Everyone come chat.


Jul 15, 2001
Man whats up with the chat room. I go there and all of a sudden I get DBZ sucks and other obsenitys. I didn't type one word in the chat room and I get bad mouthed the whole 5mins I was in there. <IMG SRC="smilies/mad.gif" border="0">


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
Not that it matters much but, Would you care to explain who said this to you? <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Originally posted by BonusKun:
<STRONG>Not that it matters much but, Would you care to explain who said this to you? <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0"></STRONG>

Hanzo no doubt.
I think it matters, when someone is treated like crap in chat without even saying a word.
How elegant.
Anyone else here banned for speaking there mind? <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">

[ August 13, 2001: Message edited by: Lord Wolfgang Krauser ]


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
<STRONG>Hanzo no doubt.
I think it matters, when someone is treated like crap in chat without even saying a word.
How elegant.
Anyone else here banned for speaking there mind? <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">

[ August 13, 2001: Message edited by: Lord Wolfgang Krauser ]</STRONG>

Ah yes so ready to blame Hanzo. *looks at Chatlogs*

Hello!! McFly!!! *knocks LWK on the head*

Guess what? It wasn't him!!

It was actually a few regulars who were just being dorky. Hmm I also see Hanzo didn't fire any BANS either. So much for that trigger happy theory. <IMG SRC="smilies/rolleyes.gif" border="0">


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Originally posted by BonusKun:
<STRONG>Ah yes so ready to blame Hanzo. *looks at Chatlogs*

Hello!! McFly!!! *knocks LWK on the head*

Guess what? It wasn't him!!

It was actually a few regulars who were just being dorky. Hmm I also see Hanzo didn't fire any BANS either. So much for that trigger happy theory. <IMG SRC="smilies/rolleyes.gif" border="0"></STRONG>

Swear to christ the shithead banned me.
Thats bs.
I was kick/banned, for arguing with that cunt. If it looks to be him, its because of his crap that anyone would suspect him.
Mr smarty.


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
Swear to christ the shithead banned me.
Thats bs.
I was kick/banned, for arguing with that cunt. If it looks to be him, its because of his crap that anyone would suspect him.
Mr smarty.</STRONG>

Well there you go. You admitted yourself.
You were arguing with a mod who has less tolerance than some here. You don't think there have been times that Bobak, Biomotor Unitron or Prozerg have wanted to ban you for starting crap?

You can't argue in chat like you do on the forums. It's a different ballgame and you'd better start playing by the rules.

You got a problem with Hanzo? There is a nice ignore function that you can use and you won't have to hear anymore of his words to you.

If you choose not to use said function then you only have yourself to blame from now on.


You can fantasize all day long, believing that you
Nov 20, 2000

..........BUT OH WELL =\



Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Since when is a arguement considered a bannable means? BTW maybbe you should have the rules list written up in chat before people enter. All the basics.
The reason these mods didn't do anything? They do there jobs unbiasedly, at NL's boards I put up with insults, I did not delete posts or nothing. only when you insult him do you get kick/ban.

First, I pulled my punches, funny a guy who stands for "nice" allows a scum like him to mod a chat. BTW your prozerg comment was total shit, I know prozerg we have almost never had a arguement.

He's a one sided robot. I can see two ends to the string he can see one end. I would have no complaints if he continued the disgussion, but kick/ban because I was against arcade, funny.
You know whenever I mentioned that name in there at times, he would have some very negative things to say.

Why did you hire that loon anyway? Even you can vouch for his open insults to others. He even started with GML, does anyone ever start with GML? I think he even kicked him.
Oh yeah, he does not like arcade either. Who knew. <IMG SRC="smilies/rolleyes.gif" border="0">


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
<STRONG>Since when is a arguement considered a bannable means? BTW maybbe you should have the rules list written up in chat before people enter. All the basics.:</STRONG>

Since it's known you don't argue but like to start fights. Everyone knows this.

2ndly, A rules list? Why should there be one when it's obvious that arguing and starting fights in the 1st place is something most people wouldn't do.

Originally posted by Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
<STRONG>The reason these mods didn't do anything? They do there jobs unbiasedly, at NL's boards I put up with insults, I did not delete posts or nothing. only when you insult him do you get kick/ban.</STRONG>

Ok why are you comparing Hanzo to a forum mod?

He cannot delete posts here and as far as him being biased think about that for a second when you refer to anyone liking Capcom games an idiot and you start insulting them.

Which bring me to my next point you insult a mod in chat you get kicked or banned for it.

Welcome to IRC where people don't have to put up with your instigating. Like I said before in that other post, You don't like what Hanzo has to say?

Use the ignore function. Unless you really are looking for some of this 'fun' as you call it. <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">

Originally posted by Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
<STRONG>First, I pulled my punches, funny a guy who stands for "nice" allows a scum like him to mod a chat. BTW your prozerg comment was total shit, I know prozerg we have almost never had a arguement.</STRONG>

Hey you alone tried to prove to me nice people doesn't exist.

Guess what?

You met someone who isn't nice like you are when it come to people trying to start fights and arguments. <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">

Oh and about Prozerg, I'm sure he'll offer his feelings towards you soon enough. You've done your fair share of pissing him off also. He just doesn't get into it like other do when you have pissed them off. <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0">

Originally posted by Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
<STRONG>He's a one sided robot. I can see two ends to the string he can see one end. I would have no complaints if he continued the disgussion, but kick/ban because I was against arcade, funny.
You know whenever I mentioned that name in there at times, he would have some very negative things to say.</STRONG>

Well in some cases the discussion turns into an open shot like you've fired at here on him in the forums because he no longer posts here anymore. You can't attack him in chat so you attack him here where he could care less <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">

Yes I do find it neat that Hanzo likes !Arcade! also which means you and him will be on both ends of those strings on that issue.
He also has a lot of input to share in conversations and likes to talk a lot of Neo Tech related itmes. Is it my fault that he can't put up with you starting up fighs with him to try and get him to play at your level?

Originally posted by Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
<STRONG>Why did you hire that loon anyway? Even you can vouch for his open insults to others. He even started with GML, does anyone ever start with GML? I think he even kicked him.
Oh yeah, he does not like arcade either. Who knew. <IMG SRC="smilies/rolleyes.gif" border="0"></STRONG>

Now why did I choose him? Good question. It also goes to say why did I choose you at 1st to become an op?

I try to give people a fair chance at a position to earn that title and try to treat all others with fairness. You lost your ops becuase you were doing once again what you're doing now.


I asked you on several occasions to lay off with the yelling and insulting NOT to mention the mad kicking spree yet you kept going.

I did what Shawn would have done if one of his mods went nuts and decided to delete every damn post in the forum. I stopped it.

Hanzo is a person like any other so he's not perfect but, I don't expect everyone to like him nor me. If Hanzo is one of the reasons you keep coming back to chat then come on in and start fighting or insulting people again so we can go in these pointless circles you do love to do so much.

All I can say is use the ignore function and leave it be. If you do you'd be amazed how much peace and quiet you'd get from not having to hear what Hanzo says.

Oh and in case you want to bring that up. Hanzo is an op so he does not have the right to set ignore in the chatroom becuase he has to moniter for people who like to start arguements and fights. It's easy enough to for him to blow it off just you enjoy pushing buttons all the time and look at the result. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">

[ August 13, 2001: Message edited by: BonusKun ]


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Blah Blah.
First I was a good mod in your "chat"
I lost my position for pointing out someone useing prozergs name was not him. You remember. (I wnet nuts, with good cause, after that was proven you did nothing in my favor)
Believe it or not fighting is not the only things I do. These exaggerations are gross.
Ask alot of the people in there if I go in solely to fight.
We have had numerous good disgussions, most of which when hanzo was away. The second you say the word arcade, he's on it like fly's on stink.
Why don't you ever mention the good?
your awfully active with me in posting today, eh bonus?


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
<STRONG>Blah Blah.
First I was a good mod in your "chat"
I lost my position for pointing out someone useing prozergs name was not him. You remember. (I wnet nuts, with good cause, after that was proven you did nothing in my favor)</STRONG>

Blah Blah Blah?
Is that your only answer to most of what I replied to you? <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">

Yes you lost your postion becuase you were not listening when I told you to stop. You also proved my point in admitting you went nuts.

I realized at that moment you were not fit to have your Ops because you went nuts and once agian would not listen to what i had to say. <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">

Hanzo, Ghost-Dog, Prozerg, SNK, & SamuraiX listen when I ask them for anything involving the chatroom.

Why didn't you?
Oh that's right, You like to fight. <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">

Originally posted by Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
<STRONG>Believe it or not fighting is not the only things I do. These exaggerations are gross.</STRONG>

Usually in all cases people say this because it's true.
You and everyone who's been here long enough know you like to fight or you would not have been over at Shoryuken.com's forum starting fights. <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">

Originally posted by Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
<STRONG>Ask alot of the people in there if I go in solely to fight.</STRONG>

No of course not but, Heaven forbid someone has an opening minded opinion about liking Capcom and SNK equally and you floor them for it with insults and calling them stupid.

Originally posted by Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
<STRONG>We have had numerous good disgussions, most of which when hanzo was away. The second you say the word arcade, he's on it like fly's on stink.</STRONG>

I'm sure you've had good discussion with or without Hanzo being here. So that point is moot.

Just when you start going into being a jerk and insulting other people's feelings and opinions again you get mad when they retaliate.

If Hanzo likes !Arcade!'s products then he has a right to offer his input if you're a jerk about them. Just like when TonK comes in and sometimes talks about NGF, I respect his choice and leave it at that. It's when you start once again insulting people and going 'nuts' as you call it is when chat totally becomes something stupid. If Hanzo boots you it's becuase you're doing excatly what I said above. You have a reason you don't like Capcom or !Arcade!?

Then give us some good reasons instead of comments like SNK does the characters better or Capcom hasn't done anything original in years.

Those one-sided baised comments get old and used up by many people and you using them again is like beating on a dead horse. If you just respected their viewpoint and left it at that instead of flinging insults or calling people stupid, We wouldn't have this debate going on in the 1st place. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">

Originally posted by Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
<STRONG>Why don't you ever mention the good?</STRONG>

Oh I do mention the good when you do it but, I'll also mention the bad as well when you try to start fights. Youve done a lot of good but you've also done a lot of bad also.

I'm not picking on you but pointing out the facts.

Originally posted by Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
<STRONG>Your awfully active with me in posting today, eh bonus?</STRONG>

Well why not? Seeing as you've told me you're active in Chat I felt I should return the favor seeing as it's ony fair. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">