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  1. O

    Little problem on consolized MV 1FZ and suggestion for all

    Hi I've just consolized a MV 1FZ, I've modified board to have stereo sound like Jeff Kurtz esplaned into his doc, and it works, just audio level is bit low. Come to problem, my system works very well but just when it is just switched on and for first 30 mins I see thiny horizontal bars move fast...
  2. O

    Why AES View Point......

    ... has non 2 player mode at same time? The MVS is different, is not competitive 2 player mode but cooperative. Is there a problem in the AES cart? Has other MVS games difference in AES version like View Point? :help:
  3. O

    Which model I have?

    I have a AES with power supply 220v. in 5v. out, I have seen in the neo store and this model in not sold. Now it works but I want know if is this power supply avaible anymore. My machine is original unmodded. I buyed it direct from italian distributors (Generalgame) when he was started to import...
  4. O

    Mi avete fatto ritornare la voglia....

    :) Un saluto a tutti ho iniziato a leggere questo forum per caso qualche mese fa. Leggendolo mi sono ritornate in mente emozioni di tanto tempo fa. Ricordo che la prima volta che ho sentito parlare del NEO GEO, purtroppo non ricordo l'anno, fu leggendo una rivista, credo fosse CONSOLEMANIA o...