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  1. B

    Last Hope: Pink Bullets by NG:DEV Team coming to MVS format this year (2010)!

    Release date is TBA/2010 Updates compared to the first game. * Increased player weapon power * Overall increased visibility and decreased difficulty * New elaborated scoring system * Increase your two multipliers by absorbing bullets with your pod and chaining enemies with your...
  2. B

    Fast Striker, a NEW Neo Geo vertizontal shooter from NG:Dev Team!

    As reported in German gaming mag M!Games NG: DEV Team (Last Hope) are to release a new Neo Geo shoot 'em up called Fast Striker in Q3 2010. - Game will be released for MVS and distributed to arcades. Further there will be a cheaper "consumer MVS" version with forced freeplay. - It...
  3. B

    Why arcade games are always better than console ones.

    Consider this, Arcade games must... -be immediately fun to play and be able to play immediately without interruption -be competitive when it's a versus and challenging when single player and -be finely tuned and balanced because... BE CAUSE. . . other wise no one would play it more than once...