Search results

  1. R

    Suggest some arcade PCB shops

    I was just looking for some suggestions for places that sell used/new arcade PCB's. I only know a few, but I know there's more. I tried searching on Google, but got few useful results. I am mainly looking for places that members here have bought from, so I know that they offer original boards...
  2. R

    Metal Slug 4 bug?

    For those that have MS4 MVS, has it ever locked up on you? The one at work freezes hard every now and then, and it's ALWAYS at the same point. In the attract mode where the character is riding the bike, and they drive by the Metal Slug sign in the background and blow up a truck in front of it...
  3. R

    Question about Puzzle Bobble/Bust a Move cart (boot?)

    Does anyone here have an original MVS PB/BM cartridge? I bought one a while back, and it looks quite a bit different than other games I have and have seen. The case is white plastic with an area on one side with an indented rectangle with an embossed SNK lettering, with an embossed G after that...