Master Brewer, Genzai Sake Co.
15 Year Member
Aug 8, 2006
The non first party games I played the most:

Cruis'n USA
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1, 2
Turok 1


Trust the French?
10 Year Member
Apr 1, 2011
15+ years later, it's hard replaying some of the games on this console. I always enjoyed Star Wars Shadows of the Empire for having that first epic Snowspeeder level, although it has been eclipsed numerous times.

My favorite 3rd party title would have to be Goldeneye, one of the few N64 games that still holds up to this day. The multi-layered difficult campaign has some great level designs and it still provides an enjoyable multi-player romp.

i have to disagree on the goldeneye 'holding up' thing.

while i will always have a soft spot in my heart for that game, to me it shows its age more than almost anything else these days. it showed you could put a proper fps on a console. it played like a dream. i put it in every now and then and i find myself reaching for buttons that just are not there. basic control features that are standard now for us weren't even a thought in those days.

Comrade Porn King Mikhail

TЗh ЯussiaИs Дre CФm
Oct 11, 2000
i put it in every now and then and i find myself reaching for buttons that just are not there. basic control features that are standard now for us weren't even a thought in those days.

If keep disagreeing we're going to need to neg you again :)

It's lacking R3 spring, dual weapons, crouching, etc, no doubt about it. But for me it's much more enjoyable than Doom or other early FPS titles. I need to at least be able to look up and down and zoom to aim.


MotoGP and Formula 1 Freak
20 Year Member
Jan 24, 2001
Shadows of the Empire does not hold up well. I remember having issues with it by 1999/2000 as far as far as the replay value goes. The Snowspeeder level was the best part of it, but the 3rd person levels are really painful to play.

I have to agree with cdamm regarding Goldeneye. It's a muddy, unplayable piece of shit at this point. I have fond memories of the game, but I do not want to ever play it again. That really sums up a lot of titles for the N64. I have good memories of certain ones, but playing them today is not on my priority list. I'd rather replay PS1 titles than N64 titles.


Athena's Wardrobe Manager
Dec 4, 2011
This thread would be challenging if we were not allowed to mention Rare.
Back to this. Rare are easy pickings as I'd argue that ALL of Rare's titles for the 64 were excellent. As for Perfect Dark being better than GoldenEye? I can never truly decide this one if I were honest. I think they're both great. The only thing that lets GE down by comparison is the lack of a constant onscreen cross-hair. Overall, I'd probably lean towards PDark, but I feel the whole Alien theme (The Skedar) in the latter part of the game isn't all that great tbh. I've just preferred human(oid) enemies throughout personally...

Comrade Porn King Mikhail

TЗh ЯussiaИs Дre CФm
Oct 11, 2000
I have good memories of certain ones, but playing them today is not on my priority list. I'd rather replay PS1 titles than N64 titles.

Most of the library is completely forgettable. A handful however are still some of the best examples of their entire series (Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Zelda OoT).

Goldeneye may feel dated, but to me it holds up way better than Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein or any of those other early classic FPS titles. All of them look horrible on modern TVs though.


Trust the French?
10 Year Member
Apr 1, 2011
Most of the library is completely forgettable. A handful however are still some of the best examples of their entire series (Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Zelda OoT).

Goldeneye may feel dated, but to me it holds up way better than Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein or any of those other early classic FPS titles. All of them look horrible on modern TVs though.


jeff bogard

Yamazaki's Wingman,
20 Year Member
Apr 17, 2001
for the people that mentioned rare, did you guys even consider donkey kong 64? i didnt like that game that much

Moon Jump

Alfred Garcia's Butler
Jun 1, 2003
After the first Banjo I got sick of Rare's collectathon scavenger hunt games. I really wanted to like Jet Force Gemini and DK64 but there was so much backtracking to try to pad the game's length out I couldn't continue playing them. With DK64 I got up to a part where I could save my game outside of a room that let you hit the crank to play the original Donkey Kong. Other then that I don't think I played through more then half the game when I got fed up with it.


a.k.a. Mother Teresa
Staff member
Dec 10, 2001
You guys complaining about the graphics looking like crap on modern TV should try the xbox arcade HD "remakes". I've downloaded Banjo and Perfect Dark and they're looking way better than the N64 versions.


Galford's Poppy Trainer
Dec 13, 2010
for the people that mentioned rare, did you guys even consider donkey kong 64? i didnt like that game that much

I mentioned DK64. I didn't care for it either. Played the multi at a friends house then bought a few years ago. Played it for a couple of hours and couldn't get into it. That framerate...

jeff bogard

Yamazaki's Wingman,
20 Year Member
Apr 17, 2001
It got too repetitive for my taste, much like Mario 64, after i went through the same stage 7 times i was like fuck this, this too fucking repetitive.

I love Konami soccer games on the N64 and the best version of MK3 (MK Trilogy)


Athena's Wardrobe Manager
Dec 4, 2011
It got too repetitive for my taste, much like Mario 64, after i went through the same stage 7 times i was like fuck this, this too fucking repetitive.
I liked BKazooie, but didn't rate DK64 at all. If Rare had their own in-game enemy boss spacecraft comprised solely of N64 Rareware games, DK64 would be the stand-out weakpoint you'd be aiming for: "Destroy the Core".

I enjoyed the likes of JFGemini and Conkers too, but never ever got around to Banjo Tooie. Was that any good?

Loris Biaggi

Krauser's Shoe Shiner
Apr 30, 2011
100% agree. My favourite game for the N64. Looks amazing via RGB too, lights down, volume on full.
+1 for Doom64, really underrated, i consider it the real Doom3.
The secret levels/artifact parts are pure genius!!