Chicago trip, what should I look out for?


Trust the French?
10 Year Member
Apr 1, 2011
Wrigley Field one of the most dangerous areas for a tourist? Wtf? That must explain all the murders there I read about every weekend.

I didnt say you'd get killed. But I always see visiting fans and tourists accosted threatened and hit every time I go.
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Windjammers Wonder
10 Year Member
Jun 1, 2009
Boys town is no joke. Shit gets real down there.


Master of Disguise,
Oct 7, 2000
Everyone knows that Chicago is a complete dump and everyone also knows there is only one reason why. These days you kids are all afraid to say it, but it's our chromatically-disadvantaged fellow Americans with their housing projects and the fact that every single last one of those people has the desire to get everything in life for free without having to work for it. And it's these so-called 'progressive', self-hating white libtards who just want to throw free cell phones and government cheese at the problem while American cities turn into post-apocalyptic shanty town societies with Thunderdome replacing American football and housing project cannibal hordes right around the corner.

And instead of everyone else eating Soylent Black, the blacks are going to be feasting on Soylent White. If any of the safe-space crybabies whining away on our college campuses today would actually take the time to read 'The Turner Diaries' instead of 'My 2 Mommies Have 101 Strap Ons' maybe they would finally man up for the first time in their lives.

I was discussing this with the gf last night and even her liberal ass agrees that Planned Parenthood should only be legal for people that absorb light instead of reflecting it. Wake the f#@k up American dumbasses. :blow_top:


Armored Scrum Object
Nov 26, 2013
Wow, I just woke up, this thread went to shit in a hurry. Guess we're gonna go the fuck with me route. lets see if I can get caught up.

i am familiar with who he is.

but i live on the south side and its pretty fucking safe here. thanks for insulting my home though.

I was using the song to simply say I would rather not be sent to the bad parts of town that you mentioned. I'm Not specifically calling out the south side. Thanks for being so sensitive tho. I'll have to stop using metaphors or quotes, they seem to confuse you.


Armored Scrum Object
Nov 26, 2013
There was an exact thread on this a few months ago. Where are you staying?

I'll have to check with the wife, I think she said we were an hour SOUTH of Wrigley in Chicago traffic. Hope I don't get mugged and raped!

Thanks for trying madman, glad you didn't get instantly offended. Got any other suggestions?
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Armored Scrum Object
Nov 26, 2013
Really? Detroit and New Orleans are fucking awesome.

You should just stay at home bruh

probably shouldn't have made that comment, I have been both places. it was a while ago and for work, but neither were places I would like to go again. I also work with a guy who just moved from NO, he says its not a good place to be.

I feel like he should consider never leaving his home again.

Believe me, I would prefer it that way. I have to leave for work and her work way more often than I would like.

Detroit ain't that bad, pussy. It actually had less homicides than Chicago in the past 2 or 3 years.

Not from what I saw, and the news doesn't make it sound much better. I have heard it is getting better tho. Dick.


Trust the French?
10 Year Member
Apr 1, 2011
any sweet places for window shopping? I haven't looked it up yet, but I heard there was a gigantic bad ass arcade there.

there is one. but you need to go west and south. oh no!


Armored Scrum Object
Nov 26, 2013
I was there a very long time ago, and kinda got that vibe, but I didn't feel it was a violent place. I could see a lot of pick-pocketing and small crime. As far as fans, every team has them. Husker fans tend to be very docile, but there are some real assholes in Lincoln. I AM NOT a Husker fan, so if you wanna throw shit down that route, you won't get much from me.

Sorry, ment to quote cdamm
'I didnt say you'd get killed. But I always see visiting fans and tourists accosted threatened and hit every time I go. '
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Cholecystectomy Required.,
10 Year Member
Oct 1, 2013
There are good and bad parts of every city. Some of the best places to eat and meet people are within the places that tend to get a bad rep. As long as you don't make yourself look like a target by doing dumb shit, you'll be fine.


Gandalf Of Gibberish,
10 Year Member
Mar 8, 2010
Well the South side of Chicago
Is the baddest part of town
And if you go down there
You better just beware of a man named ...well I don't know cdamms name, maybe its Chris something?


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Mar 27, 2005
face palm

You had it coming for being a piece of xenophobic shit.

I bet you're the type of motherfucka that crosses the street when you see a black person approaching.

Grow a fucking pair.


Blame madman, You Know You Want To.,
Jun 1, 2007
I'll have to check with the wife, I think she said we were an hour SOUTH of Wrigley in Chicago traffic. Hope I don't get mugged and raped!

Thanks for trying madman, glad you didn't get instantly offended. Got any other suggestions?

An hour south of Wrigley in traffic puts you around Midway airport. Not really a lot for a tourist to do there and certainly not without a car. Find out where you're staying and then I can help.


Setsuna's Owl Keeper,
15 Year Member
Apr 22, 2006
Going the last weekend in April, coming from a shit town for game shopping. Are there any good places for mvs(will anyone give up their honey hole)?

Go to Humbolt Park for all your gaming needs.

Any other stuff I should go see also? I will have two kids with me, 7 and 2, so looking for family type stuff. Can anyone suggest a taxi company that you would trust with your kids? I'm not sending them around alone, I'll be with them the whole time. Work trip for my wife.

Take them for a stroll through Garfield Park. As for Taxis go with Gant Southside Livery.

You're welcome.


15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
I went there for new year. Saw fireworks at the navy pier.

You absolutely, must! have to go! to the "Galloping Ghost" arcade. It's not downtown, but pretty close. You're not going to be walking there.

Be prepared to spend $20.00 every time you park, or learn to use the subway.

I went to a nice breakfast place, really close to wrigley field, and a Ohio State bar. It was called something like PB&J or something similar. Just a little brekafast place in a corner, jam packed with people, but really good. Not fancy, but great breakfast food.

A lot of people will recommend Gino's, I wasn't a fan. It was good, but tasted too much like pie crust. I didn't feel I wasted my money, but have no desire to go again.

I will probably catch a shit storm, cause it's a chain. But if you go to the navy pier, there is a restaurant called bubba gump shrimp. We don't have them in ohio, and I was first introduced to it in Gatlinburg TN. I love Bubba Gump Shrimp. They have amazing jambalya, and this kick ass appetizer called spicy cajun shrimp. Basically it's a pool of butter infused with hot spices, and the shrimp is cooked in it. It comes with french bread, to dip in the butter. It's one of my all time favorite things. That french bread in the butter is killer. They actually don't have that on the menu in the Chicago Navy Pier one, but if you ask they will make it.

A lot of people recommend the Bean as well. It's OK, more of a 5 minute visit to take a picture. It's a giant bean shaped mirror thing you can walk under.


Armored Scrum Object
Nov 26, 2013
i calls 'em like i sees 'em.

when you write a douchey post you get douchey responses.

I quoted a classic song to add a little color to the post, that's all. It wasn't a personal attack on the south side.


Armored Scrum Object
Nov 26, 2013
You had it coming for being a piece of xenophobic shit.

I bet you're the type of motherfucka that crosses the street when you see a black person approaching.

Grow a fucking pair.

I shouldn't even respond to this racist bullshit. But, fuck you, that's one hell of a conclusion to jump to with this thread. I don't have a problem with anyone based on color, race, or nationality. You don't know me, but you think you can make that call. So let me make a uninformed judgement of my own. I bet your the kind of guy that blames the white man for everything wrong in your life, and hide your own racism behind calling other people xenophobic.