ç__ç it so beautiful!!!

Dash no Chris

Jaguar Ninja,
Mar 14, 2002
Big Bruno said:
I see it is at $1=109.69 yen now (still going up). But I realize as the terror alert drops so will the coversion rate :(
Yeah, the sooner Bush and his "a weak dollar is good for the U.S. economy" bullshit are out of the Oval Office, the better I'll like it.


Big Bruno

20 Year Member
Aug 18, 2000
Dash no Chris said:
Hey, BB -- if you don't mind my asking, what's CDJapan's total (estimated) charge for this one? If my calculations are correct, it looks like they'd be asking $172.38 - $176.30 [$138.05 for the boxed set + ($26.12 - $29.85 for EMS shipping) + ($8.21 - $8.40 for their 5% "handling" charge)].


ok just checked the bank,

They charged my card exactly 173.85 . they Quoted me a exchange rate of $1 = 107.21 yen but when the charge went in looks like a got a better rate since they charge me in Yen. looks like $1=108.72 yen