Censored Tenka SUCKS


Crossed Swords Squire
Jul 10, 2005
:blow_top: :blow_top: I mean, really, what were they thinking?................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Just kidding guys! :lol: GREAT game. I was so wrong-I don't even miss the blood and fatals 2 player is great, and they did a fantastic job of maintaining impact at the end of a match (weapon breaking, etc.)I just wanted to drop a quick line and apologize for going on and on about it-Just real passionate about my Shodown. Anyways, have a great day! :buttrock:


20 Year Member
Nov 5, 2002
Haohmaru777 said:
:blow_top: :blow_top: I mean, really, what were they thinking?................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Just kidding guys! :lol: GREAT game. I was so wrong-I don't even miss the blood and fatals 2 player is great, and they did a fantastic job of maintaining impact at the end of a match (weapon breaking, etc.)I just wanted to drop a quick line and apologize for going on and on about it-Just real passionate about my Shodown. Anyways, have a great day! :buttrock:

location: south bend.

that makes you a southern bender. right, right?


Dr. Brown's Time Machine Mechanic
15 Year Member
Feb 29, 2004
+1 Before the move. Wherever it gets moved to.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
What a stupid thread, Amakusa's Revenge is better.


Kabuki Klasher
Dec 8, 2004
Now don't you feel stupid for having spent your time whining along with Abster ?

I still didn't get to try Tenka yet, but I can tell it's a good game from everything I've seen and read... but I can also tell it could have been much better.
As Iggy pointed out, it wasn't until several months after the game got started that SNKP or Yuki decided to make it an "all-in-one dream match", featuring every character and fighting style of the series... And that shows, considering how characters like Earthquake or Nicotine got obviously rushed when compared to Wan Fu or Cham Cham, who got totally redrawn.


Sep 7, 2005
Stifu said:
Now don't you feel stupid for having spent your time whining along with Abster ?

I still didn't get to try Tenka yet, but I can tell it's a good game from everything I've seen and read... but I can also tell it could have been much better.
As Iggy pointed out, it wasn't until several months after the game got started that SNKP or Yuki decided to make it an "all-in-one dream match", featuring every character and fighting style of the series... And that shows, considering how characters like Earthquake or Nicotine got obviously rushed when compared to Wan Fu or Cham Cham, who got totally redrawn.

Ooohhh yeah.. Abster. I remember those posts. He was pretty ticked about the whole blood missing deal.

I still want to pick this game up for the atomiswave, but I do have to admit that the PS2 version is a great port. My girlfriend and I still play SS5 Special the most, but we still have a great time with SS6 every now and then.^^ I hope that Yuki will make us proud with another SS release in the future. :)

I agree about Earthquake and Nicotine. Maybe they will get more love next time around. ^^ I'm a dreamer, but you never know! Might happen.. :buttrock:


Holy shit, it's a ninja!,
Jun 30, 2002
MegaMako said:
Ooohhh yeah.. Abster. I remember those posts. He was pretty ticked about the whole blood missing deal.

Abster had (has) a lot of, err... "issues". Not just with the Samurai series but with life in general. Remember the Cham Cham hentai that he commissioned?

I agree with Stifu here, the game could have been better, but it's already pretty damn good as it is so I'm happy with it.


20 Year Member
Apr 12, 2003
tsukaesugi said:
I agree with Stifu here, the game could have been better, but it's already pretty damn good as it is so I'm happy with it.


it was missing blood

but nailed the gameplay

even my non-fighting game playing friends love the game

can't say the same when it came to SSV and Special


Dodgeball Yakuza
Oct 26, 2003
Although Tenka does have its strong points (Cast, variety of gameplay, decent backgrounds) it had more weaknesses that made it fail as an SS game. The overall atmosphere didn't feel much like an SS game at all (The castle + pumpkin bg for example) The game was more combo orientated than SS4. The voice acting is halfed assed and some of the worst of the whole series. I feel that blood is too important to be removed from the SS universe, and knowing that SNKP folded dedication just to keep the sensitive few happy infuriates me that they would stoop that low for a series it's stuck to for years.

SS5 Special centered more around classic gameplay, and imo it remains the best SS game since SS2.

I made decent progress on SS Mugen, and once I get a fair number of characters done I'll open a site for it. On that note, I commissioned Cham Cham again, but this time it's NOT hentai. Look for it when I open up my new site.


Hijacked by a Spambot!
Aug 21, 2004
Abster said:
Although Tenka does have its strong points (Cast, variety of gameplay, decent backgrounds) it had more weaknesses that made it fail as an SS game. The overall atmosphere didn't feel much like an SS game at all (The castle + pumpkin bg for example) The game was more combo orientated than SS4. The voice acting is halfed assed and some of the worst of the whole series. I feel that blood is too important to be removed from the SS universe, and knowing that SNKP folded dedication just to keep the sensitive few happy infuriates me that they would stoop that low for a series it's stuck to for years.

SS5 Special centered more around classic gameplay, and imo it remains the best SS game since SS2.

I made decent progress on SS Mugen, and once I get a fair number of characters done I'll open a site for it. On that note, I commissioned Cham Cham again, but this time it's NOT hentai. Look for it when I open up my new site.

Hey, I remember you from the other Tenka thread (the arcade one). Nobody liked you, LOL.


Kabuki Klasher
Dec 8, 2004
tsukaesugi said:
I agree with Stifu here, the game could have been better, but it's already pretty damn good as it is so I'm happy with it.
Thankfully, Abster's Mugen SS game won't have any of the flaws of Tenka, and will be the perfect SS we've all been waiting for.


But yeah, all this talk reminds me that SNKP recently hinted at the fact they were willing to make a new SS game if that's what fans wanted, despite the fact they strongly implied there would be no other 2D SS game after Tenka.

My personal wishes for this new SS game, when/if it shows up:


1- Tenka with high-res sprites (à la KoF 94 Rebout), blood and fatalities, new backgrounds, new voices, better balance... NO new characters (but keep Kuroko from the console port), there are more than enough as is, just improve what's already there, and redraw the few characters that badly need it.


2- A totally new high-res 2D SS game that doesn't use any graphics from the previous games. Good luck fitting it within the SS storyline... Simply rewriting parts of the SS story may be the best way to go.

Wishful thinking, I know.


20 Year Member
Apr 12, 2001
Stifu said:
1- Tenka with high-res sprites (à la KoF 94 Rebout), blood and fatalities, new backgrounds, new voices, better balance... NO new characters (but keep Kuroko from the console port), there are more than enough as is, just improve what's already there, and redraw the few characters that badly need it.

Personally, I want the 3D characters added (Still do.), but since that won't happen I could care less what they do with the next SS. :annoyed:


20 Year Member
Apr 12, 2003
Abster said:
SS5 Special centered more around classic gameplay, and imo it remains the best SS game since SS2.

you don't know your gameplay do you?

I think Tenka captures the classic gameplay better with it's selection of "grooves"

SSVS is actually pretty technical when it comes down to it

SS2 still owns all of them for free


Dodgeball Yakuza
Jan 22, 2003
Tenka is to the Samurai Shodown series as MvsC2 was to the Marvel vs Capcom series. Bad music and atmosphere and more combo oriented gameplay, but they got all the characters in one tiny package. :drool_2:

Good game overall. Plus it does remove the choppiness and flicker of SSIV.


20 Year Member
Apr 12, 2003
ironish said:
Bad music and atmosphere and more combo oriented gameplay

I agree

but the gameplay is solid

and you don't have to play "combo oriented" unless you want to

I kicked some ass the other day using the SSI "groove"


Dodgeball Yakuza
Oct 26, 2003
Gameplay is ok I suppose, but there are many ways you can juggle opponents and stuff for big combos. A number of changes in Tenka allows you to do pretty extensive combos. Just ask Iroha. SS2 & 5/Sp has more strategic gameplay to it which requires you to pick your slashes carefully.

Mark of the Wolves

mullet bullet
Apr 7, 2002

This brings back memories. I can finally take Haohmaru777 off my ignore list.

Gameplay FTW :buttrock:


Fu'un-Ken Master
Jan 22, 2003
I only had a little bit of time to try it out. But from what I played, I enjoyed everything it had to offer. And any soundtrack that can switch from Drum N' Bass to Bluegrass has my respect any day.


Street Hoop Star
Oct 12, 2005
I would love to play SS Tenka, but apparently there's going to be no domestic release. I am a sad panda. Time to go back to SSVS...

Is it worth importing and doing all that magic swap crap?


neo retired
Sep 27, 2002
Tenka is absolute shite.

Tenka is to SS what Fighters History is to Street Fighter.


Crossed Swords Squire
Jul 10, 2005
ViewtifulZFO said:
I would love to play SS Tenka, but apparently there's going to be no domestic release. I am a sad panda. Time to go back to SSVS...

Is it worth importing and doing all that magic swap crap?

Definitely. I got swap magic 3, and at first I thought it wasn't working, (doesn't come with directions, and the site didn't mention the following) but all you do is remove the front cover where the disc pops out at, insert the swap magic 3 dvd disc (not the cd one) wait for it to load, and then when you get to the screen where it gives you an option for a special boot, (at the bottom of the screen) you use the slide tool (if you have a fatty ps2), remove the swap 3 dvd disc, replace it with the Tenka disc, lock the tray back in place using the slide tool, and then press square to special boot and it loads. American mem cards work as well.

The only thing I can't figure out at this point is this;I have all of the chars. unlocked, all of the spirits as well, have beaten the game with all of the chars., but I can 't figure out how to use the edit spirit mode-What I really want to do is use the default ss6 spirit but change it so the a+b special breaks weapons. Anybody here have experience with the edit spirit mode? I would appreciate the help.

MOTW, Stifu, I was SOOOOO STUPID (regarding the missing blood and fatals, etc.):oh_no: What a great game.

Amano Jacu

Charles Barkley
Sep 11, 2001
ViewtifulZFO said:
I would love to play SS Tenka, but apparently there's going to be no domestic release. I am a sad panda. Time to go back to SSVS...

Is it worth importing and doing all that magic swap crap?

SS Tenka is coming in a Samurai compilation for many systems, which might be relased in USA.