Search results

  1. Vixen

    Mysterious one slot eating cab

    I ahve got a problem with my cab. It is a four slot but andrew has informed me he has clipped a one slot inside to keep it out of the way. Well i cant see this extra one slot anywhere and i have been informed not to move the cab into the games room without unclipping the one slot or i will...
  2. Vixen


    Happy birthday old man. Have a good one :cool: xXx
  3. Vixen

    Can you tell if.... ?

    I was busy in the war room trying to erase my post count... A mod has decided it would be 'humorous' to add thousands on when i get down to only 20 odd to go! Can you find out which mod it is? lol. Mean people :( MODS - please give me a post count of -1 plz :( I'll be good from now on? :conf:
  4. Vixen

    All times are GMT +1. The time now is 10:45 PM.

    What?? Im in GMT and it infact is 10:45pm so wtf? :eek:
  5. Vixen

    Chocolate covered pretzels

    Where are they now? :(
  6. Vixen

    Starting them young

    Me and Andy got a cab today... My 18 month old daughter is now hooked!!! talk about starting them young :buttrock:
  7. Vixen

    Kung Fu Hustle ?

    i dont know if any of you have actually seen kung fu hustle yet, but i advise you all to watch it. its not GREAT but it does produce a couple of laughs along its merry way. (plus boys, you get your fighting -oooh aaah) its out in UK in about a week or so i believe :shame: dont miss it biznitches