Alien: Isolation

Alpha Skyhawk

Windjammers Wonder
Feb 28, 2012
It figures, the one Sega PC game I don't get is the good Alien game.

Granted, I did like Colonial Marines for what it was, and I haven't played it again to check out how they upgraded it since release, but even I knew it was a missed opportunity.


15 Year Member
Sep 14, 2004
I only got to play for about 20min this morning but so far it's fantastic. Very well designed and very eerie environment. Definitely something to play in the dark.


Sieger's Squire
Oct 30, 2012
It's awesome so far. I watched alien tonight so I could notice the references. There's a lot so far. Here's my favorite part.ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412745551.346701.jpg


Guerilla Warrior,
Jul 12, 2003
So, I've been playing this for the better part of today. My impressions about 4-5 hours in (not including all the backtracking and death resets.)

It's pretty awesome. Excellent tension, PERFECT audio effects and the visuals are great.

I normally love survival horror games but this one is really intense. If you are a person that likes survival horror for the tension and fear elements, this is definitely one to pick up.

It's one of those games people say you should play with the lights off and with nothing else going on in the room. It needs to be quiet and dark so you can allow the visual and audio stimuli of the experience to sink their claws in.

The game has a wonderful balance of fast pace and methodical stealth. If you run too fast and draw too much attention, the alien will hear you. If you move too slow, you're giving it plenty of time to hunt you. Also, if you use the same hiding spots too often, it will learn and find you anyway. You won't always be able to hide somewhere and wait for it to leave. It seems that once it's on to you, there is no way to avoid it until you leave that zone. It's activity doesn't feel scripted except for its first appearance, which is triggered when you interact with a certain computer to complete an objective. Other than that, it feels very organic and random.

This game does not hold your hand. Other than the occasional message on the display telling you how a control works, you get nothing. This is an absolute virtue and should be praised.

There are other adversaries as well, and most of them can't be reasoned with. Other survivors, looters and even primitive androids called Working Joes that are supposed to work the computers and handle the administration responsibilities are also out there, and it seens they've been repurposed to keep you from going to places where their master doesn't want you.

So far, the only caveats I have are that the framerate during the cutscenes is very choppy, as though the game is loading the next stage at the same time and for some reason, my PS4 (!) can't handle all that activity at once. It's a pretty inexcusable shortcoming for the game, but it's only one small aspect of an otherwise great experience.

My other quibble is the use of Amanda Ripley as the protagonist. Look, I like Ellen Ripley just fine and she was great in the first three flicks, but playing as her daughter and finding yourself in almost the exact same situation as in the first movie has a very 'small galaxy' feel to it. What's next, you find out that she eventually had a baby that will one day turn out to be Carter Burke's mother? Did she create C-3PO?

I don't hate Amanda. She's a pretty cool protagonist so far (Anita Sarkeesian should play this game and, oh yeah, remember that ELLEN RIPLEY was the heroine in all four Alien films). And I suppose there is some cache associated with hearing the name 'Ripley' spoken through the course of the game, and I'm presuming this is why they chose her. Again, just another minor flaw that lends a slight bit of incredulity to the whole thing.

Overall, however, my complaints to this point are very minor and haven't really detracted from the experience as a whole.

If you love Alien, if you love first person stealth, if you love horror, get the game. Either now or during a sale. But do yourself a favor if you are fan of any of these things and find a way to play it.

Thank you so much. I was really burned by Colonial Marines, even though I bought it again when the LE went on sale for $10, but this game really piqued my interest. Im really just on the fence Smash just dropped, The Evil Within and Sleeping Dogs are looming, and I also have some other things to take care of.

But I will be sure to look this up when the price drops.


Unholy Custom Rank.,
15 Year Member
Aug 23, 2008
I don't hate Amanda. She's a pretty cool protagonist so far (Anita Sarkeesian should play this game and, oh yeah, remember that ELLEN RIPLEY was the heroine in all four Alien films).

Anita Sarkeesian said:

Great breakdown as always Taiso. I'll likely grab this during a Steam sale since we have many holiday ones coming.


15 Year Member
Sep 14, 2004
The game handles pretty decent on a GTX 580(thought I was going to have to upgrade).

Btw, if you are looking to get a new card... you can pickup a GTX 970 for around $330+
The 970's even outperform the $1,000 GTX Titan cards


Sieger's Squire
Oct 30, 2012
The game handles pretty decent on a GTX 580(thought I was going to have to upgrade).

Btw, if you are looking to get a new card... you can pickup a GTX 970 for around $330+
The 970's even outperform the $1,000 GTX Titan cards

I don't think it's a very demanding game on hardware. Where are u finding those 970s for $330? I have titans in my system.


20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2001
So far I am liking it too. The choppy frame rate drop during the cut scenes is kind of annoying, hopefully this can be fixed with a patch or something. Anyone using the camera options? Wondering how well the peeking around corners works.


15 Year Member
Sep 14, 2004
I don't think it's a very demanding game on hardware. Where are u finding those 970s for $330? I have titans in my system.

I found an EVGA one on amazon for that price(and it is in stock). There's a good selection of them for under $400.


Tung's Hair Stylist
10 Year Member
Sep 14, 2011
Played a couple of hours of this last night and am enjoying it thoroughly. Bought it on X bone purely because the green case goes better with the cover art. Runs nicely aside from the aforementioned slowdown during cut scenes.

I brought my system over a buddy's house who has invested in a serious 7.1 surround setup and can say that sound design on this game is terrific.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Another update on the game.

Having spent another 3 or so hours with it (again, not including all the deaths-strictly talking pure game progression), it seems that the Alien's appearance is scripted, but it's behavior is not.

So for example, you may find yourself in a scenario where you have to find a passkey or gather some intel that reveals more about what happened at Sevastapol Station, and for those sequences the Alien will show up.

For these sequences, the tension is almost too much to bear. It's movement is completely independent and you definitely feel like you are prey. The game does a good job setting the behavioral tone of the monster-it is not just there looking for anyone. You feel like it specifically wants you.

This game is awesome.

I've often said that I felt the problem with games related to this IP in the past was the lack of tension. I really like Aliens a lot, and love watching the exploits of the colonial marines, but the problem is that they don't make very good protagonists to play as in a survival horror style game because of how they have all the tools to fight back effectively. In games where you play colonial marines, or even predators for that matter, the Aliens are nothing more than fodder, no better than a horde of zombies to be mowed down as you go from point a to point b. Games where you can kill them wholesale do nothing to celebrate the implacable and relentless aliens.

This game does it a whole lot better. By stripping you of offensive capabilities, you are granted an entire new type of agency, and you are given MANY different options for achieving that. Here, surviving is winning.

Creative Assembly have done it. They made a great Alien game.

I loaded up the two DLCs I got with it when I bought it.

Crew Expendable puts you in the role of either Ripley, Parker or Captain Dallas just after Brett is killed by the Alien. You get to choose which one you want to play as and go into the air ducts looking for the creature. I only loaded it up to see if it worked all right because I want to save it for after finishing the main campaign.

The other DLC, which was the one Gamestop gave me, was called Last Survivor, and is another scenario pulled from the film. This one puts you in Ripley's shoes and starts with her running to try and save Parker and Lambert as they are being attacked and, presumably, takes you through setting the self destruct sequence and onto the Narcissus. I'm not sure if it allows you to play the shuttle encounter or not, as I only loaded this one up as well to see what it was all about.

it's worth noting that Tom Skerrit, Yaphett Koto, Sigourney Weaver and Veronica Cartwright all provide the voices for their characters and they all sound extremely closeto their 35 year younger versions.

This game, quite simply, is a must own for any dyed in the wool Alien fan. Even despite the DLC shenanigans, it's a very well constructed tribute.


Tung's Hair Stylist
10 Year Member
Sep 14, 2011
Couldn't agree with you more Taiso. Just played another couple of hours of the game tonight and played through a couple of the scripted Alien encounters and my heart was freaking beating in my chest.

This game is scary. And so far, I believe any studio would be hard pressed to capture the essence of Alien in a modern video game better than Creative Assembly have done with Isolation.

Can't wait to play more tomorrow night.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
So I was mentioning before how there are new kinds of agency given to the player because of the rogue element of the Alien.

I just saw a pretty cool one in action. Gonna put a spoiler tag on it so people that want to discover it for themselves can do so.

I had mentioned previously how there are human factions in the game, various groups of survivors on Sevastapol Station that are all trying to survive, get what they can and so forth. The vast majority of them don't trust you, and understandably so since they don't know who is on the level and who is just going to try and kill them and jack their loot.

There was a group of humans patrolling an area that I needed to stealth my way through in order to get to a med lab. They were armed and I didn't want to get in a gunfight with them. Not only because gunfights are dangerous but because the Alien was also on the hunt in the same area.

I was doing my best to hide but one of them saw me and started shooting. My first impulse was to run but then I decided to just sit behind cover, out of sight, avoiding being shot, and wait.

Sure enough, the Alien came out and killed all three.

Very. Damn. Cool. And when kills someone, you hear a very distinct musical stinger that lets you know it's just offed someone somewhere.

Also, I will say that it is freaky as fuck when you are hiding under a table or desk and you are just turning around to get your bearings and the Alien is standing right there, his legs and tail in plain view and oh so close to discovering you.

Yeah, sometimes it's so quiet that the only way to locate it is by using the motion sensor.

I am starting to wonder if it's stepping up its game because it knows I'm not your average prey. As I said, the game is doing a great job making me feel as though it specifically wants to catch me.
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A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
Thanks for the game impressions, Taiso.

I'll definitely grab it once it's on sale.


Sultan of Slugs
10 Year Member
Apr 20, 2013
Awesome review Taiso. I watched back through the original movie and can't wait to play this game. It looks like the PC version will be the way to go, due to the aforementioned slow down issues on xbone/ps4.


All About Shooters Mod., If you fuck with me, I'll
20 Year Member
Oct 3, 2001
yeah I'll be picking this game up for sure somewhere down the road. I have a lot on my plate right now to play a stressful game but I'm now looking forward to it after hearing all this.


Remembers The North
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Awesome review Taiso. I watched back through the original movie and can't wait to play this game. It looks like the PC version will be the way to go, due to the aforementioned slow down issues on xbone/ps4.

Keep in mind that the slowdown is only occurring during the cutscenes. If this game weren't all about the atmosphere and building tension both through the gameplay and the desperation in the storyline, it wouldn't be a factor at all.

I expect this to eventually be patched, but regardless. If the cutscene slowdown isn't happening on PC, I think that's the way to go. The fewer distractions you have, the fewer things that detract from the purity of immersion, the better.


Sieger's Squire
Oct 30, 2012
I think cutscene frame rates seem to drop because they're videos. Facial detail and responsiveness of the characters during cutscenes Look better than during actual gameplay.

It reduces immersion a bit, but it's not a deal breaker. It's in the PC version too.


15 Year Member
Sep 14, 2004
Odd.. I haven't experienced the cutscene frame drop(at least not noticed it)

What are the specs on your systems?

I'm running Win 7, nvidia gtx 580, 32gb ddr3. It's an i7 cpu but I forget the exact one(not at home right now to check)

Dr Shroom

made it in japan
15 Year Member
Dec 19, 2005
I think cutscene frame rates seem to drop because they're videos. Facial detail and responsiveness of the characters during cutscenes Look better than during actual gameplay.

It reduces immersion a bit, but it's not a deal breaker. It's in the PC version too.

Not in my version.


Sieger's Squire
Oct 30, 2012
Odd.. I haven't experienced the cutscene frame drop(at least not noticed it)

What are the specs on your systems?

I'm running Win 7, nvidia gtx 580, 32gb ddr3. It's an i7 cpu but I forget the exact one(not at home right now to check)

I have an older i7 (about 3 years old), 2 gtx titans in sli and I think 32 megs of ram. The game runs on my setup at 1080p at a consistent 60fps with all graphics options absolutely maxed. It's just the cutscenes where the rate drops. Maybe it's because the game is "optimized for amd chipsets". :rolleyes:

Btw-I think this is the first first- person game I've played where you can see your own legs and feet. I thought it was a nice touch.
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