Favorite Joystick to Play With


Rugal's Thug
Jan 31, 2011
I have a regular AES stick and I really didn't like the buttons. The stick is fine, but the small ball (lol) makes it feel like it has a shorter throw than it really does. Takes a regular ball top so it's fine to swap out no problem. I replaced the buttons with sanwas too which solved the problem, but the stick still has a weird feel due to how light it is and the strange vertical layout. The stock buttons would stick occasionaly and just didn't feel right.

I second the MAS stick from the 90s. I like Sanwa and Seimitsu, but have a lot of nostalgia for American arcades, and that stick is a tank. Feels super solid, even if the top is just a laminate.


Thou Shalt Not, Question Rot.,
Jan 17, 2013
Hori, or build your own.
this right here. You can also mod existing cheapo sticks (just keep the enclosure). Find a button layout that you're comfortable with and gogogo.

//EDIT: as to wireless (even though I think it's kinda stupid) check this out.
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Genam's Azami Sharpener
Feb 11, 2015
this right here. You can also mod existing cheapo sticks (just keep the enclosure). Find a button layout that you're comfortable with and gogogo.

//EDIT: as to wireless (even though I think it's kinda stupid) check this out.

Thank you for the thread link - I have some homework to do reading through the whole thing. The main reason I want wireless controllers is so that animals and young children will stop walking between me and the couch and getting tangled up.

I'm interested in adding the Seimitsu switchgear to my existing joysticks but hadn't yet done the research on what size of switches and modification steps are involved. I just noticed that Jamma Nation has some information on the parts to use. Fantastic source of information.


20 Year Member
Jan 30, 2002
I use several, depending on my gaming needs.

For KOF games, nothing beats a modified AES old style stick.
I'm using one with Sanwa buttons + bean stick shaft & grip. Everything plays better and faster with this combination.
The only compaint I have with this setup is that I often accidentaly hit the select button with my left hand due to my habitual
hand positioning.

I love also my Hori Neo Stick and my recently modded official Dreamcast Stick.


Haomaru's Blade Shiner
May 17, 2014
this right here. You can also mod existing cheapo sticks (just keep the enclosure). Find a button layout that you're comfortable with and gogogo.

Yup. I have a handful of joysticks here I like, and all are at least partly modded. Just figure out what you like (layout, enclosures, hardware) Once you do, there's all sorts of different ways to get there.

For example, I like the layout of the original AES stick, and then modded for a Sanwa joystick and buttons. I love my Qanba PS3 / 360 stick for shmups, so I added a Neo Geo controller output port to it so I could rock it with my CMVS. Tons of possibilities once you know what you want.

Or buy/build an enclosure and go all custom!
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King's Dry Cleaner
May 5, 2014

I got these made by shadowkn55 i believe last year, love the way they look, nice weight, work very very well. They work with pc as well should I want to run some mame games.


Galford's Poppy Trainer
Dec 13, 2010
View attachment 23333

I got these made by shadowkn55 i believe last year, love the way they look, nice weight, work very very well. They work with pc as well should I want to run some mame games.

Nice. Never thought about using a Neo Geo theme.

Im partial to hori sticks personally. Particularly the V3. Madcatz TE and SE are damn good sticks too though.


Camel Slug
10 Year Member
Jul 8, 2013
anybody uses sanwa silent jlf joysticks? how do they perform compare to the original clicky sanwa joysticks?


Mar 15, 2015
I'm particular to the Neo CD Pad.
the clicky-ness of the stick is just great.

I've got an old one that died on me, and I'm trying to find a suitable set of replacement tactile switches that could work as drop-in replacements on Mouser and Digikey.
No luck yet.


New Challenger
May 12, 2014
Using a stick my buddy and I designed/built. Sanwa stick and buttons. Major upgrade in comparison to the AES sticks. Just changing the stick and buttons for the Sanwa parts (regardless of the box) changed everything.


Electric Grave

So Many Posts
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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
I like the SNK sticks for non fighting games. Fighting games I prefer something a bit bigger or with a better button layout (old AES stick ugh), love the Hori stick. If you're looking for a very cheap alternative you could get a desktop enclosure, get some sanwa or whatever brand you prefer and build it, it's super easy, the Neo is the easiest console to build sticks for.

1. Desktop Enclosure

2. Break out DB15

3. Arcade parts

4. Neo Geo DB15 extension cable.


As you can see the generic cables need some modification to reach the pins in your console/cmvs, so cut gently with any given blade and you'll be fine.

5. 30mm holesaw, 24mm holesaw, hardware to mount stick (bolts), drill.

You won't spend a whole lot with this and you'll be rocking the best money can by, if you want a larger case I'm sure you can find something out there.

Here's a sample of what can be done with a desktop enclosure.

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Electric Grave

So Many Posts
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15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
...or you can go custom, building a wood case isn't really that hard if you have the tools and means for the job but it's pretty time consuming.


Electric Grave

So Many Posts
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For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
Thanks, Kick 'n' wing ended up buying that 2 days after I finished building it. It was meant for me but he's such a great pal that I just sold it to him on the fly. It's all haps, convex buttons, comp stick, all IL before they split from happs.

I'm on a pic whoring mood.

Note: I built this years ago, I don't use bolts on the top anymore, well I haven't built anything in ages but I have cleaned up my act little by little, every time I build something I come up with new little things that I feel are worth doing. I'm not a wood working guy, I simply just used my shop class skills from high school. I made a case to hold my "sick and amazing metal trading tapes" when I was like 15 years old and then forward y years later I figured, hey I want a fucking real stick damn it and sure enough people online were feeling the same way, I started way back when the first pictures I found of custom sticks were made with speaker boxes, taperware, stuff like that. I thought to myself, hey! I can make a box right?! I used to be in BYOAC, then overtime some of us jumped to SRK and it was all fundo, I left the "scene" and this guys have all evolved into amazing builders, me on the other hand, not so much, I'm still pretty basic.

I do have a secret project coming up, you fuckers are gonna love it!...some will hate it but controversial isn't something new to me.

BYOAC wasn't a place of class, it was more like hey let's fit in everything into one stick YEAH 'MERIKA MAMERRIFFIC!!!! I was in that train when I started...last spot there was meant for a spinner. Sometimes I miss having all the shit on the ready but I prefer single sticks, like a single Robotron, single Trackball, single spinner, you get it right?

So much lulz, but I scrapped that project and turned the box into a dual player setup.

First stick I ever built. I mean the very first was on a shoe box but I build a shitty wood box not really knowing what I was doing, upset and frustrated with the results shortly after, I rolled my sleeves up and made this.

Art was pulled of the actual sprites from the rom with an emulator and then enlarged using the bicubic method so it looks legit uniform perfect pixel art still, I ended up giving that stick to one of my best pals in FL.

Shit I could go on all day and post more stick pics but they're overall the same deal, just different colors, layouts and art, the cases are pretty much the same thing with small changes here and there. I've probably made a bit over a dozen sticks, never really ran a production, I did built 3 at once one time but I feel like building one at a time is more personal, like Hattori Hanzo crafting a sword or something, hey that's how it plays in my mind, let me feel transcendental damn it!

One more thing; There is a science to stick and button placement, this I've always taken very seriously, I have large hands and I like even measurements, so placement was always the part I spent the most time on while doing art for sticks. The art and button placement have to work together and of course they layout needs to feel great for different size hands. Ergonomics...
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MCF 76

Metal Slug Mechanic
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2010
Thanks, Kick 'n' wing ended up buying that 2 days after I finished building it. It was meant for me but he's such a great pal that I just sold it to him on the fly. It's all haps, convex buttons, comp stick, all IL before they split from happs.

I'm on a pic whoring mood.

Note: I built this years ago, I don't use bolts on the top anymore, well I haven't built anything in ages but I have cleaned up my act little by little, every time I build something I come up with new little things that I feel are worth doing. I'm not a wood working guy, I simply just used my shop class skills from high school. I made a case to hold my "sick and amazing metal trading tapes" when I was like 15 years old and then forward y years later I figured, hey I want a fucking real stick damn it and sure enough people online were feeling the same way, I started way back when the first pictures I found of custom sticks were made with speaker boxes, taperware, stuff like that. I thought to myself, hey! I can make a box right?! I used to be in BYOAC, then overtime some of us jumped to SRK and it was all fundo, I left the "scene" and this guys have all evolved into amazing builders, me on the other hand, not so much, I'm still pretty basic.

I do have a secret project coming up, you fuckers are gonna love it!...some will hate it but controversial isn't something new to me.

BYOAC wasn't a place of class, it was more like hey let's fit in everything into one stick YEAH 'MERIKA MAMERRIFFIC!!!! I was in that train when I started...last spot there was meant for a spinner. Sometimes I miss having all the shit on the ready but I prefer single sticks, like a single Robotron, single Trackball, single spinner, you get it right?

So much lulz, but I scrapped that project and turned the box into a dual player setup.

First stick I ever built. I mean the very first was on a shoe box but I build a shitty wood box not really knowing what I was doing, upset and frustrated with the results shortly after, I rolled my sleeves up and made this.

Art was pulled of the actual sprites from the rom with an emulator and then enlarged using the bicubic method so it looks legit uniform perfect pixel art still, I ended up giving that stick to one of my best pals in FL.

Shit I could go on all day and post more stick pics but they're overall the same deal, just different colors, layouts and art, the cases are pretty much the same thing with small changes here and there. I've probably made a bit over a dozen sticks, never really ran a production, I did built 3 at once one time but I feel like building one at a time is more personal, like Hattori Hanzo crafting a sword or something, hey that's how it plays in my mind, let me feel transcendental damn it!

One more thing; There is a science to stick and button placement, this I've always taken very seriously, I have large hands and I like even measurements, so placement was always the part I spent the most time on while doing art for sticks. The art and button placement have to work together and of course they layout needs to feel great for different size hands. Ergonomics...

Damn EG that's some badass workmanship. That black one is perfect love it!

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
Thanks guys, I appreciate the kind words. Selling this sticks is always a problem 'cause they are so time consuming so I'm always faced with the fact that it's cheap to get materials but hard to put them together, so pricing has always been conflicting 'cause I'm not one of them price jackers you know.

Most of the sticks I've made have been bought by good people, some close friends, others just pals from here so I don't regret ever selling them cheap, except for a case I sold to werejag for next to nothing, I hope he's enjoying it though.

Once SF4 came out and Mad Catz and Hori were making quality sticks easily available mainstream, I felt it was time to take my leave from custom sticks. I might come back to it someday, I'm always thinking of coming up with new designs and such but I have other projects that need work before I get back into it.

Yes, the secret project is gonna be intense. The proto name is Tenochtitlan, the official code name derives from the legend names implied to Tenochtitlan but it's so obvious that it would give away the secret and thus I'm not giving it out yet but I can't help to leave clues 'cause although I know you're all pretty sharp, the puzzle is tricky.
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15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
I gotta say, that's some good work right there! I'm a lazy bastard, I just repurpose old sticks... the 2 that I've done lol.


Mar 15, 2015

Yes, actually!
I used the clicky discs from a GBA SP motherboard I had laying around,
it worked for about 6 months before the discs slid into an unusable position because the discs are smaller than the ones the neo pad comes with.

I'll just keep going through the catalog of stuff on digikey and mouser in the 8.5-10mm square range until I find one that works just right.


Camel Slug
10 Year Member
Jul 8, 2013
Using a stick my buddy and I designed/built. Sanwa stick and buttons. Major upgrade in comparison to the AES sticks. Just changing the stick and buttons for the Sanwa parts (regardless of the box) changed everything.


That is one sexy stick buddy.