Castlevania: Mirror of Fate (3DS)


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
Does the game have a difficulty select?

Yes, easy/normal/hard, with the default set to normal.

Just over seven hours in, 68% completion, and just finished act two. Act two had more puzzles than act one. Push-block puzzles, nothing difficult. I like the story now that I've experienced more of it. I can see the setup for Lords of Shadow 2 forming in front of me.

The combat is becoming a little more difficult, but the checkpoints are so tremendously generous that it doesn't matter how tough the combat gets.
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Kid Panda

The Chinese Kid
Jun 13, 2010
Yes, easy/normal/hard, with the default set to normal.

Just over seven hours in, 68% completion, and just finished act two. Act two had more puzzles than act one. Push-block puzzles, nothing difficult. I like the story now that I've experienced more of it. I can see the setup for Lords of Shadow 2 forming in front of me.

The combat is becoming a little more difficult, but the checkpoints are so tremendously generous that it doesn't matter how tough the combat gets.

Nice, I'll pick this up on Tuesday then, maybe I can get lucky and get a Target that has this and Etrian so I can get a 3rd game for free.


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
At ten hours I've finished the game, 100% completion.

Talk about finishing on a high note. The first two acts were good, sometimes great. However, the third act provides multiple high points. The platforming sequence in the clock one of the best in the series; very thrilling.

Completing the game unlocks hardcore difficulty. Completing the game 100% unlocks an additional beastiary entry and an additional cutscene. The problem is that in order to 100% the game you're required to find every collectible in all three acts. So be sure to check your map before finishing each act.

The end vibe I get from the game is this.

If you thoroughly enjoyed where MercurySteam took the Castlevania canon in Lords of Shadow, then Mirror of Fate is a must-buy. If you're looking for a challenging action/platformer in the vein of Castlevania III, you won't find it here. MoF is the easiest entry in the Castlevania series. The devs do everything in their power to assure that you'll finish the game.

My mini review.

MoF feels like action/platforming for dummies. It's pure, and straightforward. It's beautiful to look at and wonderful to listen to. And the Castlevania canon has never made much sense until now.

+ The prettiest backgrounds for a 2D Castlevania.
+ Beautiful cutscenes tell MoF's story well.
+ My favorite Castlevania soundtrack...ever.
+ Continues to advance the canon as MercurySteam sees it.
+ A wonderful blend of action and platforming.

= Major backtracking required for 100% completion.
= Good action and platforming, but never both at the same time.
= Muddy polygon character and enemy models.

- Occasional system freezing glitches.
- Low difficulty will put off some hardcore fans.

My Score
9 out of 10

Mirror of Fate is my new favorite game of 2013.

But Fire Emblem Awakening is still the best 3DS game.
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moest promoenent moember of chat
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
Nice, I'll pick this up on Tuesday then, maybe I can get lucky and get a Target that has this and Etrian so I can get a 3rd game for free.

Target is doing a buy 2 get 1 deal? I didn't see anything on their website about it...?

Kid Panda

The Chinese Kid
Jun 13, 2010
Target is doing a buy 2 get 1 deal? I didn't see anything on their website about it...?

I had the dates messed up, it actually starts on the 17th, also found out that target doesn't stock Etrian Odyssey IV in stores, I'm not sure if someone else will price match a buy 2 get 1 free sale.


moest promoenent moember of chat
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
I had the dates messed up, it actually starts on the 17th, also found out that target doesn't stock Etrian Odyssey IV in stores, I'm not sure if someone else will price match a buy 2 get 1 free sale.

ahh thanks for the clarification.

Bummer about Etrian...

I kinda wish this sale was 1 week later...then I could get Fire Emblem, Castlevania and Luigi's Mansion.

Electric Grave

So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
15 Year Member
Jan 29, 2004
At ten hours I've finished the game, 100% completion.

Talk about finishing on a high note. The first two acts were good, sometimes great. However, the third act provides multiple high points. The platforming sequence in the clock one of the best in the series; very thrilling.

Completing the game unlocks hardcore difficulty. Completing the game 100% unlocks an additional beastiary entry and an additional cutscene. The problem is that in order to 100% the game you're required to find every collectible in all three acts. So be sure to check your map before finishing each act.

The end vibe I get from the game is this.

If you thoroughly enjoyed where MercurySteam took the Castlevania canon in Lords of Shadow, then Mirror of Fate is a must-buy. If you're looking for a challenging action/platformer in the vein of Castlevania III, you won't find it here. MoF is the easiest entry in the Castlevania series. The devs do everything in their power to assure that you'll finish the game.

My mini review.

MoF feels like action/platforming for dummies. It's pure, and straightforward. It's beautiful to look at and wonderful to listen to. And the Castlevania canon has never made much sense until now.

+ The prettiest backgrounds for a 2D Castlevania.
+ Beautiful cutscenes tell MoF's story well.
+ My favorite Castlevania soundtrack...ever.
+ Continues to advance the canon as MercurySteam sees it.
+ A wonderful blend of action and platforming.

= Major backtracking required for 100% completion.
= Good action and platforming, but never both at the same time.
= Muddy polygon character and enemy models.

- Occasional system freezing glitches.
- Low difficulty will put off some hardcore fans.

My Score
9 out of 10

Mirror of Fate is my new favorite game of 2013.

But Fire Emblem Awakening is still the best 3DS game.

Nice! So how is hardcore difficulty? Is it still easy or does it present a real challenge? Paladin difficulty in LoS is great, it makes you look at your bestiary a whole lot more and you learn patterns out of necessity, I'm hoping MoF presents that same challenge. I'm surprised MoF is a 100% game and not a 110% or a 220%, oh well that's not a big deal. I'm still chipping at it a little bit at a time.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
I just got to Act II and I have to say I am completely loving the changes to the canon. I have absolutely no problem with Alucard's introduction into this game or, in all likelihood, who he really is.

If my guess is right, this story completely ignores Castlevania III because it can't happen in the LoS continuity, but I am fine with that as this is a different version of the story and, in all honesty, a much more competently executed narrative than those old games ever were. The twist just 'feels right' to me. Totally suits the mood and tone of this series, and keeps the focus squarely on the important families and characters of the lore.

I have only started Act II, so if anyone wants to comment, I respectfully ask that you avoid spoilers.

A question about the gameplay, however.

Act II started before I had a chance to complete 100% with Simon. There were some parts of the map that I didn't uncover. I thought I'd have a chance to go back and explore them with Simon. Can anyone tell me if I'll have a chance to complete the map before the game finishes?


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
Act II started before I had a chance to complete 100% with Simon. There were some parts of the map that I didn't uncover. I thought I'd have a chance to go back and explore them with Simon. Can anyone tell me if I'll have a chance to complete the map before the game finishes?

The chapter selection option on the main menu should place you right outside of the act one boss room. Before continuing through act two you might aswell load up act one and collect everything. And brace yourself for finding everything in act three. The last couple items require manipulation of the fast travel system.

It's borderline bullshit backtracking, but one particular inventory item helps...smoothover the bullshit just enough.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Thanks for the info, Mags. Much appreciated:)


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Just wrapped this game up.

Will post more detailed thoughts later, but in short, I really loved this absolute gem of a game. It's got a few technical issues but overall, I highly recommend it.

Mercurysteam really did a great job here.

Kid Panda

The Chinese Kid
Jun 13, 2010
Just wrapped this game up.

Will post more detailed thoughts later, but in short, I really loved this absolute gem of a game. It's got a few technical issues but overall, I highly recommend it.

Mercurysteam really did a great job here.

Next week I'll bite on the buy 2 get 1 free sale and snag this, between you and Magician I think you guys have sold me on it.


Zero's Secretary
Apr 13, 2012
If I didn't care too much for the demo, think I'd like the full game still?

I actually thought the Lords of Shadow demo was awful, but scored the PS3 version on a cheap deal, and started playing it very recently thinking I needed to be up to speed for this new sidescrolling 3DS game.......... anyway, closer to the end of Chapter II I'm really starting to like Lords of Shadow now; I think the demo represented the game poorly, and the game takes awhile to get off the ground. Hoping this 3DS game is the same way.

I'm still not a big fan of some of the directions MS have taken Castlevania, I really wish at least the music sounded more like Castlevania instead of generic eP1c!!1!! hollywood music; but oh well.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
If I didn't care too much for the demo, think I'd like the full game still?

I actually thought the Lords of Shadow demo was awful, but scored the PS3 version on a cheap deal, and started playing it very recently thinking I needed to be up to speed for this new sidescrolling 3DS game.......... anyway, closer to the end of Chapter II I'm really starting to like Lords of Shadow now; I think the demo represented the game poorly, and the game takes awhile to get off the ground. Hoping this 3DS game is the same way.

I'm still not a big fan of some of the directions MS have taken Castlevania, I really wish at least the music sounded more like Castlevania instead of generic eP1c!!1!! hollywood music; but oh well.

Your experiences with LoS are similar to mine. It was a slow starter for me too, but I reached a point where it just really clicked for me.

Mirror of Fate feels more like a traditional Castlevania game in a number of respects, and tends to meet the older series halfway in some key ways:

costume/character design
2D movement
greater emphasis on platforming
traditional 'Castlevania' environments such as a clock tower, underground waterway, library, dungeon, etc

If you are the kiind of person who gets really hung up on the 'canon' of Castlevania, you will not like the liberties they take with the story and the connections between Dracula, Trevor, Alucard and Simon. Personally, I thought they were fantastic and I actually like the LoS canon a whole lot more than the original storyline in terms of general narrative and plot twists. I don't know if you've finished LoS yet or not, but at the end of the game, you learn that

Gabriel abandons the path of light and becomes Dracula.

This alteration to the old storyline creates a stronger bond between Dracula and the Belmont family, and actually contextualizes the nature of their conflict on a much more tragic and interesting level. The Belmonts aren't just 'monster hunters' now. Now, it's a matter of personal and family honor. It makes the conflict mean more, which means I care more about what's going on.

Gameplaywise, Mirror of Fate is a really strange hybrid of the LoS gameplay style and more traditional 2D Castlevania. The attacks and combos are right out of LoS but you fight on a 2D plane and Mercurysteam found a way to implement mechanics that serve as a satisfying substitute for dodging, rolling and staying mobile on the battlefield, such as the air dash. The only thing that keeps the combat from being better are the the graphics. The models are very detailed and so are the environments, and this is fine except for that the game doesn't have a very diverse color pallet and sometimes action gets lost on the screen.

It's nice that the characters are given different special abilities to help on their journey. While the gameplay remains the same on a basic level, the tools they're provided are useful in a number of situations, and not just gimmicks to get past one area and then be forgotten. They have practical combat application if you want to get really fancy, but I feel Trevor is a bit too powerful, even for this game, because of those electrical bombs and the LoS element of Light and Dark magic allowing you to either heal while dishing damage or boost your damage levels. Leveling the characters up is standardized, now. You don't choose which abilities to buy next, and they simply unlock in predesignated fashion when you reach certain levels. You level up by killing monsters, solving puzzles, finding dead knight scrolls, treasure chests and bestiary entries.

I really liked the soundtrack for LoS and Mirror of Fate, and felt that it had its own distinct identity that is the right fit for this version of the CV universe. While the introduction of a more traditional score and a move away from familiar Castlevania music is seen as a misstep by some, I completely understand why Mercurysteam chose to do this. Tonally, the Castlevania music is designed to be repetitive, with catchy hooks and familiar beats that harken back to the limitations of game music composition of the 8 bit days. The old Castlevania music was, and still is, a marvel of soundtrack writing. But the music theory of the older games doesn't serve the look and feel of Lords of Shadow. In fact, it can be argued that it would hurt LoS and MoF to use iterations of those old tracks because all it would do is stick out like a sore thumb and remind the players that this isn't the Nintendo version. In all honesty, listening to the LoS soundtrack separately from the gameplay, I think it has a very distinct identity and uses its leitmotif very effectively. Sure, when measured against the standard of quality it doesn't stack up against the best music CV has given us over the years, but it is still a really great soundtrack in its own right, IMO.

As it regards MoF, the soundtrack is effectively used but the tracks aren't long enough and they have this really wierd problem where they start at weird points and the technology to change the music when enemies appeared seemed to elude Mercurysteam. There were times when the music wouldn't kick in right away and times when the battle music played a lot longer than it should have. There were even times when both tracks were playing over each other, and I had to zone to get it to stop. I don't know what happened here, but Mercurysteam's lack of experience with programming for the 3DS is most obvious here. The composition is good, however.

The difficulty curve of the game is nice, too. I appreciate that the game is not very hard to beat and has generous checkpoints, even 'mid-boss' checkpoints. Additionally, there doesn't seem to be that many unlockable parts to the game and if you are dilligent during exploration you can get 100% completion without having to grind for hours and hours and hours. And can select a character's chapter if you want to revisit that character to either play them more or go get the rest of the missed secrets. It's like Mercurysteam didn't want to bother players with yet another 'Metroidvania' style grindfest, so they made a Castlevania game that you can just play and enjoy all of the content without having to bend over backwards. This will feel like a betrayal to Castlevania purists, but I kind of liked it for this game for being so straightforward. I guess the simplest way for me to put it is that while I noticed the SotN grinding elements the series is now known for are gone, I don't miss them. This is actually one of those examples of 'meeting the old series halfway'.

Is this a good Castlevania game? I think it's a good VIDEO game, and it retains enough of the Castlevania formula to be considered an excellent alternative take on the series. The game stayed fun throughout my playthrough, to the point where I actually looked forward to firing up my 3DS over my consoles. Most importantly, even though my run through lasted about 15 hours, I wish there were more levels and enemies, more story and more characters. I say this not because I felt the game lacked any content, but because I really wanted to spend more time in there, uncovering more secrets and navigating more areas. It's made me want to go back and revisit the older games just to fight through waves of Dracula's minions, enjoy the ambiance and atmosphere all over and reconnect with this once and still great series.
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A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
The Belmonts aren't just 'monster hunters' now. Now, it's a matter of personal and family honor. It makes the conflict mean more, which means I care more about what's going on.

I would argue the retcon in Lament of Innocence made it about personal and family honor as well. Your best friend uses you and ultimately you have to kill your loved one because of events he set in motion. That's the beginning of some Hatfield & McCoy shit right there.


moest promoenent moember of chat
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
Picked this game up the other day, and am loving it. Just finished the fight against the necromancer, but both that and the night watchman fight were great. Many thanks to everyone for their comments, so glad I didn't pass this one up.

Many thanks to kidpanda for the heads up on the target sale as well, that's where I got this :)

PS - this game is on sale for $30 at best buy this week.
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Kid Panda

The Chinese Kid
Jun 13, 2010
Picked this game up the other day, and am loving it. Just finished the fight against the necromancer, but both that and the night watchman fight were great. Many thanks to everyone for their comments, so glad I didn't pass this one up.

Many thanks to kidpanda for the heads up on the target sale as well, that's where I got this :)

PS - this game is on sale for $30 at best buy this week.



Windjammers Wonder
Jan 16, 2013
If its 3D and 3D I'm gonna be pissed.

Nobody likes 3D Castlevania games.

They suck.

2D with 3D effects might make me go out and buy another 3DS.

Your correct, I have never played a decent Castlevania in 3D and I wonder if I ever will?