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  1. G

    Ikaruga to GameCube

    - A spokesperson for Infogrames Japan told IGNcube today that the company has picked up the rights to publish Ikaruga for Nintendo's next-generation console. The company plans to release the GCN update worldwide in early January 2003 under its Atari Games brand. Ikaruga, developed by Treasure...
  2. G

    Impotant MVS MOTW Help us please!

    I recently bought a MVS Mark of the wolves because our local Arcade blows dick on new Neo games.It is a brand New MVS US Kit with serials.The problem is all the buttons work in the menu and choosing characters.But none work when actually playing the game only the joysticks work while fighting.I...
  3. G

    Has anyone seen a mark of the wolves in the arcade??

    I've been to every arcade in tampa and the only place that has any mvs systems doesnt have a single mark of the wolves. thats pretty homo, i really want to play this game.
  4. G

    I'm out of tokens.

    Im out of tokens for the arcade. Please send all the unused arcade tokens you have to 117 westwhore plaza, Get Fucked, Florida 33609. thank you have a great day.