Earthbound opinions

Tung Fu ru

Actual Musician,
20 Year Member
Aug 17, 2002
I just recently downloaded the ROM (sorry guys, I was curious to see what the game was like) Just played it for about 10 minutes or so. So far very interesting and unique. I like the vibe so far. But before I continue playing it, I heard that this is one of the downloadable games that will be available for the Revolution when it comes out. Which I am pretty sure I'll buy soon after their out. So I'm curious as to what your opinions of the game are (for those who have played it all the way through), and if I should just wait until fall to play (probably) a smoother, more accurate port, not to mention legal.

but either way, within that small amount of time I played, I couldn't understand why this didn't get a big US release.


NeoGumby's Sycophant,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2002
are you referring to the NES or SNES game?

the SNES Earthbound got a US release. the japanese name of the series is "Mother".

I have and played the SNES game. it was a unique and funny experience, but it was a bit long so i ended up using the frame-skip feature most of the time (I have the game, but i prefer using roms).


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Mar 27, 2005
Earthbound had me engrossed when I was younger, but I recently played it again and couldn't get back into it. I think it's too goofy for it's own good sometimes.


Zantetsu's Blade Sharpener
Apr 11, 2005
Tung Fu ru said:
but either way, within that small amount of time I played, I couldn't understand why this didn't get a big US release.

Earthbound is a game that just gets better and better the further into it you get. The first 10 minutes or so aren't really amazing, but believe me, it doesn't represent what the entire game is like.

It's one of the most unique and funny RPGs I've ever played. Keep going with it, I promise you won't be disappointed.

Tung Fu ru

Actual Musician,
20 Year Member
Aug 17, 2002
k'_127 said:
are you referring to the NES or SNES game?

the SNES Earthbound got a US release. the japanese name of the series is "Mother".

I have and played the SNES game. it was a unique and funny experience, but it was a bit long so i ended up using the frame-skip feature most of the time (I have the game, but i prefer using roms).

I'm referring to the SNES game. I was actually pretty sure it was released in the US, but obviously it was a VERY limited run. I know I've never seen one in person, and I don't personally know anyone who's owned it either. That's why I said I'm suprised it didn't get a BIG US release.


Honourary Irishman.,
20 Year Member
Oct 31, 2001
it is without a doubt on my list of best games ever made. it's one of those games that you think wont bethat great. i meanthere's nothing spectacular about the cover, nothing special about the intro and then you start it up and wow. it's just amazing, every chance the game gets it does something wacky and out of left field. it's always quirky, always fresh, always new and surprising. it's a very cool game i started up a new game a couple weeks ago and worked as hard as a could to get to threed within a few hours of play. it's just such a cool game. everything about it. mad ducks, worthless protoplasm, moles playing rough, major psychic psychos, and a pizza chain that delivers anywhere in the world. i love earthbound it's just so cool. anyone who hasn't played it needs to give it a go.


Krauser's Henchman
20 Year Member
Nov 10, 2001
I've had it since day 1 but haven't played it from start to finish for probably 8 years. I'm currently replaying some of the games I used to consider "essential" titles in my collection, so I'll probably give it another whirl sooner or later.

One thing that people don't mention about Earthbound that I find ironic is that, in many ways, it was the precurser to internet message board humor. Just the strange, random quip out of nowhere ("Can you sell me the mushroom on top of your head?" -- this quote is even on the back of the box!) that gives you a good chuckle. The game certainly gets better as it goes along, and the fact that there's such a diverse variety of locales to hang out in -- from a kinda seedy nightclub with laid back "lobby" music to a beachside resort -- gives you a good break from the routine Final Fantasy/Cyberpunk backdrops. It's certainly one of a kind.

Gameplay-wise, the battle system is pretty broken (speed up the text messages if you want to survive a close fight; that way the HP "countdown" won't be bogged down by the "play-by-play" narration) with some really strange quirks (Poo's only legitimate weapon can be found just once out of 256 fights with a certain enemy) that might turn off some RPGers, but just enjoy it for what it is and you'll have a blast.


15 year old,
15 Year Member
Jan 26, 2004
One of the best RPGs of all time IMO. As for the rarity, I'm not sure on production numbers, but it was very expensive at the time of release ($70,$80), so that probably had an effect on the sales. It's certainly gained a cult following (myself included) and shot up in price. I remeber just a couple years ago you could get a complete one for about $100, and that seemed outrageous. Now it's more like $200.

I started a Mother 3 thread in Handhelds if you want to check out the official Mother 3 site. No US release has been announced.:crying:


Rosa's Tag-Tea,
Oct 31, 2001
i know this doesent really mean anything

but for some reason i remember the box of this game being really big

was there any reason for this?

or is my memory totally scrrewed up?


Honourary Irishman.,
20 Year Member
Oct 31, 2001
XcomplexzX said:
i know this doesent really mean anything

but for some reason i remember the box of this game being really big

was there any reason for this?

or is my memory totally scrrewed up?
it was huge. it was the game, the manuals that come with any normal game. and then the players guide came in the massive box as well.


Beard of Zeus,
20 Year Member
May 17, 2002
Kim _Kaphwan said:
it was huge. it was the game, the manuals that come with any normal game. and then the players guide came in the massive box as well.

I thought it all just came in the big box with the players guide + the scratch and sniffs + the game and normal manuals + didnt it come with little figurines?


15 year old,
15 Year Member
Jan 26, 2004
Kim _Kaphwan said:
it was huge. it was the game, the manuals that come with any normal game. and then the players guide came in the massive box as well.

Yeah, it was a big box so they could include the guide with it. I don't think they ever officially sold any without the guide in a second run or something.


Honourary Irishman.,
20 Year Member
Oct 31, 2001
Nesagwa said:
I thought it all just came in the big box with the players guide + the scratch and sniffs + the game and normal manuals + didnt it come with little figurines?
nope no figures. i wanted some so badly though. i wanted a slimy little pile, poo, a mad duck, and a worthless protoplasm. but no figures were ever made aside from the ones pictured in the book.


Andy's Clothes Designer
Dec 21, 2003
Man I wanted that huge box game in 1995. I rented it, and couldn't find it until it was the first thing I ever bought on eBay in like 98. Been my favorite RPG since.


20 Year Member
Dec 18, 2000
I have heard many times about this game since I'm here.

I should try to get it.

Lets Gekiga In

Neon Night Rider
20 Year Member
Jan 11, 2003
I haven't played much of the game, but it is a fantastic game IMO and I only played the first 30 minutes or so.

When I get a Nintendo Revolution I will definitely want Earthbound (SNES). :)

Does anybody remember the scratch and sniff Earthbound ads as well in gaming magazines? Good times. :)


Honourary Irishman.,
20 Year Member
Oct 31, 2001
Lets Gekiga In said:
I haven't played much of the game, but it is a fantastic game IMO and I only played the first 30 minutes or so.

When I get a Nintendo Revolution I will definitely want Earthbound (SNES). :)

Does anybody remember the scratch and sniff Earthbound ads as well in gaming magazines? Good times. :)
the scratch and sniff ads were in nintendo power, the players guide, and other gaming mags. i remember the players guide had some cool ones. i can't remember who offered it but there was a mach pizza car air freshener that made your car smell like pizza. i always wanted one of those now i remember, you got the air freshener by figuring out the mystery scent to the players guide scratch and sniff cards and sending away with the correct scent. i want one of those air fresheners just to put it in my car.
Last edited:


I was Born This Ugly.,
15 Year Member
Sep 6, 2005
It was a very interesting game for its time. I recently bought a NES reproduction of Earthbound 0 for the NES, which is a translated version of Mother for the Famicom (his work is really quite amazing). I still need to pick up a copy for the SNES. Sadly I once had a chance to pick one up for $15 and including the guide and box. It was either that or Mario RPG and I opted for Mario RPG……



Krauser's Henchman
20 Year Member
Nov 10, 2001
About the box set:

There wasn't a standard instruction manual for Earthbound. Only the Player's Guide. Also, the Player's Guide was *really* unique in that it was written more like a tourist's guide than your generic walkthrough!


One of my favorite moments in the game happens when Pikky and Pokky (not sure if those are their names, but the two brothers Ness hangs out with in the beginning) come home past their curfew and their dad clobbers them. You see them run off screen and hear them run upstairs to their room, then the father walks upstairs. A second later you hear this LOUD smashing noise and then you hear his footsteps SLOWLY walking back downstairs again. For some reason that scene just cracks me up. And their mother has this creepy "happy housewife" smile on her face, too...


Bao's Babysitter
20 Year Member
Jan 19, 2002
I still like it I've played through both Earthbound and Mother 1. Loved them both. Actually I have Mother 1 with me on my GBA and I think I might play it durring work today. Anyway yeah great games. I wish I still had my SNES version. Originally it came in a big box because it had the strat guide with it.

Nick Goracke

I'm still around!?,
Aug 7, 2001
smokehouse said:
It was a very interesting game for its time. I recently bought a NES reproduction of Earthbound 0 for the NES, which is a translated version of Mother for the Famicom (his work is really quite amazing).

Where did you get this? I think I have a purchase to make...

Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
The game is amazing. I still play it to this day, and in fact, should start a new game in it. The game is one of the best RPGs to suck you in. It makes me feel like a kid again.


May 24, 2003
Earthbound is one my favorite games of all-time. As a child I dreamt about it at night while I was playing my way through it, and some of my fondest gaming memories stem from this masterpiece. The music is great, the gameplay is relatively simple but lots of fun; and I could never get enough of the mysterious ambiance of this game.


Basara's Blade Keeper
Nov 4, 2003

Only a shrot while ago I managed to dust off my copy and gave it a whirl. After all these years, it's still good.

Also, for all of you who have actually played the game, check out the Earthbound 'Da Black Market' OC Remix (Warning: contains injoke-heavy nerdcore rap).