Do you consider this forum "A Community"?


Rugal's Panther
Jan 11, 2001
Hello everyone,

After reading some of the things in the "Ray Young" thread, there is some debate as to wether we the members of the board, are a community. What are your thoughts on this? Is this more than just a "board" to you?


Chin's Drinking Partner
Jan 10, 2001
Yes, we are a community. There's more going on here than just discussion... there is a lot of trading going on as well, and various projects that people are working on, and are supportive of one another on...


Formerly known as dmhawkmoon
May 5, 2002
First of all, it's a meaningless question, when you think about it. Whether people say "yes" or "no" there will still be this place and other places where fans talk about the games with each other. You can call it a nation if you want, it'll be the same thing.

Is it a community? Well, in my real-life community, no one really talks much to each other. And that's pretty much the origin of the word community: relating to cities and towns and such. If you think about it hard enough, community really just refers to a bunch of people in the same area, or in this case I suppose with the same interest. None of us even have to talk to each other for this to be a community. But since we all do talk to each other, this would be the equivalent of a strong community in real life, for the most part.

Regardless, Ray is forgetting that when he says there are just "buyers" and "sellers" that would be sufficient for a community. There is a Neo-Geo community, in the literal sense. The only way what Ray says makes sense is if you take it non-literally, to mean that he doesn't recognize the people as anything BUT buyers and sellers.


Formerly known as dmhawkmoon
May 5, 2002
Oh, and I was referring to the "Neo-Geo" community. This board is a community too, but of course to be a member you have to have posted, so in this board's case we have to talk to one another for it to count. In the Neo-Geo community, if no one ever conversed ever it would still be a community by my definition, and I think what I said is the correct way to understand the word.


Vice's Love Slave
May 3, 2002
I would say this is a community , I mean most of us come here daily and see whats going on or share ideas with one another.
like any of us would in the real world , but this is soo much easier than actually getting together with people who have a common interest
in the real world.
I am curoius Dmhakwmoon your sig says "coleco vision : yes its that good " but in the pic it looks to me like a 2600 , or some hybrid there of ? is that the coleco 2600 converter ? Ive heard of one but never seen it.
I have a coleco vision and play it now and then , man that was the shit back in the day !
games like turbo and mouse trap , and of course smurf adventure , who could forget tripping over a blade of grass ? lol

Kyo 2000

Community. Someone write an article about it so I won't have to. My third person Kyo2000 persona confuses me. Or everyone else. Well one of those two anyway.


Rugal's Panther
Jan 11, 2001
Originally posted by BRANDI:
<strong>Community... no, scene... yes :cool: </strong><hr></blockquote>

How would you define the difference?
Nov 23, 2001
No we are no community and I am tired of posting my reasons again.

This is just a scene.

If it was a community, many things would be handled quite different.


Franco's Trainer
20 Year Member
Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by Verbatum:
<strong>How would you define the difference?</strong><hr></blockquote>

Let's see...

community brings to mind things like unity, mutual help, same vision of things...

I think we're a scene because we share the same passion for NEO-GEO games, but we show it in very different forms (i.e. arcades, AES, MVS, CDs, NGpocket...) and ways (gamers vs collectors)...

At the end of the day there's a lot of individualism and egocentrism involved here (not necessarily a bad thing, though...)

So we're the Neo scene, but maybe not the Neo community, even though things like the wide reaction against the Kyoukugen Star's scam really show the we can be unite...


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
Aug 18, 2001
Originally posted by BRANDI:
<strong>Community... no, scene... yes :cool: </strong><hr></blockquote>

scene - no.

The Neo Geo is more than the SNES or the Genesis where faceless people come and go with the wind - the system has been about unity - like skateboarding. Blaine put it best when he said that if we all went to highschool together, we'd be sitting at the same lunch table. Perhaps the only thing that's keeping this place from becoming an uncontested community are the "businessmen."
Apr 13, 2001
Anyone who thinks that we are not a community is cordially invited to the next Neo Geo get together that we have here in Minnesota. I don't just consider the people who come to the get together fans of the Neo Geo, but I consider them all to be friends as well.

Criterionradiohead ;)


I've only been here a short while but I take these boards very differently than I do other message boards.

Most of the people on other boards I could care less for, but I actually respect most of these peoples opinions. Many people have helped me out with questions I had and problems I needed solving.

I have grown to like these boards and most of the people who post in them. If I had the chance I would like to meet most of these people in real life, I think we would make good friends.

So yes, I do think of this as a Community.

Daisuke Jigen

R.I.P.,, Dear Friend,
Sep 18, 2000
Most of the people from here I refer to by their real name. That if anything else, shows a sense of community.


SHOCKbox Developer,
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2001
Originally posted by Daisuke Jigen:
<strong>Most of the people from here I refer to by their real name. That if anything else, shows a sense of community.</strong><hr></blockquote>

You tell'em DEEJE


[ June 03, 2002: Message edited by: BIG BEAR ]</p>


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
Aug 18, 2001
Originally posted by Daisuke Jigen:
<strong>Most of the people from here I refer to by their real name. That if anything else, shows a sense of community.</strong><hr></blockquote>

I agree, Clint. :)


May 23, 2002
I say I don't give a rats ass whether it's a community, scene or some sick fetish club... I enjoy coming here, reading other's posts, replying in a helpful way (unless I reply in the War Room :D ) and having others reply in like. I have been to multiple forums/message boards/chats/BBSs and I have NEVER enjoyed any of the others as much as I do this one. I've never returned after 2 weeks to most of them either, and this is the first time in 8 months I've found somewhere to post. Generally everyone here is friendly and is usually eager to help out the others. Yes, there are scammers, spammers and red ass monkey's but hey, there's a black (not a racist thing :) ) sheep in every family. Hell, I am an absolute Anime FREAK and the Anime forums/chats/etc.. I've been to aren't worth a fart in the wind, especially compared to this forum. I am genuinely happy to be a part of this odd place called the Neo-Geo Forum, and I hope that at least 1 person here appreciates having me here and respects me as much as I appreciate and respect most everyone else here.

I've never gotten this kind of kind treatment at any of the other boards I've posted to, and that is definitely something worthwhile in my opinion. As a social person, I don't have many real friends, and the friends I do have don't seem to care about the same things I do (ie. Video Games and Anime DVD's). It's really nice to go somewhere where people aren't assholes and backstabbers 90% of the time (backstabbing occurrs probably 20% at most here ) :)

It may not be a scene and it may not be a community, but dammit, it's a HELL of a fun place to be.

That's my opinion and if you don't like it, too damn bad.


May 23, 2002
Maybe we are a big, happy, (sometimes) dysfunctional family? Next on Jerry Springer: Neo-Geo Cycos and the People who Post to Them

Michael Yagami

I was wondering if I might get a rank with a Castl
May 1, 2002
I think we're a community. There's some sort of a bond formed between all NEO fans. It goes beyond being fans of the system or of games in general. I can't put my finger on it, but it's there. We're a big disfunctional family!


Rugal's Panther
Jan 11, 2001
The way we define a community depends greatly on our view of these forums. For myself, I see a community as a group of individuals in a kind of sympacto through a common interest, ideal, or object. The sympacto doesn't always mean we all get along, but some kind of fuction between the individuals happens, and where it goes from there can escalate on different levels.

The MN Neo gatherings are a fine example: People come together under the unity of a shared concept: the interest in Neo Geo and oher video games. The function grows from the text communication, into actual human contact. That's not to say that comminication through text is not important, it's just an effect.

In all of this, I feel we, on multiple levels are a community, especially for me as a MN member who has attended these gathereings, and participates in a dialouge with other members. The interaction betwen members in the function of the Ideal both on the boards and outside, is enough for me to consider these forums, a community amoung the active members.

Caris Nautilus

It's a community of people who like to bitch, argue and complain about everything, yes.


Hardened Shock Trooper
May 6, 2001
Undeniable, this is a community. We are indeed a group of people(we are all human beings, I presume, unless some of you claim to be something else) having and sharing a common interest i.e. the love of Neo Geo. Also, we are a group of people living in the same locality which happens to be the internet. Buyers and sellers are people too, and they happen to share the same common interest, i.e. buying and selling Neo Geo.

:) :) :) :)