Fans of *Streets of Fire* take heed... ROAD TO HELL is near (SOF II)

Mike Shagohod

Stray Dog Grunt
20 Year Member
May 16, 2002
My all time fave movie is...

and now the "unofficial" sequel is about to
FINALLY be unleashed on DVD soon (after 3
freakin years!) Just as part 1 was a hybrid of genres and "different" So will the sequel be...

some are already hating on it, cause it's (obviously) a low budget non official sequel. But so what? It's interesting to see Michael Pare' come back as Tom Cody and live inside his mind as he finds his way back to being a human being. Basically TWO worlds lived in at once, and onto the daughter he didn't know he had. It won't live up to the original, but it has the potential to be cool.

...just sharing. :-J


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
I ordered this for my movie room about October 25. First one was mangled, but they're resending another one, so I can wait:


The movie's tagline has become a saying when I'm out.

Mike Shagohod

Stray Dog Grunt
20 Year Member
May 16, 2002
I ordered this for my movie room about October 25. First one was mangled, but they're resending another one, so I can wait:


The movie's tagline has become a saying when I'm out.


That's my regular shout out (TONIGHT IS WHAT IT MEANS TO BE YOUNG!) on Face Book before I head out at night. :tickled:


Is he greater than XD Master?
10 Year Member
Sep 5, 2009
Sorry, but that just looks absolutely horrible. I mean this doesn't even look like a B movie, more like D.

I really don't get why they would bother putting this out. "Streets of Fire" is about as much of a Cult film as you can get. Half of the original's fans (already few in number) are probably cringing while watching the trailer.

The only ray of hope I saw was that the director of "Cyborg" and "Brain Smasher" did it. Of course both of those movies are pretty cheesy, laughable, but fun films.

Hot Chocolate

No Longer Yung, No Longer Raoul,
20 Year Member
Sep 11, 2002
I'll give it a watch, I'm sure it's better then what's hitting the theaters now

Mike Shagohod

Stray Dog Grunt
20 Year Member
May 16, 2002
Sorry, but that just looks absolutely horrible. I mean this doesn't even look like a B movie, more like D.

I really don't get why they would bother putting this out. "Streets of Fire" is about as much of a Cult film as you can get. Half of the original's fans (already few in number) are probably cringing while watching the trailer.

The only ray of hope I saw was that the director of "Cyborg" and "Brain Smasher" did it. Of course both of those movies are pretty cheesy, laughable, but fun films.

Albert Pyun isn't a bad director, he actually does A LOT with very little money. No this isn't the sequel I would have made, nor what I know he could probably have done as something more akin to the original vibe... but I'm *intrigued* with the aspect of it being a Horror-Drama movie that's an allegory of a man's plight and season in hell within as he must face his own demons, since all he's done is kill and kill more in nameless wars/conflicts in the last 28 years... and he's looking for Ellen Aim, thinking that his absolution will come from it. In turn he'll (apparently) learn he has a daughter also named Ellen, and Tom Cody can come full circle. The original movie was an allegory of Heaven and Hell to being with (as is spoken in the song "Tonight Is What It Means To Be Young") concerning Cody (strangely enough) as an angel, whereas Raven Shaddock is the Devil and his minions are the Bombers biker gang. The whole thing took place in another time and another place. ---this sequel is a spiritual journey that bleeds into our real world as it exists now.

I dunno... the "Art Film Goer" in me finds what Pyun's done as a fascinating concept. Again, not the sequel I would like but it's better than nothing. And it's only "unofficial" anyhow since Walter Hill has nothing to do with the production. Honestly you'd think with all the crap out there now, Hill would return to do his own sequel or even finish the Trilogy. But some things aren't to be. I look at this movie akin to side-stories and "expanded universe" novels for other stuff.

I'll give it a watch, I'm sure it's better then what's hitting the theaters now

I Concur.


Trust the French?
10 Year Member
Apr 1, 2011
i cant believe i havent seen streets of fire yet. It has always been on my 'oh yeah! ive been meaning to catch that' list for a while. Thank god its on netflix instant view.


Master Brewer, Genzai Sake Co.
15 Year Member
Aug 8, 2006
Cool. Streets of Fire is one of my favorite movies. Can't wait to see Tom Cody back in action.