240p Test Suite for the Neo Geo AES, MVS and NGCD


NEST Puppet
Feb 27, 2009
I am happy to share the newest version of the 240p Test Suite, now available for the Neo Geo platform. It is feature complete, with a few adjustments to make. But I'd like to hear your feedback on it. It is available for download at itchio for free as it has always been.

Suggestions are welcome.

Here's the specific feature list:
  • New font for better readability via composite video, as suggested by Pinobatch. Old font is still selectable
  • Has all patterns and features from any other version. It is the most complete fist day release to date:
  • 304 and 320 horizontal patterns, following both SNK guidelines and the full resolution.
  • Custom audio driver for sound test and MDFourier. Uses FM, PSG, ADPCM-A and ADPCM-B or CDDA when in Neo Geo CD.
  • Audio driver can also do a Z80 RAM test.
  • ADPCM-B stereo can be reversed in BIOS for MVS1C systems.
  • Includes HCFR for those interested in using a colorimeter.
  • Controller test works with all MVS ports and 4 player extension if available
Future refinements:
  • Improve Monoscope accuracy against broadcast hardware. It is very close now, but will check with Keith Raney
  • Adapt MDFourier so that the same audio recordings can be used to compare MVS, AES and NGCD since clocks differ.
  • Currently an option to limit IRE is available. This only makes sense in AES via composite video.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Hi Artemio. Thank you for this! Finally the legendary tool kit is available on the Neo!

I tested the .neo file on both the NeoSD Pro MVS and the NeoSD Pro AES, and it is working well.

*** I did find one issue - When selecting "Convergence" it takes you to the Help screen instead of the convergence test. ***

Suggestion: Currently the title displays as "240PTEST" in the NeoSD menu, but the .neo file can be changed to say "240p Test Suite" with spaces.

"ADPCM-B stereo can be reversed in BIOS for MVS1C systems." - I know that ADPCM-B is backwards on MV-1C systems, but what does this mean?


NEST Puppet
Feb 27, 2009
Hi Artemio. Thank you for this! Finally the legendary tool kit is available on the Neo!
Thanks for taking the time to use it and give feedback.
I tested the .neo file on both the NeoSD Pro MVS and the NeoSD Pro AES, and it is working well.
Great to hear that!
*** I did find one issue - When selecting "Convergence" it takes you to the Help screen instead of the convergence test. ***
Thanks! Those last moinute changes... "help" should take you to cobvergence in that build. Fixed for next iteration.
Suggestion: Currently the title displays as "240PTEST" in the NeoSD menu, but the .neo file can be changed to say "240p Test Suite" with spaces.
Will change it, thanks.
"ADPCM-B stereo can be reversed in BIOS for MVS1C systems." - I know that ADPCM-B is backwards on MV-1C systems, but what does this mean?
Since the left and right channels are swapped in the system you can enter the soft dip settings and change it to reverse those in software, so that they are output in the expected way for those systems. Here's a screen shot:


Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Since the left and right channels are swapped in the system you can enter the soft dip settings and change it to reverse those in software, so that they are output in the expected way for those systems. Here's a screen shot:

View attachment 63449
Oh, nice! I didn't look at that. That screen is called the soft dip settings.


RevQuixo. Who He?,
20 Year Member
Aug 7, 2002
I am happy to share the newest version of the 240p Test Suite, now available for the Neo Geo platform. It is feature complete, with a few adjustments to make. But I'd like to hear your feedback on it. It is available for download at itchio for free as it has always been.

View attachment 63436
Suggestions are welcome.

Here's the specific feature list:
  • New font for better readability via composite video, as suggested by Pinobatch. Old font is still selectable
  • Has all patterns and features from any other version. It is the most complete fist day release to date:
  • 304 and 320 horizontal patterns, following both SNK guidelines and the full resolution.
  • Custom audio driver for sound test and MDFourier. Uses FM, PSG, ADPCM-A and ADPCM-B or CDDA when in Neo Geo CD.
  • Audio driver can also do a Z80 RAM test.
  • ADPCM-B stereo can be reversed in BIOS for MVS1C systems.
  • Includes HCFR for those interested in using a colorimeter.
  • Controller test works with all MVS ports and 4 player extension if available
Future refinements:
  • Improve Monoscope accuracy against broadcast hardware. It is very close now, but will check with Keith Raney
  • Adapt MDFourier so that the same audio recordings can be used to compare MVS, AES and NGCD since clocks differ.
  • Currently an option to limit IRE is available. This only makes sense in AES via composite video.
Is there a game in the library that I can model for the driver?


NEST Puppet
Feb 27, 2009
Is there a game in the library that I can model for the driver?
You mean if you could use the z80 driver with another game? You could... If you mean the other way around, to use another M1 ROM for the Suite, no unless you hacked it since I specifically coded it to look for a signature upòn some commands... like in the image you post below.

Did you get that warning from the released ROMS of while experimenting? If you got form the bundled ROMS without tampering I must have made a terrible mistake somewhere.

The source code is open source so you can check it:

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RevQuixo. Who He?,
20 Year Member
Aug 7, 2002
Did you get that warning from the released ROMS of while experimenting? If you got form the bundled ROMS without tampering I must have made a terrible mistake somewhere.

Yeah, I’m using the AES/MVS release. This is what I’m using for the M rom driver.

REGION( 0x20000, CPU2, 0 ) ROM( 0, 2501-m1.m1, 0x00000, 0x10000, 0x92065500 )

Is the CRC correct?
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NEST Puppet
Feb 27, 2009
Yeah, I’m using the AES/MVS release. This is what I’m using for the M rom driver.

REGION( 0x20000, CPU2, 0 ) ROM( 0, 2501-m1.m1, 0x00000, 0x10000, 0x92065500 )

Is the CRC correct?
I just checked the published ROMS in the zip and ran them on MAME. I don't get the error. This is the xml I use for MAME:
<software name="240ptest">
<description>240p Test Suite - Neo Geo</description>
<publisher>Artemio / Dasutin</publisher>
<sharedfeat name="release" value="MVS,AES" />
<sharedfeat name="compatibility" value="MVS,AES" />
<part name="cart" interface="neo_cart">
<dataarea name="maincpu" width="16" endianness="big" size="0x100000">
<rom loadflag="load16_word_swap" name="2501-p1.p1" offset="0x0000000" size="0x100000" crc="5ce36ff3" sha1="c59beaed2e82955dc2954f844ce9be93b0024bdf" />
<dataarea name="fixed" size="0x020000">
<rom offset="0x000000" size="0x020000" name="2501-s1.s1" crc="5023f1ee" sha1="7bbf9fa1a93daf1d4e3a28b0bc12d228efbdea36" />
<dataarea name="audiocpu" size="0x010000">
<rom offset="0x000000" size="0x010000" name="2501-m1.m1" crc="92065500" sha1="040bf5a293c4140dd9a5c2a9592cf3fb5835a119" />
<dataarea name="ymsnd:adpcma" size="0x100000">
<rom offset="0x000000" size="0x0040000" name="2501-v1.v1" crc="727a6292" sha1="57666210b311c9f366203cfe88eaf10507eca143" />
<dataarea name="sprites" size="0x200000">
<rom loadflag="load16_byte" name="2501-c1.c1" offset="0x000000" size="0x100000" crc="7f0e11b9" sha1="302d82521c90017b84782bc4e50676b38be96dbf" />
<rom loadflag="load16_byte" name="2501-c2.c2" offset="0x000001" size="0x100000" crc="223c113c" sha1="8e43ce378aaf0a445fe6f68a71d32f8ca9746082" />
Here's a p rom that outputs which code it is getting in order to try and figure out what is happening in that setup.

That same warning screen will tell us which code it is receiving form the z80
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RevQuixo. Who He?,
20 Year Member
Aug 7, 2002
Here's a p rom that outputs which code it is getting in order to try and figure out what is happening in that setup.

That same warning screen will tell us which code it is receiving form the z80
Here’s what I get: also error via unibios
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RevQuixo. Who He?,
20 Year Member
Aug 7, 2002
I thought maybe it was my neogeo.zip since I hacked it up a bit to force unibios to load but tried a clean file and still have same error.


NEST Puppet
Feb 27, 2009
I thought maybe it was my neogeo.zip since I hacked it up a bit to force unibios to load but tried a clean file and still have same error.
The program calls the Z80 with command 0xD0 and expects either 0x0A, 0x0B or 0x0C. It is getting 0x00, which might mean the Z80 code is probably not running at all.

Which emulator is it so I can help you debug what is happening? I'm sorry, I tested this on at least 10 mvs systems and 4 aes, as well as neo geo CD and mame/raine. This is unexpected behavior


RevQuixo. Who He?,
20 Year Member
Aug 7, 2002
The program calls the Z80 with command 0xD0 and expects either 0x0A, 0x0B or 0x0C. It is getting 0x00, which might mean the Z80 code is probably not running at all.

Which emulator is it so I can help you debug what is happening? I'm sorry, I tested this on at least 10 mvs systems and 4 aes, as well as neo geo CD and mame/raine. This is unexpected behavior
In this case, I believe it’s an old emulator “mvsnjemu”

When I try out the sound stuff - I do get results.