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  1. S

    wtb prehistoric isle 2 or strikers 1945 aes

    anyone willing to sell their copy?
  2. S

    possible new neo game fever sos [bullet gun feveron]

    ran into this game on youtube and it said neo geo on the title could be one of them neo geo homebrew games looks pretty decent! what you guys think about this? Watch "Fever SOS (Bullet Gun Feveron) - Neo Geo Longplay…" on YouTube Fever SOS (Bullet Gun Feveron) - Neo Geo Longplay…...
  3. S

    question about how many colors the neo geo displays onscreen

    does the neo geo really display 4096 colors on screen and 15 colors per character? and what games shows off the neo's 4096 colors on screen the best.
  4. S

    question about low serial US aes system

    i looked at the bottom of my US aes system and notice that i have a low serial number of 16 is that a good thing to have?
  5. S

    WTB prehistoric isle or strikers 1945 conversions

    anyone who owns these titles willing to part and sell one of them?