Anyone got tips to beat chun-li?


Mr. Big's Thug
Nov 5, 2003
Only two people hand out regular ass whoopins at my local arcade and are almost unbeatable, and they both use chun-li (though there is this dude who is WICKED with dhalshim, and my ken rocks but we both get beat at times)

anyway, i personally can handle almost anyone who playas against me when i use my man ken (or on occasions terry), but when one of the really good players comes up with chun-li, its murder.

he had about a 15 win streak before i gave up (i lost four times and only got a round on him once)

what the hell can i do, and what can i look for? Fucking chun-li


Made of Wood
20 Year Member
Aug 22, 2001
Your best bet is probably taking up Chun Li in this sort of situation.


Banger regnaB,
Aug 29, 2002
Thier main weapon is her jump kick which is an excellent air-to-air (will almost always win) and a just as good cross-over. Just be ready to guard for cross-over and you are already closer to victory.

Whatever you do do not wait for her to finish her move and then combo. For example her anti-air move, don't wait for her to land, hit her right out of the air. If you let her land she will hit you before you hit her. And do not hit her after you finsh blocking her kick DM, she can just keep on doing them and win in terms of priority. If you want to hit her after that DM then Ground Step after the last hit of it, otherwise just keep on blocking and stay safe until you are out of range of the damn move.

Try not to get too much on her anti air move b/c it can be followed up with anything (that includes a DM).

Don't use sweeps unless you are sure they will connect. Her jump is very fast so if you whiff a sweep then she has enough time to jump over it, cross-over and combo you.

Keep your distance as much as possible (get aggressive and then ease up etc). Do not charge her if she has lots of DMs, it will be your doom. Combo any chance you get (make it count). Use the CD counter as much as possible, don't let her pressure you.
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Crossed Swords Squire
Aug 9, 2003
Geese? Demitri? Goenitz?

There's always the *rest*;)


Mr. Big's Thug
Nov 5, 2003
Rodi said:
Geese? Demitri? Goenitz?

There's always the *rest*;)

i heard a few murmurs last night from about breaking out geese...

i left before i saw anyone do it though.

i really just want to be able to own her legit, not using a boss character.

I think using sweeps was my main flaw, that and not countering enough.