Chat is GONE!


Chin's Drinking Partner
Jul 23, 2001
Shawn has pulled the link to chat so you will not be able to access it from this site anymore.

I will work on getting a Java applet put up on <a href="" target="_blank"></a> right away

Jigen will also be posting a way to join the new chat so bear with us. Thank you

Daisuke Jigen

R.I.P.,, Dear Friend,
Sep 18, 2000
Thank you to Nick_Th_Fury.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I'm sorry to see the link pulled. I planned on staying with both channels. #neo-geo always has, and always will be something I enjoyed.


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Lord Wolfgang Krauser:
Why was it pulled?
Ask Shawn :)
Its been a grand time since I conversed with Shawn.
Hopefully you two can work out your differences though.


Sakura's Bank Manager
Jun 15, 2002
Even though the link has been pulled I'll still frequent it more often than these boards.


New Challenger
Mar 1, 2003
I too enjoyed this chat room and I'll hang around there a little longer

it's too bad the link got pulled


Formerly known as dmhawkmoon
May 5, 2002
Anyone who cared about the chat knows where to go. No one's being hurt.


Global Moderator, Voice of Reason, Member #13
Aug 14, 2000
Seemingly, no one that is involved in running the chat even likes, so to have it linked on the home page doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I do not mean to speak for the chat mods, but it appears as if those of them that wish to make their voices heard have quite clearly stated that they do not like this site nor what it stands for in their minds. Fair enough. We are all entitled to our opinions.

Would it then not make perfect sense for the chat to be dissassociated from the site?

I am actually surprised GA is even upset. I would have thought this would make you happy. The chat is now no longer associated with and therefore an entity unto itself, to be managed completely by those with chat mod status without any perceptions to the contrary. Seems like a good thing to me.

nick_th_fury once said something to me that made a lot of sense. He had said that concentrating all neo everything in one place was a bad idea. Lots of sites means lots of perspectives and when one goes by the wayside, there are others to take their place and visit.

The neo chat is the same as it always has been. It simply isn't linked on this site. No more frustration dealing with drama, no more feeling you're getting the short end of some stick. The neo chat is a totally independant entity now. I think that is a good thing both for this site and for the chat itself.

While I was tempted to lock this, since it is essentially drama, I will leave it open since it does talk about a change to the site. If it degenerates into something else, it'll be tossed into the miasma by me or another mod anyway.

Oh, and I will add this as well.

Don't blame Shawn.

<small>[ March 18, 2003, 02:42 AM: Message edited by: RyoGeo ]</small>


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
Did you email him or something and tell him to take it down, or was it pulled down for another reason? I mean, a lot of people in chat don't like Shawn, but it's been that way for a long time. What was the straw that broke the camel's back?


Chin's Drinking Partner
Jul 23, 2001
Seemingly, no one that is involved in running the chat even likes, so to have it linked on the home page doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I do not mean to speak for the chat mods, but it appears as if those of them that wish to make their voices heard have quite clearly stated that they do not like this site nor what it stands for in their minds. Fair enough. We are all entitled to our opinions.

Would it then not make perfect sense for the chat to be dissassociated from the site?

I am actually surprised GA is even upset. I would have thought this would make you happy. The chat is now no longer associated with and therefore an entity unto itself, to be managed completely by those with chat mod status without any perceptions to the contrary. Seems like a good thing to me.

nick_th_fury once said something to me that made a lot of sense. He had said that concentrating all neo everything in one place was a bad idea. Lots of sites means lots of perspectives and when one goes by the wayside, there are others to take their place and visit.

The neo chat is the same as it always has been. It simply isn't linked on this site. No more frustration dealing with drama, no more feeling you're getting the short end of some stick. The neo chat is a totally independant entity now. I think that is a good thing both for this site and for the chat itself.

While I was tempted to lock this, since it is essentially drama, I will leave it open since it does talk about a change to the site. If it degenerates into something else, it'll be tossed into the miasma by me or another mod anyway.

Oh, and I will add this as well.

Don't blame Shawn.
Why not blame shawn Kiss ass? He took it down and no one asked him to!


Also who said I was upset? I dont give a fuck loco

<small>[ March 18, 2003, 02:56 AM: Message edited by: GamersAbyss ]</small>


Die Gans,
20 Year Member
Nov 16, 2001
Did you email him or something and tell him to take it down, or was it pulled down for another reason? I mean, a lot of people in chat don't like Shawn, but it's been that way for a long time. What was the straw that broke the camel's back?
<a href=";action=display;threadid=85" target="_blank">;action=display;threadid=85</a>


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
<a href=";action=display;threadid=85" target="_blank">;action=display;threadid=85</a>
Yeah I read that thread. But worst stuff has been said/posted here, right? I can't see that as being the final thing that made Shawn take down the chat link.


Formerly known as dmhawkmoon
May 5, 2002
Why not blame shawn Kiss ass? He took it down and no one asked him to!


Also who said I was upset? I dont give a fuck loco
I thought you were gone. If you don't give a fuck, then why are you coming back after you announced you were leaving? Are you going to come back and check again so you can flame me one more time? :rolleyes:

Anyone who likes Shawn is an ass kisser.... That makes sense. I'd like to see you justify that statement... But I fear you're too stupid to actually back up your flames.
Jan 25, 2001
Can't say that all chat mods don't like this site. I for one do. If it weren’t for this site we wouldn't have any new US releases, which is what I enjoy the most.

I think that it is retarded that this is continuing to go on. I don't understand why this type of drama is viewed as necessary. should have a chat room. Where? I don't care. GA, it appears to me that all you were trying to do was stick a thorn in shawn's side until he reacted. Take the chat room header: "come to #snk-capcom". Take the negative banter about this site and the neo store. Take the posting of the logs solely at and linking people off site. Now what is that about? Not trying to leech members off this site? ha

Personally I really like Vinh's new site. I think it looks awesome and has a very nice setup. I have been waiting anxiously for it to open, like many others. I also like this site too. What's that make me? If anyone ever posts anything in support of what does it get them? Typically something like "don't get your nose dirty in Shawn's ass" or something to that nature. Why is that? If we enjoy being here then so be it. Take the beef up elsewhere.

This whole convert the heathens approach to the upcoming opening of Vinh's site is ridiculous. Sure, the drama gets many members to go and check out the site but I don't think that it's the method that the people actually making the site would have preferred.

The chat room and the boards are provided as a service to the fans. It isn't the place to stage petty battles. Who loses in the long run? The people who just want to stop by and chat about the hobby they enjoy.

Now, for clarification. I have done many deals with many members of this board. GA, I have known you for a long time, since you first joined. We have talked, traded, agreed, disagreed, argued and all points in between. Bottom line is you’re a great person to work deals with but I have long been an opponent of some of your views, this being one of them. I just wanted to express my emotions about this whole topic as it was said: "no one that is involved in running the chat even likes" which I wholly disagree with.



Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
Hello GamersAbyss and BonusKun,

Thank you both for the efforts you have put into the chat room #neo-geo.
The room is still yours, there's no doubt about that, but I have decided
that it is once again best for not to link to your chat
room. I'm sure this comes as no surprise to you, and nothing personal is
intended. I wish you the best of luck on your future plans with

Shawn |


Former Moderator
Aug 13, 2000
Can't say that all chat mods don't like this site. I for one do. If it weren’t for this site we wouldn't have any new US releases, which is what I enjoy the most.

I think that it is retarded that this is continuing to go on. I don't understand why this type of drama is viewed as necessary. should have a chat room. Where? I don't care. GA, it appears to me that all you were trying to do was stick a thorn in shawn's side until he reacted. Take the chat room header: "come to #snk-capcom". Take the negative banter about this site and the neo store. Take the posting of the logs solely at and linking people off site. Now what is that about? Not trying to leech members off this site? ha

Personally I really like Vinh's new site. I think it looks awesome and has a very nice setup. I have been waiting anxiously for it to open, like many others. I also like this site too. What's that make me? If anyone ever posts anything in support of what does it get them? Typically something like "don't get your nose dirty in Shawn's ass" or something to that nature. Why is that? If we enjoy being here then so be it. Take the beef up elsewhere.

This whole convert the heathens approach to the upcoming opening of Vinh's site is ridiculous. Sure, the drama gets many members to go and check out the site but I don't think that it's the method that the people actually making the site would have preferred.

The chat room and the boards are provided as a service to the fans. It isn't the place to stage petty battles. Who loses in the long run? The people who just want to stop by and chat about the hobby they enjoy.

Now, for clarification. I have done many deals with many members of this board. GA, I have known you for a long time, since you first joined. We have talked, traded, agreed, disagreed, argued and all points in between. Bottom line is you’re a great person to work deals with but I have long been an opponent of some of your views, this being one of them. I just wanted to express my emotions about this whole topic as it was said: "no one that is involved in running the chat even likes" which I wholly disagree with.

Very well said Nate. Unfortunately, you are the exception to the rule. The chat room has mostly been a gathering place for people who hate this site. Actually I'm surprised that Shawn allowed the link to remain as long as he did.

In the end, the chat room is still there and anyone who wants to can go to it. It wasn't shut down or removed, the link was just pulled. There should be no reason for the ops there to be upset, as for the most part they seem to have major issues with this site. In the end, as RyoGeo said, this is the best move for both parties and both should be satisfied with it.


Collection Gallery Keeper, CD Price Guide Analyst,
May 26, 2002
The Chat-room was ok, too bad it had so many
MODS abusing their powers all the time.


Raiden's Valet
Nov 13, 2000
The Chat-room was ok, too bad it had so many
MODS abusing their powers all the time.
It's pretty funny how GamersAbyss used this site to advertise and to make sure people came to their worthless chat of SNK-Capcom mods flexing their muscles and trying to sound important, but they only posted the transcript over there because they knew the chat had nothing to do with They'll mooch off this site and it's members, but they still think that their site is "independent" and has "nothing to do with this site."

It's so fucking stupid. I'm glad that chat room got taken away.

I do think this site should have its own chat room. Shawn, you should look into getting a new chat program for this site and appointing new mods and stuff. Any good site with this many people communicating needs a chat room where people can talk in real-time. Not having a chat room at all out of spite or whatever would not be a good move. People on this site need a place to go where they can get a quick question answered right away, not having to wait for people to respond to a post or something. It only makes sense.


I'm getting too old for this shit...,
Oct 30, 2001
the #neo-geo channel *is* still there.

It's just the link here that is gone, along with the crappy Java client.
Jan 25, 2001
Last I heard it was set to +m and it was stated that it would be closed in 3 days (now 2). So I suppose it won't be there and is currently rendered useless.


I'm getting too old for this shit...,
Oct 30, 2001
Well, maybe you are right. Makes little difference really - one is as easy to join as the other.

The whole thing is just pretty silly if you ask me. Stinks of - "Oh yeah? Well I'm gonna take my chat room and go home!"

Although I will admit that this is growing on me:

"nick_th_fury once said something to me that made a lot of sense. He had said that concentrating all neo everything in one place was a bad idea. Lots of sites means lots of perspectives and when one goes by the wayside, there are others to take their place and visit."

<small>[ March 18, 2003, 12:14 PM: Message edited by: Briggs ]</small>


Bead Banger
Jun 5, 2002
I still suspect this has something to do with Tons of Fun not being a mod.


Global Moderator, Voice of Reason, Member #13
Aug 14, 2000
Hey, samX. I am glad you wrote what you did. When you quoted me, though, you only used part of my sentance. :)

"I do not mean to speak for the chat mods, but it appears as if those of them that wish to make their voices heard have quite clearly stated that they do not like this site nor what it stands for in their minds."

I didn't lump all chat mods into my observation, only those that have chosen to be loud about what they believe. Thus far, you have not been loud, but you have now stated your thoughts, and I am glad you did. True wisdom there.

And as for blaming Shawn for removing the link, that blame is misplaced. Nothing major on this site happens in a vacuum. Removal of the chat link is a major thing. You do the math.

Shawn wrote the email that Bonus posted because it's his job as admin to do so. He also chose to write in the fashion that he did so as to take all the heat himself as he normally does. Shawn very much respects the opinions and efforts of his mods and didn't want negative attention to be focused on them.

If you'll excuse me now, I need to go back to being a kiss ass so as not to jeorpardize the millions of dollars I get paid and free whores I have access to for mod'ing this site.